At the most basic level, this library accepts a context and produces source code files. The information within a context acts like instructions; it provides levolib with the models and templates it will need, instructions regarding which model(s) to use when filling each template, and a few other things as well.
Levolib provides BeginContext which returns an initalized context. A context object provides methods for adding new templates and models and mappings to itself. Once the context is complete, it can be passed to levolib's ProcessMappings method, which will start generating source code files.
Building a context piece by piece isn't necessary. Levolib also provides GetJSONConfigurationAdapter, which returns an adapter specialized in converting a json configuration file into a context. Simply pass the file path to the adapter's ProcessConfigurationFile method.
The levo project is a useful example of how the above methods can be used to instrument this library. It also provides example files, include an example json configuration.
This library is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
type Context struct {
ProjectName string
PackageName string
TemplaterVersion string
Schema Schema
Templates []TemplateInfo
Mappings []TemplatesForModels
Language string
Zip bool
type Schema struct {
Project string
Models []Model
type Model struct {
Name string
Parent string
ParentRef *Model
Properties []ModelProperty
type ModelProperty struct {
RemoteIdentifier string
LocalIdentifier string
PropertyType string
type TemplateInfo struct {
Language string
Version string
Directory string
FileName string
Body []byte
Adapter OutputAdapter
type TemplatesForModels struct {
Models []*Model
Templates []*TemplateInfo
type GeneratedFile struct {
FileName string
Directory string
Body []byte
type OutputAdapter interface {
GenerateFiles(templateInfo TemplateInfo, templateData TemplateData) ([]GeneratedFile, error)
type GeneratedFile struct {
FileName string
Body string
func (context *Context) AddModelWithName(name string) (*Model, error)
//Initalize a new Model with a specific name. Add that Model to the Context
func (context *Context) AddModel(model Model) (*Model, error)
//Add a Model object to the Context
func (context *Context) AddTemplateDirectory(templateDirPath string) error
//Parse a directory and all it's subdirectories. Update the Context with a new Template
//for every file found.
func (context *Context) AddTemplateFilePath(filePath string) (TemplateInfo, error)
//Add the file at filePath to the Context as a Template
func (context *Context) AddTemplate(fileName string, body []byte, version string, directory string, adapter OutputAdapter) (*TemplateInfo, error)
//Initalize a template with the information provided and add that TemplateInfo to the Context
//fileName : Exactly what it seems like
//body : The contents of the template file
//version : The template version. Used to ensure that levolib is able to process the template.
//directory : The path to the template file (can be a relative path). This directory will be
// used to determine where the output of the template goes.
//adapter : This library comes with a GoTemplateAdapter for processing go templates.
// Other adapters can be created. For example, adapters for Mako templates or
// xslt templates.
func (context *Context) AddTemplatesForModelsMapping(templateFileNames []string, modelNames []string) error
//Specify which models should be used to fill a template (or a set of templates).
func (context *Context) ModelForName(name string) (*Model, error)
//Simple getter method
func (context *Context) TemplateForFileName(fileName string) (*TemplateInfo, error)
//Simple getter method
func BeginContext(packageName string, language string, version string) (Context, error)
//Get an initialized context object.
func ProcessMappings(context Context) ([]GeneratedFile, error)
//Create source code files using the contents of this context
func GetJSONConfigurationAdapter() JSONConfigAdapter
//An adapter for converting JSON configuration files into Contexts. The adapter provides
//**ProcessConfigurationFile** and **ProcessConfigurationString**, each of which returns a Context
//based on the JSON configuration information they are fed
func GetJSONSchemaAdapter() JSONSchemaAdapter
//An adapter for converting JSON schema files into Contexts. The adapter provides
//**ProcessSchemaFile** and **ProcessSchemaString**, each of which returns a Context
//based on the JSON schema information they are fed