diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 0db3e9d0a..bb369eee3 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -6099,7 +6099,7 @@ provide this chain in the attestation information.
In order to perform an [=authentication ceremony=], the [=[RP]=] MUST proceed as follows:
1. Let |options| be a new {{CredentialRequestOptions}} structure configured to the [=[RP]=]'s needs for the ceremony.
- Let |pkOptions| be |options|.{{CredentialCreationOptions/publicKey}}
+ Let |pkOptions| be |options|.{{CredentialRequestOptions/publicKey}}
1. Call {{CredentialsContainer/get()|navigator.credentials.get()}} and pass |options| as the argument.
Let |credential| be the result of the successfully resolved promise.