- Chocolatey: To install https://chocolatey.org/install
- Gource: Plugin that is downloaded from gitextensions plugins menu or chocolatey
choco upgrade gource -y
- ffmpeg: Installed with chocolatey
choco upgrade ffmpeg -y
Install needed requirments. If using gitextensions plugins menu, no need to install gource. It will be downloaded for you if needed.
Checkout whatever commit / branch you want to base the history off of or use
argument -
Run gource
gouurce --dir-name-depth 1 -logo "Logo\git-extensions-logo-24px.png" -s .06 -1280x720 --auto-skip-seconds .1 --multi-sampling --stop-at-end --key --hide mouse,progress,filenames,dirnames --file-idle-time 0 --max-files 0 --background-colour 000000 --font-size 22 --title "Your Title Here" -o gource.ppm --highlight-colour 00FF00 --multi-sampling --high-dpi --frameless --highlight-users
- If you want to a see a video of only your contributions then add
like--user-show-filter "Jay Asbury"
- If you want to a see your contributions highlighted then add
like--highlight-user "Jay Asbury"
for example and remove--highlight-users
- use
--git-branch branch name here
to use a specific branch
Best way to do this is to use plugins menu. Commndline arguments can be found at https://github.com/acaudwell/Gource
- If you want to a see a video of only your contributions then add
Run ffmpeg
ffmpeg.exe -y -r 60 -f image2pipe -vcodec ppm -i gource.ppm -vcodec libx264 -preset slow -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 1 -threads 0 -bf 0 gource.x264.mp4
- Play with preset argument and other args to adjust as needed.
⚠️ both gource and ffmpeg generate large files. I ran on release 3.5 and 4.0 branches and got these file sizes
Directory of C:\git\gitextensions 09/26/2022 01:44 AM 2,448,248,037 gource3.5.x264.mp4 09/26/2022 02:15 AM 2,001,686,002 gource4.0.x264.mp4 Directory of C:\git\gitextensions 09/26/2022 01:03 AM 49,830,278,768 gource3.5.ppm 09/26/2022 01:10 AM 52,830,104,128 gource4.0.ppm Directory of C:\git\gitextensions 4 File(s) 107,110,316,935 bytes