- Location is always implied as that is stored on the server
- /v1 prefix on all routes
- all calls signed with an auth sig (usename+password in base64. for convenience, not security)
- All HTTP because it's just a demo
- Uses compiler-as-a-service but keeps a local cache of compilations
POST /move/:direction
move object somewhere
auth: moves current player in specified direction.
(go :north)
You walk north. You enter the dungeon.
GET /look
information about current room
auth: shows information about room invoking user is in
Basement Room (room id: 7) You are in a dark room. You can see nothing.
GET /examine/:obj-id
information about object
auth: anything in the same room as current player including itself
room contains a "green banana" (id 0) a "yellow banana" (id 1), and a "shoe" (id 2)
(examine "shoe")
-> front-end looks at items in room. finds "shoe" string match for
The shoe is red.
(examine "banana")
-> front-end doesn't know what object name to match.
Which "banana" do you mean?
(examine "yellow banana")
-> front-end makes string match
The banana is yellow.
POST /say
(body is message)
auth: for all objects in same room as player, a message is shown from them
(say "greetings, all")
body: "greetings, all"
Joe says "greetings, all"
POST /yell
(body is message)
auth: for all objects in same room as player, a message is shown IN ALL CAPS! from them
(yell "hi")
body: "hi"
Joe yells, "HI!"
POST /whisper/:obj-id
(body is message)
sends a private message to a user object
auth: can only target object in same room
room contains user Joe (id 4)
(whisper "joe" "hi there")
-> front-end makes string match
body: "hi there"
Lucy whispers to you, "hi there"
POST /take/:obj-id
take an object from current room and store in inventory
auth: can only affect objects in current room not already in an inventory
(take "green banana")
-> front-end makes string match
You take the green banana.
GET /inventory
auth: show items associated with current player
Your backpack contains:
- a green banana
POST /drop/:obj-id
auth: remove item from current player's inventory
(drop "green banana")
You drop the green banana
POST /use/:obj-id/:verb/:verb-arg
activate an owned item
auth: can only use item in inventory of current player
object "dagger" (id 5) can injure
(use "dagger" :injure "joe")
Lucy uses the dagger to injure Joe! Joe loses one HP.
POST /create-object
(body is JSON rep of object)
where args are:
- name
- description
- event-map
- verb-map
Generate a new object. It goes into user's inventory.
Events sent to objects
- :dropped user drops object
- :picked-up user takes object
- :examined user examines object
- :passed user enters room that contains object
Object verbs
- injure
- defend
- heal
Object scripting API
msg print message to screen
explode break, deal a damage
break reduce HP to 0
(create-obj ;; MACRO :name "banana peel" :desc "The peel of a banana. It's gross and oxidizing." :events {:dropped (break), :passed (comp break (partial msg "You slip on a banana peel. It is destroyed. You fall down and suffer damage."))}
/create-object/ body: {"name":..., "desc":..., "events":{"dropped": "(break)"}}
You created a banana peel. You slip it into your backpack.
POST /create-room
(body is JSON rep of room)
where args are:
(create-room :name "Broom Closet" :desc "A tiny broom clost. There is a duct here that goes north. You came in from the south." :exit-map {:north 7, :south 8}
body: {"name": "...", "desc":"...", "exits": {"north": 7, "south":8}}
You've added a room! It is attached to the Dim Hallway (id 8) and Basement Room (id 7)
POST /create-bot
(body is JSON rep of bot)
where args are:
- name
- description
- event-map
- say
- whisper
- yell
- injure <object_id>
- defend <object_id>
- heal <object_id>
Events sent to bots
:examined user examines bot
:passed user enters room that contains bot
:injured bot is injured
:healed bot is healed
:whispered bot is whispered to
:heard bot is privy to someone's yell or say command
(create-bot ;; MACRO :name "Living Statue" :desc "This eerie statue glowers at you with moving eyes. It is otherwise still" :events {:passed (yell "boo")})
body: {"name": "...", "desc":"...", "events":{"passed": "(cljs)"}}
You've summoned a bot! The Living Statue stands before you.