title | tags | created | modified | |||
ing-solution-noter |
2020-05-10T07:13:28.652Z |
2020-07-14T10:24:54.328Z |
- local/offline first markdown-based note app
- core
- local/offline/private/privacy first markdown-based note app
- offline means no ad,强调数据由用户完全掌控
- full control of your note data, born to keep data private
- online sync is optional
- extended md support, including GFM
- local/offline/private/privacy first markdown-based note app
- themeable markdown editor and viewer
- optimized table editor and viewer
- don't
- inline preview: 边书写边预览,会隐藏实际文本,只预览部分内联元素
- video/audio
- paste html into md
- rfc
- format: 一级标题的相互替换,如
### 标题名
与标题名 ---
- smart-tab-name
- small-tab,tiny-tab:: 缩短tab上的标题文字
- head-tail:显示标题部分开始和结尾的文字,便于区分
- collapse-to-level
- toc折叠到2级标题,方便浏览和跳转
- 有时候一级标题只有1个总的大标题,此时2级标题才能看到文字结构
- format: 一级标题的相互替换,如
- edit
- 链接预览标题、图片
- 类似ide的同时打开多标签页并编辑
- 记住不同tab的上次编辑位置
- globalOptions
- defaultViewMode/defaultEditMode
- indentationSpace
- markdown-editor-monaco
- markdown-editor-lite
- toc目录设计成类似书籍目录,单行且缩进,悬停查看完整目录
- 文字块: Note块,warning块
- link: 网址来源信赖标记,如github这类链接
- text: 使所有匹配的文字变暗,如链接文字只高亮最后2个单词,前面的
- 按日期
- 按标签
- 按文件夹
- electron-app
- vscode-extension
- mobile-app
- 打开一个文档后,标题栏中标题应显示为文档第一行的标题,而不是/path/to/README.md
- markdown顶部元数据采用注释形式,而不是多级键值对
- fix: lgt symbol not rendered properly, e.g.
Pick<Props, "name">
- fix: note file name shouldn't change when cut the most front text
- search: hightlight search results on current page
- toc: 一级toc目录点击后会切换页面,但toc能保持原位,而不是回到第一项
- edit: edit at where you click
- edit: collapse current node
- edit-character: special character support, like
「Microsoft Store」
- edit-emoji: emoji with different theme, 素描线划风格的表情字符
- edit-list: toggle lines to list
- edit-list: list symbol to number
- edit: insert one blank line below
- edit: 粘贴后批量删除中文段落中英文单词两边的空格
- edit: write x to checkbox without deleting following whitespace
- [ ]
- keyboard: alt+arrow, move current line up/down
- file: 第一次直接使用第一行文字作为标题,之后需要在中间栏修改标题,不能直接在文件中修改标题
- The data directory is where all your notes and attachments will be stored
- You can edit your notes/attachments without even using Notable
- you could also import a Markdown note simply by copying it into the
- The sidebar is where all your notes are categorized.
- All Notes: contains all notes
- Favorites: fixed menu
- Tags: all notes tagged with any tag except the special ones:
- You can create sub-categories in the following sections: Notebooks, Tags and Templates by using nested tags.
- Untagged: notes that have no tags
- Trash: notes that have been deleted.
- These notes won't be displayed in any other category.
- Notebooks: notes tagged with the special
tag - Templates: notes tagged with the special
tag.- These notes won't be displayed in any other category.
- The middlebar shows you all notes contained in the currently active category
- title of notes is searched in fuzzily
- content of notes is searched in full-match
- order by title/modified
- Pinned notes are displayed before the others.
- The mainbar is where you can preview and edit the currently active note
- The toolbar contains buttons for triggering actions to the current note
- Edit the markdown notes with Monaco Editor
- a button in the toolbar for opening the current note in the default Markdown editor
- When 2 or more notes are selected a multi-note editor will be displayed in the mainbar
- Notes are written in GitHub-flavored Markdown
- Notes can have some metadata: fav/tags
- syntax features: GFM, KaTex, AsciiMath, mermaid
- attachments: simply copied into
- Tags are useful for better categorization
- Root tags don't contain any forward slash (
) - Tags can also be nested like a path
- tag starting with
will show in Notebooks section - tag starting with
will only show in Templates section
- Root tags don't contain any forward slash (
- Shortcuts
- NoteApp/Editor/Nav/Other
- Importing
- Markdown files:
- Evernotes' exports with extension:
- Alternatively you could also just put your Markdown notes into the
sub-directory - Newly imported tags will be tagged with a special
- Markdown files:
- Multi-Note Editing
- When 2 or more notes are selected a multi-note editor will be displayed in the mainbar
- fav/pin/trash/tag/
- Linking Attachments/Notes/Tags
- Attachments can be rendered inline, linked to, and linked to via a button
- The
token is used for this
- The
- Notes can be linked to, and linked to via a button.
- The
token is used for this. - Wiki-style links are supported too.
- The
- Tags can be linked to, and linked to via a button.
- The
token is used for this.
- The
- Attachments can be rendered inline, linked to, and linked to via a button
- Synchronization
- third-party service will take care of the synchronization
- Mobile Editing
- third-party apps for editing Markdown files
- if you need to change some metadata or add an attachment, but it would be ok most of the times
- Collaborative Editing
- not planned
- Version Control
- not planned
- Encrypted Notes
- third-party program will take care of the encryption