From d97b6d1a4dd045c85d3899fe2c586fbc6e73d975 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: cedricdecruw <>
Date: Tue, 3 May 2022 12:02:24 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] added requirements.txt for docker composing
cleaned up packages for frontend to reduce size of load
* fixed issue where # were added in the rocrate-metadata.json when trying to add annotation to a child node of a file
backend/app/model/ | 14 +-
backend/app/routers/APIV1/ | 2 +-
backend/app/routers/APIV1/ | 353 +++++++++++++-----------
backend/requirements.txt | 13 +
frontend/package-lock.json | 122 --------
frontend/package.json | 3 -
frontend/src/pages/git.js | 35 ++-
7 files changed, 239 insertions(+), 303 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 backend/requirements.txt
diff --git a/backend/app/model/ b/backend/app/model/
index 3e83c84..b6e6d48 100644
--- a/backend/app/model/
+++ b/backend/app/model/
@@ -414,6 +414,7 @@ def create_blank_node_by_id(self, file_id=str, node_type=str, uri_predicate=str)
#add uri predicate to the item with value of nw blacnk node @id
item[uri_predicate] = {"@id":new_uuid_blank_node}
#write the new graph to the metadata file
+ log.debug(data)
return new_blank_node
@@ -459,14 +460,9 @@ def add_predicates_by_id(self,toadd_dict_list=list, file_id=str):
test = shclh.ShapesInfoGraph(path_shacl)
shacldata = test.full_shacl_graph_dict()
data = self._read_metadata_datacrate()
- try:
- myrocrate = ROCrate(self.storage_path)
- data_entities = myrocrate.data_entities
- except Exception as e:
- log.error(f'error when loading rocrate data via rocrate python lib: {e}')
- log.exception(e)
- data_entities = data['@graph']
- log.debug(data_entities)
+ data_entities = data['@graph']
+ log.debug(data_entities)
#convert the chacl file to have all the properties per node id
@@ -548,7 +544,7 @@ def add_predicates_by_id(self,toadd_dict_list=list, file_id=str):
if uri_name not in chacl_URI_list:
warnings.append("non shacl defined constraint metadata has been added: "+ uri_name)
- ## implement annotation in the data is found , send warning message is annotation title not found in constraints ##
+ ## implement annotation in the data is found , send warning message is annotation title not found in constraints ##
## write back to metadata file and return metadata.json file
diff --git a/backend/app/routers/APIV1/ b/backend/app/routers/APIV1/
index df1c845..69af613 100644
--- a/backend/app/routers/APIV1/
+++ b/backend/app/routers/APIV1/
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class AnnotationModel(BaseModel):
value : str = Field(None, description = "Value linked to the URI predicate name chosen")
class BlankModel(BaseModel):
- URI_predicate_name : str = Field(None, description = "Name of the URI that will be added, must be part of the RO-crate profile provided metadata predicates;")
+ URI_predicate_name : str = Field(None, description = "Name of the URI that will be added, must be part of the RO-crate profile provided metadata predicates")
node_type : str = Field(None, description = "Type of the node that will be added.")
class AnnotationsModel(BaseModel):
diff --git a/backend/app/routers/APIV1/ b/backend/app/routers/APIV1/
index 511100c..6e528cf 100644
--- a/backend/app/routers/APIV1/
+++ b/backend/app/routers/APIV1/
@@ -85,177 +85,204 @@ class DeleteContentModel(BaseModel):
#TODO: function that reads the shacl contraint file and gets the right properties for an accordingly chosen schema target class (@type in rocrate metadata.json)
def complete_metadata_crate(source_path_crate):
- ## get all the file_ids with their metadata ##
- #open up the metadata.json file
- with open(os.path.join(source_path_crate, 'ro-crate-metadata.json')) as json_file:
- datao = json.load(json_file)
+ try:
+ ## get all the file_ids with their metadata ##
+ #open up the metadata.json file
+ with open(os.path.join(source_path_crate, 'ro-crate-metadata.json')) as json_file:
+ datao = json.load(json_file)
+ #get all the node ids where the type is not a file
+ node_ids = []
+ for node in datao['@graph']:
+ if node['@type'] != 'File':
+ node_ids.append(node)
- #check if the ids from relation are present in the json file
- all_meta_ids_data = []
- for id in datao['@graph']:
- toappend_id = {}
- toappand_data_values = []
- for key_id, value_id in id.items():
- if key_id != "@id":
- toappand_data_values.append({key_id:value_id})
- toappend_id[id['@id']] = toappand_data_values
- all_meta_ids_data.append(toappend_id)
- log.debug(f"all metadata ids of data: {all_meta_ids_data}")
- #make pre meta ids
- all_ids_pre_new_doc = []
- for id in datao['@graph']:
- all_ids_pre_new_doc.append(id['@id'])
- ## start from fresh file with metadata template ##
- with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'app',"webtop-work-space",'ro-crate-metadata.json')) as json_file:
- data = json.load(json_file)
+ #check if the ids from relation are present in the json file
+ all_meta_ids_data = []
+ for id in datao['@graph']:
+ toappend_id = {}
+ toappand_data_values = []
+ # if first character is # in the @id then delete the #
+ if id['@id'][0] == '#':
+ id['@id'] = id['@id'][1:]
+ for key_id, value_id in id.items():
+ if key_id != "@id":
+ toappand_data_values.append({key_id:value_id})
+ toappend_id[id['@id']] = toappand_data_values
+ all_meta_ids_data.append(toappend_id)
- log.debug(f"data from rocrate: {data}")
- ## add data to the fresh file ##
- relation = []
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_path_crate, topdown=False):
- if ".git" not in root:
-'root == {root}')
- for name in files:
-'file == {name}')
- if name != ".git":
- if root.split(source_path_crate)[-1] == "":
- parent_folder = ""
- relative_path = "./"
- else:
- relative_path = root.split(source_path_crate)[-1]
- parent_folder = relative_path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
- relation.append({'parent_folder':parent_folder,"relative_path":relative_path,"name":name})
- all_ids = []
- for x in relation:
- #log.debug(x)
- all_ids.append(x["name"])
- #check if the ids from relation are present in the json file
- all_meta_ids = []
- for id in data['@graph']:
- all_meta_ids.append(id['@id'])
- #log.debug(id['@id'])
- for i in all_ids:
- if i not in all_meta_ids:
- #log.debug("not present: "+ i)
- #check if parent is present in the file
+ log.debug(f"all metadata ids of data: {all_meta_ids_data}")
+ #make pre meta ids
+ all_ids_pre_new_doc = []
+ for id in datao['@graph']:
+ all_ids_pre_new_doc.append(id['@id'])
+ ## start from fresh file with metadata template ##
+ with open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'app',"webtop-work-space",'ro-crate-metadata.json')) as json_file:
+ data = json.load(json_file)
- def add_folder_path(path_folder):
- toaddppaths = path_folder.split("\\")
- previous = "./"
- for toadd in toaddppaths:
- if str(toadd+"/") not in all_meta_ids:
- if toadd != "":
- data['@graph'].append({'@id':toadd+"/", '@type':"Dataset", 'hasPart':[]})
- # add ro right haspart
- for ids in data['@graph']:
- if ids['@id'] == previous:
- try:
- ids['hasPart'].append({'@id':toadd+"/"})
- except:
- ids['hasPart'] = []
- ids['hasPart'].append({'@id':toadd+"/"})
- all_meta_ids.append(str(toadd+"/"))
- if toadd == "":
- previous = './'
- else:
- previous = toadd+"/"
- for checkparent in relation:
- if checkparent['name'] == i:
- if str(checkparent['parent_folder']+"/") not in all_meta_ids:
- if checkparent['parent_folder'] != "":
- #make the parent_folder in ids
- data['@graph'].append({'@id':checkparent['parent_folder']+"/", '@type':"Dataset", 'hasPart':[]})
- #check if folder has no parent
- if len(checkparent['relative_path'].split("\\")) == 2:
- checkparentpath = checkparent['relative_path'].split("\\")
- log.debug(f"splitted relative path: {checkparentpath}")
+ log.debug(f"data from rocrate: {data}")
+ #add all the node ids to the data
+ for i in node_ids:
+ data['@graph'].append(i)
+ ## add data to the fresh file ##
+ relation = []
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(source_path_crate, topdown=False):
+ if ".git" not in root:
+'root == {root}')
+ for name in files:
+'file == {name}')
+ if name != ".git":
+ if root.split(source_path_crate)[-1] == "":
+ parent_folder = ""
+ relative_path = "./"
+ else:
+ relative_path = root.split(source_path_crate)[-1]
+ parent_folder = relative_path.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
+ relation.append({'parent_folder':parent_folder,"relative_path":relative_path,"name":name})
+ all_ids = []
+ for x in relation:
+ #log.debug(x)
+ all_ids.append(x["name"])
+ #check if the ids from relation are present in the json file
+ all_meta_ids = []
+ for id in data['@graph']:
+ all_meta_ids.append(id['@id'])
+ #log.debug(id['@id'])
+ for i in all_ids:
+ if i not in all_meta_ids:
+ #log.debug("not present: "+ i)
+ #check if parent is present in the file
+ def add_folder_path(path_folder):
+ toaddppaths = path_folder.split("\\")
+ previous = "./"
+ for toadd in toaddppaths:
+ if str(toadd+"/") not in all_meta_ids:
+ if toadd != "":
+ data['@graph'].append({'@id':toadd+"/", '@type':"Dataset", 'hasPart':[]})
+ # add ro right haspart
for ids in data['@graph']:
- if ids['@id'] == './':
- if {'@id':checkparent['relative_path'].split("\\")[-1]+"/"} not in ids['hasPart']:
- ids['hasPart'].append({'@id':checkparent['relative_path'].split("\\")[-1]+"/"})
+ if ids['@id'] == previous:
+ try:
+ ids['hasPart'].append({'@id':toadd+"/"})
+ except:
+ ids['hasPart'] = []
+ ids['hasPart'].append({'@id':toadd+"/"})
+ all_meta_ids.append(str(toadd+"/"))
+ if toadd == "":
+ previous = './'
+ else:
+ previous = toadd+"/"
+ for checkparent in relation:
+ if checkparent['name'] == i:
+ if str(checkparent['parent_folder']+"/") not in all_meta_ids:
+ if checkparent['parent_folder'] != "":
+ #make the parent_folder in ids
+ data['@graph'].append({'@id':checkparent['parent_folder']+"/", '@type':"Dataset", 'hasPart':[]})
+ #check if folder has no parent
+ if len(checkparent['relative_path'].split("\\")) == 2:
+ checkparentpath = checkparent['relative_path'].split("\\")
+ log.debug(f"splitted relative path: {checkparentpath}")
+ for ids in data['@graph']:
+ if ids['@id'] == './':
+ if {'@id':checkparent['relative_path'].split("\\")[-1]+"/"} not in ids['hasPart']:
+ ids['hasPart'].append({'@id':checkparent['relative_path'].split("\\")[-1]+"/"})
+ add_folder_path(checkparent['relative_path'])
+ #add the non present id to the folder haspart
+ for ids in data['@graph']:
+ if checkparent['parent_folder'] == "":
+ if ids['@id'] == "."+checkparent['parent_folder']+"/":
+ ids['hasPart'].append({'@id':i})
+ else:
+ if ids['@id'] == checkparent['parent_folder']+"/":
+ ids['hasPart'].append({'@id':i})
+ #add the id to the @graph
+ data['@graph'].append({'@id':i, '@type':"File"})
+ #add id to ./ folder if necessary
+ #add the references to the @graph
+ for i in all_ids_pre_new_doc:
+"meta id i: {i}")
+ valid=validators.url(i)
+ if valid:
+"valid url: {i}")
+ #add i to the graph
+ for id in data['@graph']:
+ if id["@id"] == './':
+ id["hasPart"].append({'@id':i})
+ data['@graph'].append({'@id':i, '@type':"File"})
+ ## add file_ids metadata correspondingly ##
+ for ids in data['@graph']:
+ # check if the first character fo the ids["@id "] is a # , if so remove this char
+ if ids["@id"][0] == "#":
+ ids["@id"] = ids["@id"][1:]
+ for tocheck_id in all_meta_ids_data:
+ if ids['@id'] in str(tocheck_id.keys()):
+ for dict_single_metadata in tocheck_id[ids['@id']]:
+ for key_dict_single_meta, value_dcit_sinle_meta in dict_single_metadata.items():
+ if key_dict_single_meta not in ids.keys():
+ log.debug(f"key of single file metadata: {key_dict_single_meta}")
+ ids[key_dict_single_meta] = value_dcit_sinle_meta
+ #remove duplicates
+ seen_ids = []
+ for ids in data['@graph']:
+ if ids['@id'] in seen_ids:
+"duplicate id found: "+ids['@id'])
+ data['@graph'].remove(ids)
+ else:
+ seen_ids.append(ids['@id'])
- add_folder_path(checkparent['relative_path'])
- #add the non present id to the folder haspart
- for ids in data['@graph']:
- if checkparent['parent_folder'] == "":
- if ids['@id'] == "."+checkparent['parent_folder']+"/":
- ids['hasPart'].append({'@id':i})
+ #remove duplicates from hasPart
+ new_graph = []
+ seen_ids = []
+ for ids in data['@graph']:
+ if ids['@id'] not in seen_ids:
+ seen_ids.append(ids['@id'])
+ # if ids has hasPart check hasparts
+ if 'hasPart' in ids:
+ new_hasparts = []
+ seen_hasparts = []
+ for haspart in ids['hasPart']:
+ if haspart['@id'] in seen_hasparts:
+"duplicate id found in hasparts of id: "+ haspart["@id"] + ids['@id'])
- if ids['@id'] == checkparent['parent_folder']+"/":
- ids['hasPart'].append({'@id':i})
- #add the id to the @graph
- data['@graph'].append({'@id':i, '@type':"File"})
- #add id to ./ folder if necessary
- #add the references to the @graph
- for i in all_ids_pre_new_doc:
-"meta id i: {i}")
- valid=validators.url(i)
- if valid:
-"valid url: {i}")
- #add i to the graph
- for id in data['@graph']:
- if id["@id"] == './':
- id["hasPart"].append({'@id':i})
- data['@graph'].append({'@id':i, '@type':"File"})
- ## add file_ids metadata correspondingly ##
- for ids in data['@graph']:
- for tocheck_id in all_meta_ids_data:
- if ids['@id'] in str(tocheck_id.keys()):
- for dict_single_metadata in tocheck_id[ids['@id']]:
- for key_dict_single_meta, value_dcit_sinle_meta in dict_single_metadata.items():
- if key_dict_single_meta not in ids.keys():
- log.debug(f"key of single file metadata: {key_dict_single_meta}")
- ids[key_dict_single_meta] = value_dcit_sinle_meta
- #remove duplicates
- seen_ids = []
- for ids in data['@graph']:
- if ids['@id'] in seen_ids:
-"duplicate id found: "+ids['@id'])
- data['@graph'].remove(ids)
- else:
- seen_ids.append(ids['@id'])
- #remove duplicates from hasPart
- new_graph = []
- seen_ids = []
- for ids in data['@graph']:
- if ids['@id'] not in seen_ids:
- seen_ids.append(ids['@id'])
- # if ids has hasPart check hasparts
- if 'hasPart' in ids:
- new_hasparts = []
- seen_hasparts = []
- for haspart in ids['hasPart']:
- if haspart['@id'] in seen_hasparts:
-"duplicate id found in hasparts of id: "+ haspart["@id"] + ids['@id'])
- else:
- seen_hasparts.append(haspart['@id'])
- new_hasparts.append(haspart)
- ids['hasPart'] = new_hasparts
- new_graph.append(ids)
- data["@graph"] = new_graph
- #write the rocrate file back
- with open(os.path.join(source_path_crate, 'ro-crate-metadata.json'), 'w') as json_file:
- json.dump(data, json_file)
+ seen_hasparts.append(haspart['@id'])
+ new_hasparts.append(haspart)
+ ids['hasPart'] = new_hasparts
+ new_graph.append(ids)
- return data
+ data["@graph"] = new_graph
+ #write the rocrate file back
+ with open(os.path.join(source_path_crate, 'ro-crate-metadata.json'), 'w') as json_file:
+ json.dump(data, json_file)
+ return data
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.error(f"error: {e}")
+ log.exception(e)
def check_space_name(spacename):
with open(Locations().join_abs_path('spaces.json'), "r+")as file:
data = json.load(file)
diff --git a/backend/requirements.txt b/backend/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2a9080
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/frontend/package-lock.json b/frontend/package-lock.json
index c11b835..695a835 100644
--- a/frontend/package-lock.json
+++ b/frontend/package-lock.json
@@ -1441,11 +1441,6 @@
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@@ -3312,11 +3307,6 @@
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"autoprefixer": {
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@@ -3541,23 +3531,6 @@
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@@ -4243,11 +4216,6 @@
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@@ -4828,11 +4796,6 @@
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@@ -6741,21 +6694,6 @@
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@@ -12049,16 +11987,6 @@
"scheduler": "^0.20.2"
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- "prop-types": "^15.7.2"
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"react-error-overlay": {
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"resolved": "",
@@ -12122,11 +12050,6 @@
"react-router": "6.0.2"
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"react-scripts": {
"version": "4.0.3",
"resolved": "",
@@ -13238,11 +13161,6 @@
"safe-buffer": "^5.0.1"
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"shebang-command": {
"version": "1.2.0",
"resolved": "",
@@ -13837,46 +13755,6 @@
"schema-utils": "^2.7.0"
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diff --git a/frontend/src/pages/git.js b/frontend/src/pages/git.js
index dc60934..a4af5e2 100644
--- a/frontend/src/pages/git.js
+++ b/frontend/src/pages/git.js
@@ -26,16 +26,30 @@ export default class GitPage extends React.Component {
this.state = {
message: "commit",
Loading: false,
- SpaceId: ""
+ SpaceId: "",
+ behind: "",
+ ahead: ""
this.updateMessage = this.updateMessage.bind(this);
this.setLoading = this.setLoading.bind(this);
this.setSpaceId = this.setSpaceId.bind(this);
+ this.setbehind = this.setbehind.bind(this);
+ this.setahead = this.setahead.bind(this);
componentDidMount() {
const SpaceId = window.location.href.split("/spaces/")[1].split("/git")[0];
+ //perform axiosrequest that will get the git status of the space
+ axios.get(BASE_URL_SERVER+`apiv1/spaces/${SpaceId}/git/status`)
+ .then(response => {
+ if( > 0){
+ this.setbehind("disabled");
+ }
+ if( > 0){
+ this.setahead("disabled");
+ }
+ })
setSpaceId(id) {
@@ -44,6 +58,18 @@ export default class GitPage extends React.Component {
+ setbehind(behind){
+ this.setState({
+ behind: behind
+ })
+ }
+ setahead(ahead){
+ this.setState({
+ ahead: ahead
+ })
+ }
updateMessage(message) {
message: message
@@ -56,6 +82,8 @@ export default class GitPage extends React.Component {
console.log('pushing to git repo');
@@ -82,7 +110,6 @@ export default class GitPage extends React.Component {
render() {
const message = this.state.message;
let todisplay;
if(message == "commit"){
@@ -93,7 +120,6 @@ export default class GitPage extends React.Component {
todisplay =