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New daily trending repos in Vim script #118
New daily trending repos in Vim script! Exafunction / codeium.vim kaarmu / typst.vim mattn / emmet-vim puremourning / vimspector godlygeek / tabular |
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New daily trending repos in Vim script! junegunn / vim-plug amix / vimrc kana / vim-textobj-function udalov / kotlin-vim |
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New daily trending repos in Vim script! tpope / vim-commentary preservim / vim-indent-guides kchmck / vim-coffee-script rhysd / clever-f.vim ConradIrwin / vim-bracketed-paste hashivim / vim-terraform |
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New daily trending repos in Vim script! vim / vim AndrewRadev / splitjoin.vim tpope / vim-projectionist |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! rodjek / vim-puppet altercation / vim-colors-solarized Yggdroot / indentLine |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! SpaceVim / SpaceVim prabirshrestha / vim-lsp tpope / vim-sensible theniceboy / nvim preservim / tagbar prabirshrestha / asyncomplete-lsp.vim editorconfig / editorconfig-vim prettier / vim-prettier kana / vim-textobj-user alvan / vim-closetag |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! sainnhe / everforest vimwiki / vimwiki mhinz / vim-signify tpope / vim-speeddating junegunn / vim-easy-align nelstrom / vim-textobj-rubyblock rhysd / committia.vim |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! christoomey / vim-tmux-navigator VundleVim / Vundle.vim ap / vim-css-color rust-lang / rust.vim |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! joshdick / onedark.vim tpope / vim-rails |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! tpope / vim-fugitive tpope / vim-surround junegunn / vader.vim |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! wellle / targets.vim vim-jp / vital.vim mattn / vim-lsp-settings |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! neovim / neovim junegunn / fzf.vim sainnhe / gruvbox-material ryanoasis / vim-devicons machakann / vim-highlightedyank tomtom / tcomment_vim pearofducks / ansible-vim altercation / solarized |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! youngyangyang04 / PowerVim
+1 stars today junegunn / gv.vim mhinz / vim-startify digitaltoad / vim-pug tpope / vim-markdown ledger / vim-ledger preservim / nerdcommenter |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! mbbill / undotree |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! kristijanhusak / vim-dadbod-ui voldikss / vim-floaterm airblade / vim-rooter tpope / vim-vinegar tpope / vim-repeat jamessan / vim-gnupg justinmk / vim-sneak Konfekt / FastFold leafgarland / typescript-vim |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! voldikss / vim-floaterm roxma / nvim-yarp vim-jp / vimdoc-ja tpope / vim-abolish vim-syntastic / syntastic prabirshrestha / asyncomplete.vim |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! mg979 / vim-visual-multi oppiliappan / scientifica chriskempson / base16-vim tpope / vim-rsi tpope / vim-endwise |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! dracula / vim tpope / vim-dadbod mhinz / vim-grepper jlanzarotta / bufexplorer |
New daily trending repos in Vim script! preservim / vim-markdown |
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