A Dhall package to configure NATS.
Include the types for the NATS Server and its Config format.
, Server = ./server/package.dhall
, Conf = ./conf/package.dhall
, K8S = ./k8s/package.dhall
Includes the NATS.Conf
format types and NATS.Conf/render
, toConf = ./toConf.dhall
, Config = ./config.dhall
, ClusterConfig = ./config/cluster.dhall
, LoggingConfig = ./config/logging.dhall
let ClusterConfig = ./config/cluster.dhall
let LoggingConfig = ./config/logging.dhall
let Config
: Type
= {
, host : Text
, port : Natural
, cluster : Optional ClusterConfig.Type
, logging : Optional LoggingConfig.Type
let default =
, host = ""
, port = 4222
, cluster = None ClusterConfig.Type
, logging = None LoggingConfig.Type
in { default = default, Type = Config }
let LoggingConfig
: Type
= {
, debug : Bool
, trace : Bool
, logtime : Bool
let default =
{ , debug = False
, trace = False
, logtime = False
in { default = default, Type = LoggingConfig }
let ClusterConfig
: Type
= {
, host : Text
, port : Natural
, routes : List Text
, clusterAdvertise : Text
, noAdvertise : Bool
let default =
{ , host = ""
, port = 6222
, routes = [] : List Text
, clusterAdvertise = ""
, noAdvertise = False
in { default = default, Type = ClusterConfig }
let Natural/equal =
let List/concat =
let List/map =
let Natural/enumerate =
let Config = ./config.dhall
let ClusterConfig = ./config/cluster.dhall
let LoggingConfig = ./config/logging.dhall
let NATS/Cluster = ./cluster.dhall
let NATS/Conf = ../conf/package.dhall
let toConf =
{- toConf takes a NATS Server Config and generates the NATS/Conf type object
that can be rendered
λ(nats : Config.Type)
→ let port = Natural/toInteger nats.port
-- Initialize empty config
let empty = [ ] : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : NATS/Conf.Type }
-- Add the port, work with records that can be merged
let clientConf = toMap {
port = NATS/Conf.integer port
let clusterConf = merge
, Some = \(cluster : ClusterConfig.Type) -> (toMap {
, cluster = NATS/Conf.object (toMap {
, port = NATS/Conf.integer (Natural/toInteger cluster.port)
, None = empty
} nats.cluster
-- NOTE: Ideally we should omit all the false ones from the output.
let loggingConf = merge
, Some = \(logging : LoggingConfig.Type) -> (toMap {
, debug = NATS/Conf.bool logging.debug
, trace = NATS/Conf.bool logging.trace
, logtime = NATS/Conf.bool logging.logtime
, None = empty
} nats.logging
let conf = List/concat { mapKey : Text, mapValue : NATS/Conf.Type } [
, clientConf
, clusterConf
, loggingConf
-- Return the list of configured blocks as NATS/Conf types
in NATS/Conf.object conf
in toConf
, Cluster = ./cluster.dhall
, toK8S = ./toK8S.dhall
, toList = ./toList.dhall
let Config = ../server/config.dhall
let Cluster
: Type
= { name : Text
, namespace : Text
, image : Text
, size : Natural
, externalAccess : Bool
, config : Config.Type
let default =
{ name = None Text
, namespace = "default"
, image = "nats:latest"
, size = 1
, externalAccess = False
, config = Config::{=}
in { default = default, Type = Cluster }
let kubernetes =
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes/v4.0.0/1.17/package.dhall sha256:d9eac5668d5ed9cb3364c0a39721d4694e4247dad16d8a82827e4619ee1d6188
let NATS/Server/toConf = ../server/toConf.dhall
let NATS/Server/Config = ../server/config.dhall
let NATS/Conf/render = ../conf/render
let NATS/K8S/Cluster = ./cluster.dhall
let toK8S =
λ(nats : NATS/K8S/Cluster.Type) →
let labels = Some (toMap { app = nats.name })
let metadata =
, name = nats.name
, labels
, namespace = Some nats.namespace
let cmMetadata =
, name = "${nats.name}-config"
, labels
, namespace = Some nats.namespace
let clientHostPort =
if nats.externalAccess
then Some nats.config.port
else None Natural
let clientPort =
, containerPort = nats.config.port
, name = Some nats.name
, hostPort = clientHostPort
let natsConfFile = "nats.conf"
let natsConf = NATS/Server/toConf nats.config
let serverConfig = NATS/Conf/render natsConf
let cm =
, metadata = cmMetadata
, data = Some
[ { mapKey = natsConfFile, mapValue = serverConfig } ]
let configVolume =
, name = "config-volume"
, configMap = Some kubernetes.ConfigMapVolumeSource::{
, name = Some cmMetadata.name
let configVolMount =
, name = configVolume.name
, mountPath = "/etc/nats"
let command =
[ "/nats-server"
, "-c"
, "${configVolMount.mountPath}/${natsConfFile}"
let natsContainer =
, name = "nats"
, image = Some nats.image
, ports = Some [ clientPort ]
, command = Some command
, volumeMounts = Some [ configVolMount ]
let sts =
, metadata
, spec = Some kubernetes.StatefulSetSpec::{
, serviceName = nats.name
, selector = kubernetes.LabelSelector::{ matchLabels = labels }
, replicas = Some nats.size
, template = kubernetes.PodTemplateSpec::{
, metadata
, spec = Some kubernetes.PodSpec::{
, containers = [ natsContainer ]
, volumes = Some [ configVolume ]
let svc =
, metadata
, spec = Some kubernetes.ServiceSpec::{
, selector = labels
, clusterIP = Some "None"
, ports = Some
[ kubernetes.ServicePort::{
, name = Some "client"
, port = nats.config.port
, targetPort = Some
(kubernetes.IntOrString.Int nats.config.port)
in { StatefulSet = sts, ConfigMap = cm, Service = svc }
in toK8S
let kind =
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes/v4.0.0/1.17/typesUnion.dhall sha256:61d9d79f8de701e9442a796f35cf1761a33c9d60e0dadb09f882c9eb60978323
let kubernetes =
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dhall-lang/dhall-kubernetes/v4.0.0/1.17/package.dhall sha256:d9eac5668d5ed9cb3364c0a39721d4694e4247dad16d8a82827e4619ee1d6188
let NATS/K8S/Cluster : Type = {
, StatefulSet : kubernetes.StatefulSet.Type
, ConfigMap : kubernetes.ConfigMap.Type
, Service : kubernetes.Service.Type
in let toList =
λ(nats : NATS/K8S/Cluster)
→ { apiVersion = "v1"
, kind = "List"
, items =
[ kind.StatefulSet nats.StatefulSet
, kind.ConfigMap nats.ConfigMap
, kind.Service nats.Service
in toList