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730 lines (724 loc) · 38.6 KB

Purpose of this repo

The goal of this repo is to provide a list of the JavaScript and CSS libraries that have been adapted in R, so that R developers don’t lose too much time trying to determine if a particular JavaScript or CSS library has already been ported in R.

How to contribute

This repo is meant to be a collaborative effort (I can’t list all adaptations by myself). The packages that are displayed in the htmlwidgets gallery are automatically added to this list every Sunday just before midnight UTC.

To contribute, you only need to add an R package and the Javascript libraries it uses in other_packages.csv. No need to render the R Markdown file, this will be done automatically via GitHub actions once your PR is accepted (it will take a few minutes to update the README).


R Packages JavaScript libraries
rpdf pdf, jQuery
jsTree jsTree, jQuery, bootstrap
shinyCanvas d3
phylocanvas phylocanvas
msaR msa
d3Tree d3, cycle, d3-tip
slickR slick
datamaps datamaps, d3
rChartsCalmap Cal-Heatmap, d3
leaflet leaflet
DT DataTables
dygraphs dygraphs
metricsgraphics metricsgraphicsjs, d3
streamgraph d3
networkD3 d3
threejs threejs
DiagrammeR d3, viz, mermaid
sigmaGraph sigma
bubbleCloud NA
d3plus d3plus, d3
isotope isotope
D3TableFilter TableFilter, d3, jQuery Sparklines
rhandsontable handsontable
rcdimple dimple, d3
sortableR sortablejs, d3
parcoords parcoords, d3
listviewer jsoneditor, d3
svgPanZoom svg-pan-zoom
exportwidget exportwidget
imageR imageR
chartist chartist.js
phylowidget phylotree.js
qtlcharts d3, d3-tip
highchartR highcharts
greatCircles d3
sparklines jquery.sparkline
rWordCloud d3
c3r c3js
dcStockR dc.js
scatterMatrixD3 d3
rbokeh bokehjs
d3heatmap d3
rpivotTable pivottable
formattable NA
bubbles d3
pairsD3 d3
edgebundleR d3
katexR KaTeX
navr responsive-nav
gamer EntangledClone
materializeR materialize
comicR comic.js
loryR lory.js
d3vennR d3, venn.js
flowtypeR flowtype
sweetalertR SweetAlert
sunburstR d3
d3hiveR d3
calheatmapR d3, cal-heatmap
coffeewheel d3
taucharts taucharts, d3
vivagRaph vivagraph js
rchess chessjs, chessboardjs
d3wordcloud d3, d3-cloud
plotly plotly.js
morrisjs morris.js
diffr codeeiff.js
ggiraph d3
googleway Google Maps Javascript API
highcharter highcharts
mapview leaflet.glify.js, jquery
qrage d3
radarchart chart.js
rAmCharts amCharts
rgl NA
scatterD3 d3
tmap NA
visNetwork vis.js
canvasXpress canvasXpress
c3 c3.js
pier d3pie.js
timevis vis.js
wordcloud2 wordcloud2.js
candela Candela, LineUp, UpSet, OnSet, Vega, GeoJS
collapsibleTree d3
diffRgit diff2html
heatmaply plotly.js
D3plusR D3plus
morpheus morpheus.js
leaflet.minicharts leaflet.minichart.js
manipulateWidget NA
BioCircos BioCircos.js
billboarder billboard
lineupjs lineupjs
upsetjs upsetjs
shinyaframe A-Frame, gg-aframe
mutsneedle muts-needle-plot
sigmaNet sigmajs
bpexploder d3-exploding-boxplot
imageviewer d3, jQuery
echarts4r ECharts
RagGrid agGrid, jQuery
MovingBubbles d3
compareBars d3, d3-tip
topogram cartogram-chart
d3rain d3, d3-tip
wavesurfer wavesurfer.js
parcats plotly.js
apexcharter ApexCharts
tuichartr tui.chart
tuicalendr tui.calendar
grapher ngraph
g2r g2
vennr d3, venn.js
iheatmapr plotly
corrly plotly.js
pivta webdatarocks.js
jsTreeR jsTree, jQuery, jstree-bootstrap-theme, jsTreeGrid
thorn PixiJS, Hamster.js
findInFiles ansi-to-html
graph3d vis-graph3d
rAmCharts4 amCharts4, regression-js
aceEditor react-ace
monaco Monaco Editor
docsifier docsify.js
tinyslider tiny-slider.js
shinyfullscreen screenfull.js
prompter hint.css
circletyper CircleType.js
spoiler spoiler-alert.js
typed typed.js
cicerone driver.js
ambiorix express.js
pushbar pushbar.js
tippy tippy.js
GomoGomonoMi Animate.css
scrollrevealR scrollrevealjs
mailtoR MailtoUI
Rnightly nightly.js
bubblyr bubbly-bg
fabricerin fabricjs
rintimg intense-images
creature sketch.js
flipdownr flipdown
carbonate carbon.js
peity peity
shinyalert sweetalert
rintrojs intro.js
aos aos
scroller arbitrary-anchor.js
aniview animate.Css
gotop jquery-gotop
textyle Textyle.js
countup CountUp.js Odometer
shinyglide glide.js
waiter Progress.js Spinkit.css PleaseWait.js LoadingBar.js LoadGo
swipeR swiperjs
hover hover.css
hierplane hierplane.js
keys mousetrap.js
parcel parcel.js
vov vov.css
ideogRam ideogram
tidyjs-r tidy.js
g2r G2.js
trianglify trianglify.js
baffle baffle.js
headspace headroom.js
egg egg.js
marker markjs
bracer braces