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Unified Output

iMHLv2 edited this page Oct 15, 2015 · 16 revisions

The unified output in Volatility (available since 2.5) aims to give users the flexibility of asking for their output in a specific format (text, json, sqlite, html, etc) while simplifying things for developers. In particular, the "body" of a plugin can be written once and its return values can be re-used by multiple renderers. In short (no puns intended) less code leads to more functionality. Also on the developer side, since plugins can output json or sqlite, it makes building frameworks, GUIs, and libraries on top of Volatility much easier.

Standard Renderers

Here's a summary of the existing standard renderers:

Name Description
text The "normal" text based table output
dot Graphviz dot diagrams
html Uses HTML to render data
json Outputs results as JSON - useful for APIs
sqlite Populates an sqlite3 database
quicksqlite Faster version of sqlite (uses executemany)
quick Faster version of text, but pipe separated values
xlsx Outputs results as an Excel spreadsheet (requires openpyxl)

Command Line Users

A plugin's supported formats are displayed in the -h output:

$ python pslist -h
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.5
Usage: Volatility - A memory forensics analysis platform.


Module Output Options: dot, html, json, quick, quicksqlite, sqlite, text, xlsx

Module PSList
Print all running processes by following the EPROCESS lists

Using the dot renderer

Here's an example of using the dot renderer:

$ python -f grrcon.img pslist --output=dot 
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.5

When you open the resulting file in a Graphviz viewer, it should appear like this:

Using the html renderer

Here's an example of using the html renderer:

$ python -f grrcon.img pslist --output=html --output-file=pslist.html 
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.5

When you open the resulting file in a browser, you should be able to sort columns, search text fields, etc.

Plugin Developers

Plugin Consumers