In this lab you will use both imperative and declarative methods to scale a ReplicaSet or Deployment. You will then learn to use the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler hpa
to leverage heapster based metrics to scale a deployment.
Deploy the kaur application
Use evillgenius/kuar:1, create a deployment with the service exposed on port 80 and 2 replicas.
kubectl create -f config\scaleapp.yaml
Wait for the service to spin up and verify it is publicly accessible by going to the public IP in a browser.
Scale the deployment
Scale the deployment to 4
kubectl scale --replicas=4 --namespace=my-ns deployment/my-deploy
While using the
kubectl scale
command is good for emergency type situations or one off scaling. In a declarative world, we make changes by editing the manifest file directly then applying the changes to the api:... spec: replicas: 4 ...
Apply the original changes to scale the replica's back to 2
kubectl apply -f config\scaleapp.yaml
Set the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to scale the deployment based on cpu. Use the
kubectl autoscale deploy
with a min, max and cpu-percent options to scale the service based on cpu usage above 80%. Set the minimum pods as 5 and max as 10.kubectl autoscale deployment my-deploy --namespace=my-ns --min=5 --max=10 --cpu-percent=80
Get the status of the autoscaler.
kubectl get hpa --namespace=my-ns
Clean Up
kubectl delete -f config\scaleapp.yaml
- Take a look scaling nodes in AKS.