spBackup a script to control your stored procedures under git
This very basic and yet limited script allows dump and automatic source control for the lazy people.
It was inspired on a quite old version of a similar task, where I needed to keep track of router configurations that were changed by many different people.
So, resuming, it will dump all stored procedures into folders, create git repositories of these git folders and commit each time it is executed.
The settings.ini file contains a very basic configuration where we can set the script up.
;Where you want your databases dump
;Username and password to access the database
db_username = sa
db_password = sql
;As many databases as you want (on the same server or using the same account)
You should start everything once with the following command:
#php spBackup.php dump
This will dump and initialize the repositories
Then you can set it up on crontab
59 23 * * * /usr/bin/php /opt/spBackup/spBackup.php
It is very limited, but exists and works!