This file contains test cases that can be tested in the browser's console
const state = { } ;
state . chain = 'ethereum' ;
state . litNodeClient = new LitJsSdk_litNodeClient . LitNodeClient ( {
litNetwork : 'serrano' ,
} ) ;
await state . litNodeClient . connect ( ) ;
state . file = new File ( [ 'Hello, world!' ] , 'hello.txt' , {
type : 'text/plain' ,
} ) ;
state . authSig = await LitJsSdk_authBrowser . checkAndSignAuthMessage ( {
chain : state . chain ,
} ) ;
state . accs = [
contractAddress : '' ,
standardContractType : '' ,
chain : state . chain ,
method : 'eth_getBalance' ,
parameters : [ ':userAddress' , 'latest' ] ,
returnValueTest : {
comparator : '>=' ,
value : '0' ,
} ,
} ,
] ;
state . zipFiles = await LitJsSdk_encryption . zipAndEncryptFiles ( [ state . file ] ) ;
state . encryptedZipBase64 = await LitJsSdk_miscBrowser . blobToBase64String (
state . zipFiles . encryptedZip
) ;
state . encryptedSymmetricKey = await state . litNodeClient . saveEncryptionKey ( {
accessControlConditions : state . accs ,
symmetricKey : state . zipFiles . symmetricKey ,
authSig : state . authSig ,
chain : state . chain ,
} ) ;
state . toDecrypt = await LitJsSdk_uint8arrays . uint8arrayToString (
state . encryptedSymmetricKey ,
) ;
state . encryptionKey = await state . litNodeClient . getEncryptionKey ( {
accessControlConditions : state . accs ,
toDecrypt : state . toDecrypt ,
authSig : state . authSig ,
chain : 'etheruem' ,
} ) ;
state . decryptFileBlob = LitJsSdk_miscBrowser . base64StringToBlob (
state . encryptedZipBase64
) ;
state . decryptedZip = await LitJsSdk_encryption . decryptFile ( {
file : state . decryptFileBlob ,
symmetricKey : state . encryptionKey ,
} ) ;
state . decryptedFile = await LitJsSdk_uint8arrays . uint8arrayToString (
state . decryptedZip
) ;
console . warn ( '⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️' ) ;
state ;