This document lists the Maintainers of the Project. Maintainers may be added once approved by the existing maintainers as described in the Governance document. By adding your name to this list you are agreeing to abide by the Project governance documents and to abide by all of the Organization's polices, including the code of conduct.
NAME | Handle | Affiliated Organization |
Arvind Satyanarayan | @arvind | MIT CSAIL |
Cameron Yick | @hydrosquall | Datadog |
Dominik Moritz | @domoritz | Carnegie Mellon University, Apple |
Fan Du | @fandu-db | - |
Jeffrey Heer | @jheer | University of Washington |
Joel Ostblom | @joelostblom | - |
Jon Mease | @jonmmease | Hex Technologies |
Kanit Wongsuphasawat | @kanitw | - |
Klaus Eckelt | @keckelt | - |
Lukas Hermann | @lsh | - |
Mattijn van Hoek | @mattijn | - |
William Wolf | @willium | - |
Younghoon Kim | @yhoonkim | - |
Stefan Binder | @binste | - |
Christopher Davis | @ChristopherDavisUCI | - |
Dan Redding | @dangotbanned | - |
Daniel Sorid | @dsmedia | - |
Jonathan Zong | @jonathanzong | MIT CSAIL |
Josh Pollock | @joshpoll | MIT CSAIL |