Write a method to see if a binary tree is "superbalanced" – a tree is "superbalanced" if the difference between the depths of any two leaf nodes (a tree node with no children) is no greater than one.
Here's a sample binary tree node class:
class BinaryTreeNode
attr_accessor :value
attr_reader :left, :right
def initialize(value)
@value = value
@left = nil
@right = nil
def insert_left(value)
@left = BinaryTreeNode.new(value)
return @left
def insert_right(value)
@right = BinaryTreeNode.new(value)
return @right
A binary tree is a tree where every node has two or fewer children. The children are usually called @left and @right.
class BinaryTreeNode
attr_accessor :value, :left, :right
def initialize(value)
@value = value
@left = nil
@right = nil
This lets us build a structure like this:
That particular example is special because every level of the tree is completely full. There are no "gaps". We call this kind of tree "perfect".
Binary trees have a few interesting properties when they're perfect:
- Property 1: the number of total nodes on each "level" doubles as we move down the tree.
- Property 2: the number of nodes on the last level is equal to the sum of the number of nodes on all other levels (plus 1). In other words, about half of our nodes are on the last level.