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Manual Building Guide

vitormmatos edited this page Jan 29, 2023 · 2 revisions

Here's the guide for building the game manually.


  1. Install MSYS2, following the directions listed on
  2. Launch MinGW and install required packages depending on your machine:
    • For 64-bit systems: Launch "MSYS2 MinGW x64" and install the prerequisites by running the pacman -S git make python3 mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 mingw-w64-x86_64-glew command.
    • For 32-bit systems: Launch "MSYS2 MinGW x86" and install the prerequisites by running the pacman -S git make python3 mingw-w64-i686-gcc mingw-w64-i686-SDL2 mingw-w64-i686-glew command.
  3. Run the cd command, followed by the path of the folder where you want to install the game, in quotation marks. For example: cd "C:\Super Mario 64 Plus".
    • If you want to use the launcher, head to the same folder the launcher is in.
  4. Clone the repository with git clone, then enter it with cd sm64plus.
  5. Place an SM64 ROM with the filename into the newly created sm64plus folder, so the assets can get extracted.
  6. Run make inside that sm64plus folder to build the game itself. You can add -j12 to improve build speed (hardware dependent based on the number of CPU cores available).
    • If you're building the game for 32-bit, you should also include TARGET_32BIT=1 after make.
  7. The executable binary will be located at build/us_pc/ or build/us_pc/


  1. Open the terminal and install the required packages depending on your Linux distro and package manager:
    • On Debian/Ubuntu based distros: Run the sudo apt install -y git build-essential pkg-config libusb-1.0-0-dev libsdl2-dev command.
    • On Arch based distros like Manjaro or SteamOS: Run the sudo pacman -S base-devel python sdl2 glew command.
    • On Fedora based distros: Run the sudo dnf install make gcc python3 glew-devel SDL2-devel command.
  2. Run the cd command, followed by the path of the folder where you want to install the game, in quotation marks. For example: cd "~/Super Mario 64 Plus".
    • If you want to use the launcher, use the same folder the launcher is in.
  3. Clone the repository with git clone, then enter it with cd sm64plus.
  4. Place an SM64 ROM with the filename into the newly created sm64plus folder, so the assets can get extracted.
  5. Run make inside that sm64plus folder to build the game itself. You can add -j12 to improve build speed (hardware dependent based on the number of CPU cores available).
    • If you're building the game for 32-bit, you should also include TARGET_32BIT=1 after make. Please note that 32-bit Linux builds are not tested.
  6. The executable binary will be located at build/us_pc/ or build/us_pc/ You do not need to worry about this if you're using the launcher, just run the launcher and have fun!

Steam Deck

  1. Open Konsole after switching to Desktop Mode, and run:
sudo steamos-readonly disablesudo pacman-key --init
sudo pacman-key --populate
sudo sed -i 's/\(^\[.*\]\)/\1\nSigLevel = Never/g' /etc/pacman.conf
sudo pacman -Syyu --noconfirm
sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Ql | grep include | cut -d' ' -f1 | awk '!a[$0]++') --noconfirm
sudo pacman --overwrite=/etc/ -S base-devel sdl2 python glew --noconfirm
  1. Follow steps 2 to 5 of Linux build

  2. Start Steam still on Desktop Mode and press the "ADD GAME +" button

  3. Select "Add a Non-Steam Game..."

  4. Select "BROWSE" and choose the executable in the build folder.
    If your ROM is of US region it will be:




  2. Go Back to to Gaming Mode

The game will be on "Library" -> "NON-STEAM".

Have hun :)

  1. Optional: Go to "settings (Gear Button)"-> Properties and change Game Resolution to "Native", this will make other screen resolutions work fine. (e.g extra-wide)

  2. Optional 2 To change the name of the game go to Desktop Mode, find it in library, right click, "Properties".


There's currently no guide for building the game on macOS.

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