From 8e25c26efc932960a1449cf65de36dada371c867 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jungkee Song Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2018 17:33:42 +0900 Subject: [PATCH] Improve service worker script caching and update (#1283) This change includes/considers the following: - Include imported scripts to byte-check (for classic scripts). - Compare responses' body instead of source text as per - Handle duplicate importScripts() as per #1041. - Remove imported scripts updated flag referenced in importScripts() by using service worker's state item instead. - Have Update's perform the fetch steps cover module scripts. - Confirm dobule-download of imported scripts pointed out in never happens; importing a script again always gets the result from the cache. This change basically gets the imported scripts included to the byte-check for updates. Update continues with Install if any of the (main or imported) resources has been changed. This change also makes any duplicated requests (including the main script) from importScripts() return the result from the cache. Fixes #839, #1041, #1212, #1023. --- docs/ | 81 ++++++---- docs/index.html | 364 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- docs/v1/ | 81 ++++++---- docs/v1/index.html | 358 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------- 4 files changed, 505 insertions(+), 379 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/ index 0b5dd618..94257ae2 100644 --- a/docs/ +++ b/docs/ @@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix: A [=/service worker=] has an associated skip waiting flag. Unless stated otherwise it is unset. - A [=/service worker=] has an associated imported scripts updated flag. It is initially unset. + A [=/service worker=] has an associated classic scripts imported flag. It is initially unset. A [=/service worker=] has an associated set of event types to handle (a [=ordered set|set=]) whose [=list/item=] is an event listener's event type. It is initially an empty set. @@ -2027,22 +2027,22 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix: When the importScripts(|urls|) method is called on a {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object, the user agent *must* import scripts into worker global scope, given this {{ServiceWorkerGlobalScope}} object and |urls|, and with the following steps to [=fetching scripts/perform the fetch=] given the [=/request=] |request|: 1. Let |serviceWorker| be |request|'s [=request/client=]'s [=environment settings object/global object=]'s [=ServiceWorkerGlobalScope/service worker=]. - 1. If |serviceWorker|'s imported scripts updated flag is unset, then: - 1. Let |registration| be |serviceWorker|'s [=containing service worker registration=]. - 1. Set |request|'s [=service-workers mode=] to "`none`". - 1. Set |request|'s [=request/cache mode=] to "no-cache" if any of the following are true: - * |registration|'s [=service worker registration/update via cache mode=] is "`none`". - * The [=current global object=]'s [=force bypass cache for importscripts flag=] is set. - * |registration|'s [=last update check time=] is not null and the time difference in seconds calculated by the current time minus |registration|’s [=last update check time=] is greater than 86400. - 1. Let |response| be the result of fetching |request|. - 1. If |response|’s cache state is not "local", set |registration|’s [=service worker registration/last update check time=] to the current time. - 1. [=Extract a MIME type=] from the |response|'s [=unsafe response=]'s [=response/header list=]. If this MIME type (ignoring parameters) is not a [=JavaScript MIME type=], return a [=network error=]. - 1. If |response|'s unsafe response's [=response/type=] is not "error", and |response|'s [=response/status=] is an ok status, then: - 1. [=map/Set=] script resource map[|request|'s [=request/url=]] to |response|. - 1. Return |response|. - 1. Else: - 1. If script resource map[|url|] [=map/exists=], return script resource map[|url|]. - 1. Else, return a network error. + 1. If |serviceWorker|'s [=script resource map=][|request|'s [=request/url=]] [=map/exists=], return the [=map/entry=]'s [=map/value=]. + 1. If |serviceWorker|'s [=state=] is not *parsed* or *installing*, return a [=network error=]. + 1. Let |registration| be |serviceWorker|'s [=containing service worker registration=]. + 1. Set |request|'s [=service-workers mode=] to "`none`". + 1. Set |request|'s [=request/cache mode=] to "`no-cache`" if any of the following are true: + * |registration|'s [=service worker registration/update via cache mode=] is "`none`". + * The [=current global object=]'s [=force bypass cache for importscripts flag=] is set. + * |registration|'s [=last update check time=] is not null and the time difference in seconds calculated by the current time minus |registration|’s [=last update check time=] is greater than 86400. + 1. Let |response| be the result of [=fetch|fetching=] |request|. + 1. Set |response| to |response|'s [=unsafe response=]. + 1. If |response|’s cache state is not "`local`", set |registration|’s [=service worker registration/last update check time=] to the current time. + 1. [=Extract a MIME type=] from the |response|'s [=response/header list=]. If this MIME type (ignoring parameters) is not a [=JavaScript MIME type=], return a [=network error=]. + 1. If |response|'s [=response/type=] is not "`error`", and |response|'s [=response/status=] is an ok status, then: + 1. [=map/Set=] |serviceWorker|'s [=script resource map=][|request|'s [=request/url=]] to |response|. + 1. Set |serviceWorker|'s [=classic scripts imported flag=]. + 1. Return |response|. @@ -2069,7 +2069,7 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix:


- [=/Service workers=] introduce new persistent storage features including scope to registration map (for [=/service worker registrations=] and their [=/service workers=]), [=request response list=] and name to cache map (for caches), and script resource map (for script resources). In order to protect users from any potential unsanctioned tracking threat, these persistent storages *should* be cleared when users intend to clear them and *should* maintain and interoperate with existing user controls e.g. purging all existing persistent storages. + [=/Service workers=] introduce new persistent storage features including scope to registration map (for [=/service worker registrations=] and their [=/service workers=]), [=request response list=] and name to cache map (for caches), and [=script resource map=] (for script resources). In order to protect users from any potential unsanctioned tracking threat, these persistent storages *should* be cleared when users intend to clear them and *should* maintain and interoperate with existing user controls e.g. purging all existing persistent storages.
@@ -2371,6 +2371,8 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix: 1. Invoke Finish Job with |job| and abort these steps. 1. Let |httpsState| be "none". 1. Let |referrerPolicy| be the empty string. + 1. Let |hasUpdatedResources| be false. + 1. Let |updatedResourceMap| be an [=ordered map=] where the [=map/keys=] are [=/URLs=] and the [=map/values=] are [=/responses=]. 1. Switching on |job|'s worker type, run these substeps with the following options: : "classic" @@ -2418,10 +2420,28 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix: 1. Else: 1. Invoke [=Reject Job Promise=] with |job| and "{{SecurityError}}" {{DOMException}}. 1. Asynchronously complete these steps with a network error. + 1. Set |updatedResourceMap|[|request|'s [=request/url=]] to |response|. 1. If |response|'s cache state is not "local", set |registration|'s last update check time to the current time. Issue: The response's cache state concept had been removed from fetch. The fetch issue #376 tracks the request to restore the concept or add some similar way to check this state. + 1. If |newestWorker| is null, or |newestWorker|'s [=script resource map=][|request|'s [=request/url=]]'s [=response/body=] is not byte-for-byte identical with |response|'s [=response/body=], set |hasUpdatedResources| to true. + 1. Else if |newestWorker|'s [=classic scripts imported flag=] is set, then: + 1. [=map/For each=] |url| → |storedResponse| of |newestWorker|'s [=script resource map=]: + 1. Let |request| be a new [=/request=] whose [=request/url=] is |url|, [=request/client=] is |job|'s [=job/client=], [=request/destination=] is "`script`", [=request/parser metadata=] is "`not parser-inserted`", [=request/synchronous flag=] is set, and whose [=request/use-URL-credentials flag=] is set. + 1. Set |request|'s [=request/cache mode=] to "`no-cache`" if any of the following are true: + * |registration|'s [=service worker registration/update via cache mode=] is "`none`". + * |job|'s [=force bypass cache flag=] is set. + * |registration|'s [=last update check time=] is not null and the time difference in seconds calculated by the current time minus |registration|’s [=last update check time=] is greater than 86400. + 1. Let |fetchedResponse| be the result of [=fetch|fetching=] |request|. + 1. Set |fetchedResponse| to |fetchedResponse|'s [=unsafe response=]. + 1. Set |updatedResourceMap|[|request|'s [=request/url=]] to |fetchedResponse|. + 1. If |fetchedResponse|'s cache state is not "local", set |registration|’s [=last update check time=] to the current time. + 1. [=Extract a MIME type=] from the |fetchedResponse|'s [=response/header list=]. If this MIME type (ignoring parameters) is not a [=JavaScript MIME type=], asynchronously complete these steps with a [=network error=]. + 1. If |fetchedResponse|'s [=response/type=] is "`error`", or |fetchedResponse|'s [=response/status=] is not an [=ok status=], asynchronously complete these steps with a [=network error=]. + 1. If |fetchedResponse|'s [=response/body=] is not byte-for-byte identical with |storedResponse|'s [=response/body=], set |hasUpdatedResources| to true. + + Note: The control does not break the loop in this step to continue with all the imported scripts to populate the cache. 1. Return true. If the algorithm asynchronously completes with null, then: @@ -2434,20 +2454,20 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix: 1. Invoke Finish Job with |job| and abort these steps. Else, continue the rest of these steps after the algorithm's asynchronous completion, with |script| being the asynchronous completion value. - - 1. If |newestWorker| is not null, |newestWorker|'s [=service worker/script url=] [=url/equals=] |job|'s [=job/script url=], and |script|'s [=source text=] is a byte-for-byte match with |newestWorker|'s [=script resource=]'s [=source text=], if |script| is a [=classic script=], and |script|'s [=module script/module record=]'s \[[ECMAScriptCode]] is a byte-for-byte match with |newestWorker|'s [=script resource=]'s [=module script/module record=]'s \[[ECMAScriptCode]] otherwise, then: + 1. If |hasUpdatedResources| is false, then: 1. Invoke [=Resolve Job Promise=] with |job| and |registration|. + 1. Invoke [=Finish Job=] with |job| and abort these steps. + 1. Let |worker| be a new [=/service worker=]. + 1. Set |worker|'s [=service worker/script url=] to |job|'s [=job/script url=], |worker|'s script resource to |script|, and |worker|'s [=service worker/type=] to |job|'s worker type. + 1. [=map/For each=] |url| → |response| of |updatedResourceMap|: + 1. Set |worker|'s [=script resource map=][|url|] to |response|. + 1. Set |worker|'s script resource's HTTPS state to |httpsState|. + 1. Set |worker|'s script resource's [=script resource/referrer policy=] to |referrerPolicy|. + 1. Invoke Run Service Worker algorithm given |worker|, and with the *force bypass cache for importscripts flag* set if |job|'s [=job/force bypass cache flag=] is set. + 1. If an uncaught runtime script error occurs during the above step, then: + 1. Invoke [=Reject Job Promise=] with |job| and `TypeError`. + 1. If |newestWorker| is null, invoke Clear Registration algorithm passing |registration| as its argument. 1. Invoke Finish Job with |job| and abort these steps. - 1. Else: - 1. Let |worker| be a new [=/service worker=]. - 1. Set |worker|'s [=service worker/script url=] to |job|'s [=job/script url=], |worker|'s script resource to |script|, and |worker|'s [=service worker/type=] to |job|'s worker type. - 1. Set |worker|'s script resource's HTTPS state to |httpsState|. - 1. Set |worker|'s script resource's [=script resource/referrer policy=] to |referrerPolicy|. - 1. Invoke Run Service Worker algorithm given |worker|, and with the *force bypass cache for importscripts flag* set if |job|'s [=job/force bypass cache flag=] is set. - 1. If an uncaught runtime script error occurs during the above step, then: - 1. Invoke [=Reject Job Promise=] with |job| and `TypeError`. - 1. If |newestWorker| is null, invoke Clear Registration algorithm passing |registration| as its argument. - 1. Invoke Finish Job with |job| and abort these steps. 1. Invoke Install algorithm with |job|, |worker|, and |registration| as its arguments. @@ -2509,7 +2529,6 @@ spec: webappsec-referrer-policy; urlPrefix: 1. Run the Update Registration State algorithm passing |registration|, "installing" and null as the arguments. 1. If |newestWorker| is null, invoke Clear Registration algorithm passing |registration| as its argument. 1. Invoke Finish Job with |job| and abort these steps. - 1. Set |registration|'s installing worker's imported scripts updated flag. 1. If |registration|'s waiting worker is not null, then: 1. [=Terminate Service Worker|Terminate=] |registration|'s [=waiting worker=]. 1. Run the [=Update Worker State=] algorithm passing |registration|'s [=waiting worker=] and *redundant* as the arguments. diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html index d4930d25..0fe1a74f 100644 --- a/docs/index.html +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -1177,9 +1177,9 @@ } - + - + - + - +