- URLs for Events to avoid timeouts
- Remove scenario "Create quick order by uploading xls with one valid and one invalid sku line item"
- Fix syncCheckoutUICustom testcase
- Updated Shipping Information Regex to not do strict match
- Location availability - Fix 2.8 testcase
Location availability - Fix 2.8 testcase
Location availability - Reenter postal code only for 2.8 testcase
- E2E Tests improvements
- [ENGINEERS-119] Changed the order of login test to be after app link
- Added CI in cypress vtex environment variables
- Increasse delay for address type
- [ENGINEERS-1184] Fixed TypeError: axios is not a function
- [ENGINEERS-1066] Dependabot reported vulnerabilities (eventsource)
- [ENGINEERS-1066] Dependabot reported vulnerabilities (axios)
- [ENGINEERS-1066] Dependabot reported vulnerabilities (json5)
- [ENGINEERS-1066] Dependabot reported vulnerabilities
- [ENGINEERS-1148] Added logs for organization creation testcases
- [ENGINEERS-1173] - Improve sessions validation in all places
- Added reloadOnLastNAttempts cypress custom command
- [ENGINEERS-1173] - Improve sessions validation & add delay between retries to handle slow responses
- [ENGINEERS-1155] Created cypress custom command to add graphqlLogs
- Added fedex shipping logs
- Include attempt number in testcase title
- [ENGINEERS-1156] From beforeEach block, Write testcase title to log file
- [ENGINEERS-1126] Check status of login page after workspace creation
- [ENGINEERS-1162] Fix regex to check orderForm configuration status
- [ENGINEERS-1150] Fix output message status
- [ENGINEERS-1150] Fix resource reservation expected status
- [ENGINEERS-1088] Checking dependency specs over specs on strategy to fail fast
- [ENGINEERS-1065] Added cy.qe command for write logs
- For shopper location, location availability, quickorder - Use cy.qe command to write logs
- [ENGINEERS-1097] In adyen tests, for refunds testcase use lower rate products
- [ENGINEERS-1087] Added send invoice test in refund
- [ENGINEERS-1074] Detection of base folder to start the test
- [ENGINEERS-1075] Detection of missing specs before start the test
- [ENGINEERS-1076] Detection of mixed path specs before start the test
- Validate $ in minicart
- In organization request, add delay in typing for postalcode and street
- For create organization request update hardRetries from 2 to 1
- Improvement of shopper location & location availability
- [ENGINEERS-1062]
- Once organization request been approved from cypress tests we create same organization request again and verify the approved toast message (Because of one2many feature tests are failing - Disable the tests)
- Improvements
- [ENGINEERS-1058] Don't login with the user which we would be assigning to a b2b organization
- [ENGINEERS-1037] Added affirm promo test
- [ENGINEERS-1033] Drop duplicate organization request testcase
- Paypal cypress improvement
- Verify Fedex Shipping prices code improvements
- Bump decode-uri-component to 0.2.2
- Added verify excel data testcase
- [ENGINEERS-987] Fix fork message for PRN
- [ENGINEERS-985] & [ENGINEERS-986] Affirm selectors improvement
- Fedex Shipping tests run time improvements
- [ENGINEERS-962] Fix on label for PR from forks (created vs authorized)
- [ENGINEERS-975] Improve b2b checkout tests
- [ENGINEERS-975] Improve b2b checkout tests
- [ENGINEERS-962] Proper identification when a PR is from Fork
- [ENGINEERS-990] [ENGINEERS-991] - Added graphQL validation to be not null
- Improved Shopper location and location availability testcase
- [ENGINEERS-954] - Added graphQL common function & improved postsetup ,adyenLogin function
- [ENGINEERS-875] & [ENGINEERS-876] - Added more quickorder cypress tests
- Affirm payments cancellation testcase
- Fedex Shipping improvements
- Prepend empty characters in address line
- In refund, workflow delay from 4s to 5s
- Added defaultDeliveryEstimateInDays new field in fedex app settings
- Added wipe testcase & improved 2.3 ,2.4 shopper location testcases.
- Added checkout ui custom configuration in checkout_ui_custom.js
- Moved gmail to common folder
- In, commonGraphlValidation() added expect(response.body).to.not.equal('OK')
- Rename graphql_utils.js to graphql_operations.js
- Removed delayBetweenRetries + Added reload then fillContact info first then shipping info
- Added package optimization tests inside cy-runner
- Added quickorder tests inside cy-runner
- Move fedex shipping cypress tests inside cy-runner
- Changes in addNewLocation function in commands.js
- [ENGINEERS-886] - Removed cartTimeline click in one of the place of updateShippingInformation
- Store orderForm information in _orderFormDebug.json
- Verifying search input field is displayed after placed an order
- Move updating shipping policy function to common folder
- Add log false for adyen creds
- Added Adyen Tests
- For updateShippingInformation, Add 10s delay between retries
- Replace {retries: } with updateRetry
- Fix 2.4 title
- For create quotes, 20 seconds timeout
- Use force true for button click
- Handle both province dropdown and text field
- Added a link for Notion page on errors
- Use Sync Checkout UI Custom via API everywhere
- In Shopper Location testcase, we are getting different city name for poland postal code So, updated the testcase
- Selectors in affirm payment flow got changed. So, we need to update the selectors in cypress
- Use syncCheckoutUICustomAPI instead of syncCheckoutUICustom
- Reorder sales user / organization admin cypress tests
- Split bindings testcase into two files
- For SyncCheckout UI Custom testcase - intercept GetHistory graphql
- Shorter report on PR decorator
- Enable quickOrderBySkuAnd51QuantityTestCase - Instead of toast message verify tooltip message
- Stop validating dollar in minicart
- Group logs features
- New way to lock account resources.