In this lab you will deploy some basic kubernetes resources for a sample application.
Create a Pod manifest file (
) that has the following parameters- name: my-pod
- Uses 2 Labels
- zone = prod
- version = v1
- image = evillgenius/kuar:1
- Exposes port 8080
Deploy the Pod manifest
Execute the manifest file:
kubectl create -f config\pod.yaml
Expose the Pod by port forwarding:
kubectl port-forward my-pod 8080:8080
(will run in the background)Verify the the endpoint locally:
Stop the port forwarding command.
Create a Deploy manifest file (
) using the same parameters as above but add- Create 3 replicas of the app
- Use a RollingUpdate strategy maxUnavailable = 1 and maxSurge = 1
Deploy the Deploy manifest
Execute the manifest file:
kubectl create -f config\deploy.yaml
Expose the Pod by port forwarding:
kubectl port-forward my-pod 8080:8080
(will run in the background)Verify the the endpoint locally:
Stop the port forwarding command (Control + c)
Create a Service manifest file (
) that exposes the container using a LoadBalancer -
Deploy the Service manifest
Execute the manifest file:
kubectl create -f config\service.yaml
Note: Creating a public endpoint can take up to a few minutes. You can run
kubectl get service -w
until an external IP is shown. You will also be able to view the public IP from the portal.Verify the the endpoint publicly: http://:8080/
Clean Up
kubectl delete pods,deployments,services,namespaces --all
Note: some namespaces can not be deleted, and the kubernetes service should restart automatically.
Create an App manifest file (`myhealthyapp.yaml') that combines the Deploy and Service manifests and adds Health Checks
- The kuar app has an http /healthy path listening on port 8080 for Liveness
- The kuar app has an http /ready path listening on port 8080 for Readiness
Deploy the App manifest
Execute the manifest file:
kubectl create -f config\myhealthyapp.yaml
Change your context
The myhealthyapp manifest put everything in the 'my-ns' namespace. The current context is the default k8s namespace. In order to see the new deployment/services/pods, the namespace context must be my-ns.
Use the
kubectl config view
command to view the current cluster configuration. This should look something like:
[vagrant@default-centos-74 hackfest]$ kubectl config view
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: REDACTED
name: hackfestK8sCluster
- cluster:
certificate-authority-data: REDACTED
name: hackfestk8-kubernetes-hackf-ea55d6mgmt
- context:
cluster: hackfestK8sCluster
user: clusterUser_Kubernetes-Hackfest_hackfestK8sCluster
name: hackfestK8sCluster
- context:
cluster: hackfestk8-kubernetes-hackf-ea55d6mgmt
user: hackfestk8-kubernetes-hackf-ea55d6mgmt-admin
name: hackfestk8-kubernetes-hackf-ea55d6mgmt
current-context: hackfestk8-kubernetes-hackf-ea55d6mgmt
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: clusterUser_Kubernetes-Hackfest_hackfestK8sCluster
client-certificate-data: REDACTED
client-key-data: REDACTED
token: dac003cceb03ceb3977f83a7bf9b28f7
- name: hackfestk8-kubernetes-hackf-ea55d6mgmt-admin
client-certificate-data: REDACTED
client-key-data: REDACTED
[vagrant@default-centos-74 hackfest]$
The "current-context" needs to bee changed. Before changing the context, a new (human readable) context must be created. This is done, as follows, using the information that was displayed on your terminal (similar to above):
kubectl config set-context my-ns --namespace=my-ns \
--cluster=hackfestk8-kubernetes-hackf-ea55d6mgmt \
With this, the namespace will show up in the kubectl config view
similar to the following:
- context:
cluster: hackfestk8-kubernetes-hackf-ea55d6mgmt
namespace: my-ns
user: hackfestk8-kubernetes-hackf-ea55d6mgmt-admin
name: my-ns
With the new context created, simply switch to that context and then all actions occur in that context:
[vagrant@default-centos-74 hackfest]$ kubectl config use-context my-ns
Switched to context "my-ns".
[vagrant@default-centos-74 hackfest]$ kubectl get pods
my-healthydeploy-2191437352-8jxn6 1/1 Running 0 1h
my-healthydeploy-2191437352-k7dph 1/1 Running 0 1h
my-healthydeploy-2191437352-lcr09 1/1 Running 0 1h
[vagrant@default-centos-74 hackfest]$
Once in the right context, you can check the status of the service to get the endpoint IP address: kubectl get service my-healthysvc
, eventually it will show an external IP.
Verify the the endpoint publicly: http://:8080/
Navigate to the liveness and readiness pages: http://:8080/-/liveness & http://:8080/-/readiness
Open the K8S cluster and monitor failures as you experiment with sending failures
- Clean Up again
- Deploy a Pod that has multiple containers in a single Pod.
- Change the image version of your deployment and cause a RollingUpdate.
- Rollback an update