This project consists of 2 components.
- Computation component - This is a DSL built using the ANTLR4 framework which helps in building of a fitness application. Many fitness applications currently being built follow a similar piece of logic. This project aims to make that easy and fluent.
- Web-service component - Exposes the DSL as a service using REST HTTP framework.
Following tools are needed to build this project
- Git CLI
- Java8
- Maven 3.x+
- Docker (if you want to run it in a container)
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Navigate to the directory and run the maven build
cd fitness-dsl
mvn clean install
- Once the build succeeds, run the tomcat server locally
cd service
mvn tomcat7:run
- Now you can navigate to the browser and hit the following endpoints
# Nutrition command
localhost:8080/fitness-service/nutrition_info?food=<apple or orange>
# Exercise command
localhost:8080/fitness-service/exercise_info?distance=<distance>&unit=<miles or kilometers>&time=<time>&exercise=<ran or cycled or swam>
Alternatively, you could also deploy your WAR in a tomcat server and run it.
- Build the docker image using the command
cd service
mvn docker:build # This will build the docker image
docker run -p 8080:8080 fitness-service # Spins up a container from the image being built in the previous step
- Follow steps in
- Create an EC2 instance.
- SSH into it.
- Install docker using
sudo yum install docker
. - Start the docker daemon using
sudo service docker start
. - Pull down the docker image.
- Run the docker image using.
docker run -p 8080:8080 <image_id> &
- Edit the security group to allow TCP to connect through 8080.
- Hit the service endpoints!