From 68a1651c4e012ddfd38e3a10adf7e40577e85ad8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: balammaboya Instrumentation and Working Principles of Infra Re
2. Bonds between the heavy atoms (larger reduced mass) vibrate at a lower frequency than that of bonds between the lighter atoms.
Figure 3: Vibrational modes of an organic molecule.The energy of molecular vibration is quantised. A molecule can only stretch and bend at certain allowed frequencies.
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Sample preparation for Infrared spectroscopy:
The sample to be measured must be taken in a sample holder or cell which is made of ionic substance. Sodium chloride or potassium bromide plates are used. Potassium bromide plates are more expensive than sodium chloride but has an advantage over the sodium chloride because of the asbsorbs at 650cm-1. Glass or platics absorb strongly through the infrared region.
Liquids: A drop of the liquid sample is placed between a pair of polished IR salt plates. The plates are pressed together and the sample forms a thin film between the salt plates. A spectrum obtained by this method is neat for there is no use of solvent in the sample preparation.
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