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File metadata and controls

178 lines (129 loc) · 5.52 KB
Using the VeChain dApp kit UI components



import { DAppKitUI } from '@vechain/dapp-kit-ui';
import type { DAppKitOptions, WalletConnectOptions } from '@vechain/dapp-kit-ui';

const walletConnectOptions: WalletConnectOptions = {
     // Create your project here:
    projectId: '<PROJECT_ID>',
    metadata: {
        name: 'My dApp',
        description: 'My dApp description',
        // Your app URL
        url: window.location.origin, 
        // Your app Icon
        icons: [`${window.location.origin}/images/my-dapp-icon.png`], 

const vechainWalletKitOptions: DAppKitOptions = {
    // Required - The URL of the node to connect to
    node: '', 
    // Optional - "main" | "test" | Connex.Thor.Block
    network: 'test', 
    // Optional - Wallet connect options
    // Optional - Defaults to false. If true, the account and source will be persisted in local storage
    usePersistence: true, 
    // Optional - Defaults to the first available wallet. Default value is false
    useFirstDetectedSource: true,
    // Optional - Set a log level to debug the library
    logLevel: 'DEBUG',
    // OPTIONAL: theme variables (check theme variables section)
    // OPTIONAL: app current language
    // OPTIONAL: i18n default object (check i18n section)
    // OPTIONAL: where to render the modal, document.body is the default
    // OPTIONAL: handle source click to customise wallet connect
    onSourceClick={source => void}
    // OPTIONAL: every wallet has a connection certificate, but wallet connect doesn't connect with a certificate, it uses a session; if required, with this option, we will force the user to sign a certificate after he finishes the connection with wallet connect
    // OPTIONAL: you can optionally provide a certificate to be signed during the login, otherwise a standard one will be used
    // OPTIONAL: you can choose which wallets to allow in your application between 'wallet-connect', 'veworld', 'sync2' or 'sync'. Default: all
    allowedWallets={[ 'veworld', 'wallet-connect' ]}

const dappKit = DAppKitUI.configure(vechainWalletKitOptions);

const {thor, vendor, wallet, modal} = DAppKitUI

console.log(`DAppKit configured`,;

Place the custom element in your HTML


Wallet Manager

The wallet manager is the layer provided on top of connex . It can be created following the usage above.

const {wallet, thor, connex} = new DAppKitUI(...)

Set the wallet source

  • Set the current wallet source. This step is necessary if useFirstDetectedSource was not provided as true.
import type { WalletSource } from '@vechain/dapp-kit';

// type WalletSource = 'wallet-connect' | 'veworld' | 'sync2' | 'sync';
const mySource: WalletSource = 'veworld';



  • Connect to the selected wallet. The purpose of this is to improve the UX. For example, connecting a wallet via Wallet Connect involves switching applications multiple times. This will reduce the friction and create a better experience for the user.
  • This will connect to the user's wallet and return its address.
    • For certificate-based wallets, (eg. Sync2), this involves signing a signature
    • For other wallets, such as those using Wallet Connect, it will fetch the address without signing a certificate
  • The response will contain verified equal to true if the user signed a certificate
import { ConnectResponse } from '@vechain/dapp-kit'

const res: ConnectResponse = await wallet.connect()

// { "address": "0x995711ADca070C8f6cC9ca98A5B9C5A99b8350b1","verified": true}


  • The wallet manager will have some fields in state for ease of use.
    • address will be whatever address was retrieved when connecting, signing a certificate, or sending a transaction.
import { WalletManagerState } from '@vechain/dapp-kit'

const state: WalletManagerState = wallet.state


  • account - the address of the connected wallet. Null if not connected
  • accountDomain - the .vet domain account (VeChain domains) if present
  • isAccountDomainLoading - whether the account domain is loading
  • source - the source of the currently selected wallet. Null if not selected
  • connectionCertificate - certificate signed during connection
  • availableWallets - A list of available wallet sources

Subscribe to State

  • You can subscribe to state changes:
import { WalletManagerState } from '@vechain/dapp-kit'

const myListener = (newState: WalletManagerState) => {

//Start the subscription
const subscription = wallet.subscribe(myListener)

//End the subscription

Subscribe to a single value in the state

  • You can also subscribe to a single value in the state:
import { WalletSource } from '@vechain/dapp-kit'

const myListener = (newWalletSource: WalletSource) => {

//Start the subscription
const subscription = wallet.subscribeToKey('source', myListener)

//End the subscription