- feat: add support for product search
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-node to v8 (#245)
- chore(deps): update dependency canvas to v2 (#224)
- chore(deps): update dependency sinon to v7 (#219)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-prettier to v3 (#213)
- fix(samples): Adding vision_product_search_tutorial_import tags (#221)
- fix(samples): Change the Project ID from number to string (#220)
- docs: Vision AutoML samples (#197)
- chore: use latest npm on Windows (#258)
- chore: update lint configs (#257)
- chore: update CircleCI config (#253)
- chore: update issue templates (#244)
- chore: remove old issue template (#242)
- build: run tests on node11 (#239)
- chores(build): do not collect sponge.xml from windows builds (#238)
- chores(build): run codecov on continuous builds (#237)
- chore: update new issue template (#235)
- build: fix codecov uploading on Kokoro (#222)
- chore: enable --throw-deprecation on mocha config (#147)
- Update kokoro config (#214)
- Update kokoro config (#208)
- test: remove appveyor config (#207)
- Update the CI config (#206)
- Fix response output for Detect Labels (#199)
- Vision GA – vision_localize_objects & vision_localize_object_gcs (#200)
- Product search rebased (#196)
- Enable prefer-const in the eslint config (#201)
- Enable no-var in eslint (#198)
- Switch to let/const (#194)
- fix(deps): update dependency google-gax to ^0.20.0 (#193)
Object Localization is available on v1 of this library:
- Updated CI config and run synth (#181)
- chore(deps): update dependency @google-cloud/storage to v2 (#183)
- chore(deps): update dependency nyc to v13 (#177)
- fix(deps): update dependency google-gax to ^0.19.0 (#173)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-config-prettier to v3 (#170)
- Update CI config (#188)
- Fix the sample tests (#187)
- Retry npm install in CI (#185)
- Update CI config (#184)
- fix: (tests): Use real service to validate expectations. (#182)
- chore: make the CircleCI config consistent
- Udpate Beta Vision samples to use beta tags (#172)
- Vision region tag update (#171)
- build: configure Windows build on Kokoro (#165)
- chore: do not use npm ci (#167)
- build(kokoro): samples-test.sh need GCLOUD_PROJECT env; node6 and node8 is using wrong .sh (#162)
- build(kokoro): setup samples and system test (#161)
- chore: ignore package-lock.json (#160)
- build: rename build.sh => test.sh; presubmit jobs runs lint and docs properly (#158)
- fix(samples): missing fs requires causing sample-test to fail (#157)
- build: add set -x to .sh to show the command being executed (#156)
- add samples linking to kokoro jobs (#155)
- Kokoro multi ver (#153)
- chore: update renovate config (#152)
- have presubmit.cfg in separate node* folders (#151)
- split presubmit to multiple node versions (#149)
Patch release to bring in updates to google-gax@0.18.0 so it no longer emits deprecation warnings with grpc (#120), along with other dependency updates and documentation changes.
- fix(deps): update dependency google-gax to ^0.18.0 (#146)
- chore: drop dependency on common (#134)
- chore(deps): update dependency eslint-plugin-node to v7 (#127)
- Code Samples demonstrating Object Localization & Handwriting OCR (#133)
- build: initial kokoro setup (#145)
- chore: assert.deelEqual => assert.deepStrictEqual (#143)
- chore: move mocha options to mocha.opts (#141)
- chore: require node 8 for samples (#142)
- chore: add node templates to synth.py (#139)
- fix(deps): update dependency @google-cloud/vision to ^0.21.0 (#131)
In this version we dropped support for NodeJS 4.x and 9.x. Your code might break if you're using this library on non LTS versions.
- fix: drop support for node.js 4.x and 9.x (#117)
This release brings in v1p3beta1 of the Cloud Vision API, which includes the following new features:
Object localization
Product search
gen: v1p3beta1 of Cloud Vision API NodeJS Client Library (#124)
feat: implement manual methods for objectLocalization and productSearch on v1p3beta1 (#128)
- fix: update and cleanup dependencies (#102)
- fix(deps): update dependency yargs to v12 (#103)
- repo: setup greenkeeper.json to update dependencies in samples/package.json (#94)
- refactor: drop dependency on extend (#85)
- fix: move async to dev dependencies (#83)
- chore: update many dependencies (#81)
- fix: switch from node-uuid to uuid (#84)
- chore(package): update eslint to version 5.0.1 (#98)
- chore(package): update eslint to version 5.0.0 (#90)
- Add smoke tests via regeneration (#122)
- Re-generate library using /synth.py (#111)
- synth.py: follow synth scripts from other repos (#113)
- Beta2ga pdf ocr (#104)
- Configure Renovate (#87)
- refactor: drop repo-tool as an exec wrapper (#97)
- fix: update linking for samples (#92)