If you use SViCT in your publication, please cite the following article:
Structural variation and fusion detection using targeted sequencing data from circulating cell free DNA. Alexander R Gawroński, Yen-Yi Lin, Brian McConeghy, Stephane LeBihan, Hossein Asghari, Can Koçkan, Baraa Orabi, Nabil Adra, Roberto Pili, Colin C Collins, S Cenk Sahinalp, Faraz Hach. Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Feb 13. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz067
Please check this link to download the simulation datasets that we used for evaluating SViCT. The folder contains 7 data files:
- sim.150.sorted.bam: BAM file containing simulated 2*150bp cfDNA reads from a Venter genome with inserted SVs
- sim.100.sorted.bam: BAM file containing simulated 2*100bp cfDNA reads from a Venter genome with inserted SVs
- sim.75.sorted.bam: BAM file containing simulated 2*75bp cfDNA reads from a Venter genome with inserted SVs
- Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.87.dna.chromosomes.fa: GRCh38 reference genome for the above mappings.
- sim.150.vcf: Predictions results for sim.150.sorted.bam
- sim.100.vcf: Predictions results for sim.100.sorted.bam
- sim.75.vcf: Predictions results for sim.75.sorted.bam
We also provide a checksum file md5.sum for checking file integrity.
The versions of other SV callers we use in the publication are