This page contains mostly nice YouTube channels, magazines, and podcasts. A pleasure for the mind.
3blue1brown The best Math Vlog for me. My favorite video is Fractals are not self-similar.
The Joy of X (interviews with brilliant mathematicians and STEM scientists) and the Joy of Y (a more philosophical version) podcasts by Steven Strogatz. Check out the "What is a good math?" the episode with Terence Tao himself!
Quanta magazine (geeky math & science news) and Quanta magazine youtube channel. Check out the "2023's Biggest Breakthroughs in Math" video.
The brain science podcast with Ginger Campbell: Neuroscience news, book reviews and interviews.
Brief history of mathematics podcast by BBC. I am sad it was so short!!
Other cool videos I have enjoyed:
My favorite theorem podcast The hosts invite mathematicians and let them talk about their background and explain their favorite theorem. I like the Ep. 82 with Sarah Hart where she talks about cycloids.