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This library allows for symbolic manipulation of boolean variables. For example, it is able to handle an expression like x & (y | z) and it understands that this is equal to 1 & (z | y) & x.


Individual bits

sbt console
import nl.vindh.bitwise._

First, introduce some variables:

val List(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) = (1 to 5) => BitVar(s"x$i"))

Try some basic arithmetic:

val a = x1 & x2 ^ x3

Now we can assign values to the variables and (partially) evaluate the expression:

a.substitute(Map(x1 -> ONE)) // yields x2 ^ x3


We can also handle sequences of bits (for example, bytes or 32-bit words) like they represent natural numbers:

Let's first introduce some 8-bit variables:

val x = BitSequence.variable("x", 8)
val y = BitSequence.variable("y", 8)
val z = BitSequence.variable("z", 8)

Now we can perform a complex operation:

val c = x + y & z

Let's now asign values to x, y and z to verify that the calculation is done correctly:

val vx = Valuation(17, 8, "x")
val vy = Valuation(42, 8, "y")
val vz = Valuation(123, 8, "z")
c.substitute(vx).substitute(vy).substitute(vz).toInt // yields 59, which is actually the result of 17 + 42 & 123

Application: solving equations using a SAT-solver

Before we get started, we need to define the length of our variables for the rest of this example:

import nl.vindh.bitwise.util._
implicit val len = VarLength(8) // all variables will be 8-bit from now on

We define an equation (3x + 2 = 23):

val eq1 = Equation(x => x + x + x + BitSequence(2), 23)

And solve it using a SAT solver:

Sat4JWrapper.solveForInt(eq1) // yields Some(7)