- veraPDF developers wanting to add a license header to the source code; and
- anyone interested in knowing how our release process works.
###Pre-requisites If you're still reading you'll also need an understanding and some experience using Git and Maven.
All veraPDF software is dual-licensed, see:
The Maven license plug-in uses template files that it adds as headers to the source files. For the veraPDF-library these templates are available in the license/template
sub-folder. There are two header files one for the GPL version, and another for the MPL version.
The following worked example shows how to add the license headers to the 0.8 release version of the veraPDF-library. Specifically we will use git and Maven to:
- check out the 0.8 release branch;
- create a temporary Git branch with GPL headers;
- create a temporary Git branch with MPL headers; and
- use Git to create a zip and tar archive of the headed code.
###Getting to the release branch
You should use the latest version of the release-0.8
branch of the project. In the following example we'll start from scratch and assume:
- you're using a bash shell; and
- the
git remote
name for the repo used isorigin
Clone the repo:
git clone git@github.com:veraPDF/veraPDF-library.git
cd veraPDF-library
If you already have the git repository cloned then from the repo sub-tree:
git fetch origin
We want to be sure we have the latest changes:
git checkout -b release-0.8 origin/release-0.8
git pull origin release-0.8
Finally check that we have no uncommitted local changes, i.e:
git status
On branch release-0.8
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/release-0.8'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean
###Creating a GPL source headed branch From the release-0.8 branch create a new branch for the licensed source files:
git checkout -b release-0.8-gpl origin/release-0.8
The Maven POM holds profiles for both of the license headers, we simply invoke with the correct profile for the GPL header, test the changes and update the branch:
mvn license:format -P apply-gpl-header
mvn clean install
git add .
git commit -m "Added GPL source headers."
Now to create the MPL headed branch.
###Creating an MPL source headed branch From the release-0.8 branch create a new branch for the licensed source files:
git checkout -b release-0.8-mpl origin/release-0.8
Again we invoke Maven, this time with the profile for the MPL header, test the changes and update the branch:
mvn license:format -P apply-mpl-header
mvn clean install
git add .
git commit -m "Added MPL source headers."
###Creating the source archives
We can now use Git to create zip or tar source archives from our headed branches. To create a compressed tarball called veraPDF-0.8-gpl.tar.gz
from our GPL headed branch release-0.8-gpl
in the local directory:
git archive --format=tar release-0.8-gpl | gzip > veraPDF-0.8-gpl.tar.gz
or use Git's built in tar.gz archiver:
git archive --format=tar.gz release-0.8-gpl > veraPDF-0.8-gpl.tar.gz
or allow Git to infer the format:
git archive --format=tar -o veraPDF-0.8-gpl.tar.gz release-0.8-gpl
To create a zip archive from the MPL headed branch release-0.8-mpl
in the /tmp
git archive --format=zip release-0.8-mpl > veraPDF-0.8-mpl.zip