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June 4, 2019 Meeting

Matt King edited this page Jun 4, 2019 · 5 revisions

Agenda for June 4, 2019

Setup and review agenda -- 5 minutes.

Values of haspopup other than true for ARIA 1.0 comboboxes

Start at 11:05 -- 10 minutes

Draft aria-labelledby guidance

Start at 11:15 -- 15 minutes

  • Preview of aria-labelledby section in labeling and describing branch
  • We will discuss guidance and warnings for aria-label and aria-labelledby.
  • They currently do not reflect limitations on references to explicitly vs implicitly hidden content; perhaps an ARIA spec discussion?
  • Currently they do not accurately reflect caviots provided by Bryan.
    1. The aria-labelledby referrals can only be followed once, and not on any subsequent elements if encountered there such as by chaining aria-labelledby attributes together on different elements. Only the first will be followed and no others.
    2. You cannot nest aria-labelledby references, where you have aria-labelledby on the root node as well as on a child node of the root node. In this last case, only the root node will be traversed and none of the child nodes will be parsed.
    3. Any node that is parsed in the tree as a child or owned element via aria-owns, or as part of an aria-labelledby or aria-describedby traversal, can only be processed once and will be ignored by any other references to itself later by any other attribute or process during this computation. This prevents infinite loops from occurring. So, only the first instance of this node will be processed when encountered in the order of the naming computation, and not by any others after that.

Guidance on Composing Effective and User-friendly Accessible Names

Start at 11:30 -- 10 minutes.

Naming Guidance by Role

Start at 11:40 -- 5 minutes

Rationale behind children presentational not being true on menuitem

Start at 11:45 - 10 minutes

Issue triage

(If there is any time remaining)

  • Triage open issues missing labels
  • Triaged issues have:
    • One of the labels that indicates type of issue: bug, enhancement, editorial, documentation, maintenance
    • One of the labels that indicates part of APG: code example, pattern, guidance
    • A milestone indicating target resolution date
    • If related to a pattern or code example, it is assigned to a project.
  • Unlabeled issues needing triage

Future meetings and other business

Start at 11:55 -- 5 minutes.

  • Discuss topics for next meeting on June 11
  • Meet June 18? Matt unable to attend due to M-Enabling Conference.
  • Other business for future agendas?

Meeting Resources

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