This is the code repository for the paper A Persistent Spatial Semantic Representation for High-level Natural Language Instruction Execution.
Tested on Ubuntu 20.04.
conda env create -f hlsm-alfred.yml
conda activate hlsm-alfred
- Create a workspace directory somewhere on your system to store models, checkpoints, data, alfred source, etc. Collecting training data requires ~600GB of space. SSD preferred for faster training.
mkdir <workspace dir>
Update the WS_DIR variable in to point to
. -
Clone ALFRED into sub-directory
in the workspace:
cd <workspace dir>
mkdir alfred_src
cd alfred_src
git clone
- Define environment variables. Do this before running every script in this repo.
- (Optional) Download pre-trained models from this Google Drive link and save them into
Most scripts in this repo are parameterized by a single argument that specifies a json
configuration file stored in lgp/experiment_definitions
, excluding the .json file extension.
To change hyperparameters, datasets, or models, you can modify the existing .json configurations
or create your own. The configuration files support a special @include directive that allows recursively including other
configuration files (useful to share parameters among multiple configurations).
Training data consists of two datasets extracted from oracle rollouts in the ALFRED environment. The subgoal dataset consists of examples of semantic maps at the start of each navigation+manipulation sequence labelled with subgoals. The navigation dataset consists of RGB images, ground-truth depth and segmentation, and 2D affordance feature maps at every timestep labelled with navigation goal poses.
The following command will execute the oracle actions on every training environment in ALFRED,
and store the data into <workspace_dir>/data/rollouts
. It will take a few days to run.
Incase the process is interrupted, run it again to resume data collection.
python main/ alfred/collect_universal_rollouts
Trained models are stored in <workspace_dir>/models. If you downloaded the models above, you can skip these training steps and proceed to evaluation.
- Train the high-level controller (subgoal model) for 6 epochs:
python main/ alfred/train_subgoal_model
- Train the low-level controller's navigation model for 6 epochs:
python main/ alfred/train_navigation_model
- Train the semantic segmentation model for 5 epochs:
python main/ alfred/train_segmentation_model
- Train the depth prediction model for 4 epochs:
python main/ alfred/train_depth_model
Tensorboard summaries are written to workspace_dir/data/runs
is the main evaluation script.
Call it with different configurations to evaluate on the different data splits.
To evaluate on valid_unseen, run:
python main/ alfred/eval/hlsm_full/eval_hlsm_valid_unseen
To evaluate on valid_seen, run:
python main/ alfred/eval/hlsm_full/eval_hlsm_valid_seen
To evaluate on both test splits and collect traces for leaderboard, run:
python main/ alfred/eval/hlsm_full/eval_hlsm_test
Explore the other configurations available at experiment_definitions/alfred/eval
Expected results:
Data split | SR | GC |
valid_unseen | 19.48% | 32.5% |
valid_seen | 29.63% | 38.7% |
tests_unseen | 20.27% | 30.3% |
tests_seen | 29.94% | 41.2% |