All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
0.46.3 (2023-03-02)
- Select: fix select on change (033cb68)
0.46.2 (2023-01-31)
- Autocomplete, Combobox: dense style (9f41bf5)
0.46.1 (2023-01-30)
- Stepper: allow animation disabling (9d8fd58)
0.46.0 (2023-01-20)
- Components can no longer be used as tooltip content. TemplateRef can still be used
- replace all deprecated ComponentFactoryResolver occurrences (8addeb3)
- DataTable: add support for row click event (f555346)
- DataTable: selected item is now colored (031e821)
0.45.1 (2022-12-20)
- Autocomplete: disabling via FormControls works now (07c188d)
- Autocomplete: use itemValueKey always (not only when multiple) (41f5865)
- Combobox: disabling via FormControls works now (ae8d662)
- Combobox: use itemValueKey always (not only when multiple) (bf09eb0)
- Select: disabling via FormControls works now (c866d14)
- Select: use itemValueKey always (not only when multiple) (e4a2d10)
- update docs (96705f5)
0.45.0 (2022-12-19)
- Combobox: If the
property is set totrue
, then an array of selected items is returned. Ifmultiple
, then the selected item is no longer returned as an array. - Autocomplete: If the
property is set totrue
, then an array of selected items is returned. Ifmultiple
, then the selected item is no longer returned as an array. - Select: If the
property is set totrue
, then an array of selected items is returned. Ifmultiple
, then the selected item is no longer returned as an array.
- Autocomplete: value is now only an array if multiple is true (f6d6f3c)
- Combobox: value is now only an array if multiple is true (02bbf7b)
- Select: value is now only an array if multiple is true (c710d68)
0.44.0 (2022-12-19)
- The badge property
is now calledborder
. - The
property of theDataTableSettings
token is now calledcustomFilter
. - The
properties of theIconSettings
token are now callediconSet
. - New setting tokens were introduced and some existing ones were split in certain cases
- Access modifiers of all components have been updated. Only properties which are
essential for the developer and which can be used safely are now
. - Menu: The menu items are no longer passed in the
slot but in theitems
slot. The activator is now passed in thedefault
slot instead of theactivator
slot. - Menu: The menu component has been rewritten, therefore some input properties and the settings token have changed.
- Menu: add menu playground (f0b54c4)
- Autocomplete, Combobox, Select: add menu flip support (2531309)
- remove unused component tests (will be treated later) (8ae92d7)
- Menu: improve menu (f75fa5d)
- move JSDoc property descriptions to settings interfaces (ca07a71)
- refactor access modifiers of all component (6d395dd)
- remove legacy menu component (72fc06a)
0.43.1 (2022-12-12)
- export missing setting tokens and interfaces (a139620)
0.43.0 (2022-12-10)
- The Autocomplete, Combobox & Select components have been completely rewritten. This has changed the way they are used
- the simple input element (used by TextFields etc.) no longer has the alwaysFloatingLabel property.
- Input: The internal CSS class
was renamed to.anglify-input-container
- improve copy code example button styling (9877746)
- handle always floating label inside wrapper components (43853e7)
- Input: better support the handling of overflowing content (7bfba5d)
- refactor combobox, autocomplete & select (0b5c861)
0.42.0 (2022-11-24)
- ExpansionPanels: support for FormControls was dropped. Only form inputs must
support FormControls. The
property was also removed. The active item should from now on be set and controlled via thevalue
property. - BottomNavigation: support for FormControls was dropped. Only form inputs must
support FormControls. The
property was also removed. The active item should from now on be set and controlled via thevalue
property. - ItemGroup: support for FormControls was dropped. Only form inputs must support FormControls.
- ListItemGroup: support for FormControls was dropped. Only form inputs must support FormControls.
- Tabs: The
property was removed from the Tab component. From now on, the active item should be set and controlled via thevalue
- create primitives library & kitchensink application (e9f8559)
- Checkbox: add focusable input property (500196d)
- ListItem: add highlight property (f4be8b7)
- Menu: add focusActivatorOnClose input property (b60e22e)
- BottomNavigation: remove FormControl support & active property (0497275)
- DataTable: use new menu internally instead of legacy directive (5368fb1)
- ExpansionPanels: remove FormControl support & active property (18275c4)
- ItemGroup: remove FormControl support (cb9d680)
- ListItemGroup: remove FormControl support (eb4ce65)
- Tabs: remove active input property (455604d)
- button: center loading state on block (1f94972)
0.41.2 (2022-11-17)
- Tab: fix tabs with top icon & add tab font CSS custom properties (f0498da)
0.41.1 (2022-11-16)
- DataTable: add sortBy input property & change event (9f99d43)
- Checkbox: remove propagation for links in labels (6dec500)
0.41.0 (2022-11-11)
- Tabs: ControlValueAccessor support for Tabs was dropped
- Tabs: add value input & valueChange output properties (fb7bc56)
- add copy code example button (4bcf8d8)
- Tabs: remove ControlValueAccessor support (057dede)
0.40.0 (2022-11-09)
- Dialog: Dialog padding has been removed. However, it is now easier to control the width of the dialog.
- Checkbox: add indeterminate state (1b10a3c)
- Dialog: add example that return data from dialog (125aa31)
- create anglify logo (300e4ac)
- Dialog: fix scrolling/max height (00d328a)
- Dialog: remove dialog padding (d4b4fdf)
0.39.0 (2022-10-20)
- Toolbar: The toolbar no longer sets text and icon colors itself. This must now be done manually by the developer.
- Toolbar: text and icon colors are no longer set by the toolbar (395643c)
- List: list item title color can be set with CSS custom properties (49d1159)
0.38.0 (2022-10-18)
- Menu: The Menu directive is no longer available for external use and has been replaced by the Menu Component. Internally, the directive is still used on some components, but the occurrences will all be replaced by the Menu Component soon.
- allow overflow inside code examples (b99b7e0)
- Ripple: ripples now get removed on blur events (df81ad4)
- export internal utility functions (b592910)
- ListItem: list items are now keyboard focusable by default (05f0c80)
- Menu: menu directive is now a component (+ new features) (5b4371e)
0.37.0 (2022-10-18)
- DataTable: DataTable sorting may not work like before.
- ListItem: change ListItem gap to match material standards (e05192b)
- DataTable: sort functions has now access to sort direction (caab6cd)
0.36.4 (2022-10-14)
- improve base application layout example (2876cec)
- don't pin package versions of dependencies (7a101c6)
0.36.3 (2022-10-05)
- Button: fix button text alignment (fdc8283)
0.36.2 (2022-10-05)
- Stepper: fix output property names (removed $ character) (bb65c4a)
- Stepper: style overwrites in horizontal mode are now applied (55cf990)
0.36.1 (2022-10-05)
- Checkbox: remove stopPropagation on click (38e6be0)
- detaching inside overlay service was improved (ad577bd)
- expose overlay & id service (4b8352d)
- Snackbar: add stacked property back again (0c35915)
0.36.0 (2022-10-04)
- Snackbar:
Snackbar property was removed.leading
is not a valid position anymore.SnackbarInteralDismissReason
was renamed toSnackbarInternalDismissReason
(fixed typo).
- add
CSS property for dark scrollbars in dark mode (9318d33) - don't hide navigation drawer scrollbar to avoid layout shifts (14ba48e)
- fix links to GitHub for layout examples (dccadc9)
- DataTable: checkboxes inside selectable rows work now as expected (3386ac3)
- Dialog: use Anglify Overlay Service instead of CDK one (9a2938e)
- remove @angular/cdk dependency (c4e6d9d)
- Snackbar: use Anglify Overlay Service instead of CDK one (6f754d9)
0.35.0 (2022-09-26)
- Badge: The badge directive is now a component. This completely changes the way the badge is used. Check out the badge examples on the website for more information.
- Badge: the badge directive is now a component (1f5cb1f)
- adjust eslint config (ad03441)
- Button: add loading state support (ce3c7d8)
- ListGroup: the list group can now be controlled with the keyboard (1c11e6a)
- ProgressCircular: width and height is now configurable (b083069)
- dialog service now disables body scroll (no fixed position anymore) (7c61923)
- select/autocomplete/combobox this binding bug (e5253ba)
0.34.0 (2022-09-19)
The Ripple/State system has been completely refactored. The following global custom properties have been removed
and the following custom properties have been newly introduced:--color-state-inactive-hover
.Remove the old properties and add the new properties to your SCSS file.
was renamed tocheckedChange
. This allows two way binding now.
- Checkbox: fix two way binding (7d36a2c)
- ripple/state system was made more flexible (2446e39)
0.33.0 (2022-09-16)
- The Ripple/State system has been completely refactored. All state custom
properties of the respective components have been removed. Also, the following global custom
properties have been removed
and the following custom properties have been newly introduced:--color-surface-state-focus
. - DataTable: Access modifiers of some Data Table properties have been changed.
- fix some code examples (d4e233d)
- ripple/state system was made more flexible (3a637b5)
- BreakpointObserverService: add xs$ observable (1da6444)
- DataTable: add possibility to show and hide columns (eb87081)
- DataTable: add support for mobile mode (toggled by using property) (0dcbdb0)
- DataTable: footer doesn't scroll with content anymore (56dec10)
- DataTable: next page button is now disabled if there are no items (69b14fb)
- ripples/states of parent elements do not influence children anymore (15e9672)
0.32.1 (2022-09-12)
- eslint config neon (c6f209c)
- add typography docs page (9b535da)
- fix application layout examples (804aad5)
- improve typography preview component (da896a8)
- Tabs: routerLink works now as expected & add tabs wireframe (754ea22)
0.32.0 (2022-09-07)
- ModalInteralCloseReason was renamed to DialogInternalCloseReason
- replace first pipe operator with take(1) to avoid race conditions (8c95456)
- switch to yarn (63e398d)
- add table of content to each page (6d220ea)
- update import examples (a667870)
- use font from assets folder instead of CDN (95b3a87)
- use markdown for writing documentation pages (aa8987d)
- rename ModalInteralCloseReason to DialogInternalCloseReason (f907798)
- Toolbar: set z-index of toolbar to 10 (f9e9f44)
- Card: add outlined property (3289a3d)
- DataTable: add computeContent method for manipulating column data (c36d5b8)
- DataTable: add loading state support (9eab147)
- DataTable: add no data state support (411e74c)
- Timeline: add padding custom CSS properties (3282abd)
0.31.1 (2022-08-29)
- add missing imports that broke some components (639f323)
- SimpleTable: fix code examples & hover style on footer (17af262)
0.31.0 (2022-08-28)
- All components are now standalone components. Previously imported modules must be replaced with component imports. Also, the SlotDirective must be imported when slots are used.
- Chip: remove fixed chip height (587f861)
- DataTable: adjust styling and expose new CSS custom properties (6f05365)
- Checkbox: show default checked icon when checkbox is disabled (2655798)
- DataTable: add buttons that allow jumping to first & last page (7531dfa)
- DataTable: add support for custom sort functions per header (5309df3)
- DataTable: add support for own (generic) types (243a406)
- standalone components (118cdba)
- change anglify folder structure (eebf652)
0.30.0 (2022-08-26)
- Checkbox: Click propagation has been disabled. This may cause some unexpected behaviour in existing applications.
- Table: The Table component was renamed to SimpleTable (and all related properties).
- Almost every output property was renamed (The word
was prefixed).
- Table: add hover styling to rows (1d4ce95)
- rename & prefix the word
to every output property (6182392) - Table: rename Table component to SimpleTable (f258bf4)
- Checkbox: clicking will stop propagation now (85ba9f7)
- Stepper: make stepper header text not selectable (7110949)
- add page titles to every route (9965b31)
- add support for displaying interfaces inside the api table (8d57e59)
- improve code example component (add scroll behaviour) (29fcc5f)
- use dynamic navigation tree inside navigation drawer (01bb64a)
- add color on primary variant CSS custom properties (8b185e2)
- Chip: add inactive & active CSS custom properties for label color (04adf83)
- implement Button Group component (9531173)
- implement DataTable component (cfad2b2)
- Toolbar: add navigation role to improve accessibility (d743e91)
0.29.1 (2022-08-18)
- OtpInput: remove focus style when input is focused & gets disabled (b99f39f)
0.29.0 (2022-08-18)
- OtpInput: methods/properties were renamed and access modifiers were changed.
- OtpInput: change access modifiers & rename methods/properties (541a496)
- ListGroup: add
property back again (048b8b6) - OtpInput: add
methods (0c505b8)
0.28.0 (2022-08-18)
- NavigationDrawer:
input property of the NavigationDrawer was renamed tovalue
. - Autocomplete, Combobox, Select: The
input property was renamed tonoDataText
. - Autocomplete, Combobox, Select: The options input property was renamed to items.
- ship components as non-peer deps (fc4ebc7)
- Badge: fix complex docs example (161ba9a)
- Checkbox, RadioButton: fix focus & hover states (025a95c)
- ExpansionPanels: remove panel margins in accordion mode (fa5ab9e)
- Autocomplete, Combobox, Select: rename noOptions to noDataText (859a5c0)
- Autocomplete, Combobox, Select: rename options to items (45ed04d)
- Button: cleanup button component (46f00d8)
- cleanup code (0763c61)
- NavigationDrawer: rename
input property tovalue
0.27.0 (2022-07-26)
- Button:
Button appearance was removed. It was an artifact.
- fix typo inside .versionrc (b628993)
- Button: improve background & label color for contained appearance (d67489b)
- Button: remove contained-tonal appearance (bf4f44c)
- change colors on surface overlay for dark theme (1230a7f)
- TextField: change details spacing & component size (275837a)
- TextField: improve inactive bottom border (b5f5a1c)
0.26.0 (2022-07-23)
- All dependencies including Angular have been updated to the latest version. Anglify now uses Angular 14 Updating should work seamlessly.
- update to Angular 14 (64d971d)
0.25.0 (2022-07-23)
- Toolbar: Toolbar slots and some CSS custom properties were renamed
- BottomNavigation: add FormControl support (1f6d466)
- Input: remove hint & error spacing (bc0b825)
- Tabs: improve performance (8de69eb)
- Toolbar: change slot structure & add extension slot (0a9039a)
- add component APIs (a415c78)
- add jsdoc descriptions to input properties (bb3eca0)
- fix some deprecated slots (bd90880)
- add compodoc npm script command (73afce5)
0.24.2 (2022-07-19)
- TextArea, TextField: export missing Typescript files (7c09ecd)
0.24.1 (2022-07-19)
- Checkbox: remove flex align center behaviour from label (6a716a7)
0.24.0 (2022-07-19)
- Checkbox: Checkbox labels are no longer in a flex container and therefore not centered.
- The
type is no longer supported. AllBooleanLike
types have been changed toboolean
. Templates must be adapted and use the bracket syntax that is normal for Angular. - Breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb matchOptions are now configured for each item separately.
- Textarea: Text areas now have only two lines by default
- add module import examples to every component (d2e80be)
- improve accessibility (81200ed)
- update w3c links (ecf41cd)
- use Anglify table for styling API (febfd29)
- Menu: click outside listener now works correctly (55c4435)
- Menu: rename styles that were leaking into this component (08d7849)
- RadioButton: focus color (8c62225)
- add additional internal icons (79be106)
- add directive that can stop click event propagation (10e4826)
- add flip functionality to position service (56f4ce3)
- Checkbox: improve accessibility (6c6d89a)
- Chip: don't allow text selection (3476723)
- Dialog, Snackbar: enum for internal reasons (ac93637)
- Dialog, Snackbar: simple opening method (f694026)
- Input: show tooltip when hint is cut off (8a1ac28)
- Menu: expose open$ observable (99a295a)
- pre-publish autocomplete component (should not be used yet) (41a9454)
- pre-publish combobox component (should not be used yet) (bed0ea9)
- pre-publish select component (should not be used yet) (4dd62e8)
- ProgressCircular: improve accessibility (9d521f1)
- ProgressLinear: improve accessibility (e1a98ab)
- Tabs: improve accessibility (3e76e41)
- Textarea: add autoresize support & example (49881ee)
- Tooltip: improve accessibility (6494527)
- Breadcrumbs: make some item props optional (1126075)
- Checkbox: remove flex align center behaviour from label (486044e)
- Input: adjust styles (e3db5c6)
- Input: make hint optional (458775b)
- remove BooleanLike type & helpers (4e1b8df)
- TextField: adjust styles (6b3d897)
0.23.0 (2022-07-06)
- Breakpoints: breakpoint SCSS mixins were renamed
- Stepper: The names of the stepper service and directive classes have changed
- expose modal data and snackbar data generic to allow typing the return data (d1b81e7)
- add breakpoints feature page (1f6d013)
- add default flag to all SCSS variables (48b9277)
- Breakpoints: rename breakpoint SCSS mixins (4219357)
- Stepper: directives and services have now the according suffix (836ebe1)
- unify setting token file names (64467a6)
- add expansion panels component (9ee1df9)
0.22.1 (2022-06-24)
- add release notes page (dbbb083)
- fix anglify build command (5543a6a)
0.22.0 (2022-06-24)
- completeWith: The completeWith function for Dialogs and Snackbars now requires passing an object
{ reason: string; data?: any | unknown }
, where reason is the reason for closing/sending (required) and data is the arbitrary data that is passed. This allows for a consistent interface instead of a possible union type ofstring | unknown | undefined
, which made it much harder to check what was being returned or why the Dialog/Snackbar action completed - The Form Field component has been removed. Instead you should use the Text Field and the Text Area component
- Stepper: horizontal step header items will fill the full width now (3053324)
- add text area page and examples (1593cd4)
- add text field page and examples (292c2b5)
- remove form field page and examples (bc0a31e)
- Stepper: add custom visited icon example (a032303)
- create text field & text area components (0f4f772)
- expose frequently used form control validators (33421ee)
- completeWith: modal data and snackbar data format (0a6f86e)
- remove form field component (d536e32)
- replace @import with @use everywhere (5fdf7d1)
- update deps and add cpy-cli and rimraf for cross-platform compatability (9ea98c0)
0.21.3 (2022-06-23)
- ListItemGroup: selected indices can now be accessed by FormControls (025c1bb)
0.21.2 (2022-06-23)
- add missing test files (e96dc50)
- dialog: backdrop clicking reason and pane class (4542aa3)
- Ripple: ripples are now behind texts (b834a68)
0.21.1 (2022-06-07)
- Tabs: remove absolute paths that prevent application launching (08d3b3a)
0.21.0 (2022-06-07)
- NavigationDrawer: All occurrences of
, etc. have been renamed toNavigationDrawer
etc.. To update to this version, all occurrences in your application must be renamed. - NavigationDrawer: How you use Navigation Drawers has completely changed. Check every navigation drawer in your app and visit the documentation page for more information.
- List: ListGroups no longer have the
input property. Instead, the ListItem should indicate whether it should be active when the exact route is found, or a subset of it. If ListGroups have active items, then they are automatically opened when the web page is loaded. Checking is now done via theactive
property of the ListItem component. - Tooltip: All tooltip input properties have been removed. The tooltip is now configured
using the new
input property. This prevents overrides if two directives use input properties with the same name.
- Radio Button: remove hover state when hovering over label (74a4cb1)
- add package description and additional information (f97ed25)
- copy root README to anglify lib bundle just before publishing (ff52da2)
- remove README from anglify lib (d44b30b)
- add and expose enterLeaveOpacityAnimation (0f6c204)
- add breakpoint observer service (158058b)
- add breakpoints scss mixin (6e6c984)
- add color secondary variant & adjust color secondary (7ae9be8)
- add tab component (b38cc88)
- Lists: add
property that enables a different display mode (dbe8dc7)
- add application layout examples (381b001)
- add feature group inside the navigation drawer (48d5d44)
- add page meta description & meta keywords using package.json info (95d9785)
- adjust navigation drawer examples (ef4f3df)
- extract component pages into own module (9d448a7)
- introduce app layouts that can be set for each route individually (61aba71)
- optimize docs for all screen sizes (b397b02)
- List: move exact responsibility from list group to list items (cb50203)
- NavigationDrawer: make it usable in complex app layouts (208f40b)
- NavigationDrawer: rename NavDrawer to NavigationDrawer (8cf9124)
- Tooltip: add tooltipConfig input property and remove others (db28b96)
0.20.2 (2022-05-27)
- detach dialog and snackbars properly (4c2b632)
0.20.1 (2022-05-25)
- simplify dialog and snackbar services (82bdd7b)
- Icon: custom icons are now displayed in safari (76a59ef)
0.20.0 (2022-05-25)
- ColorSystem: The color system has been revised.
have been removed, they are covered by the respective--color-on-*-high-emphasis
has been removed and--color-secondary
is instead used where needed.--color-background-tooltip
has also been removed. The tooltip and snackbar color can now be customized by the--color-inverse-surface
color (and the matching font colors). - Icon: The
properties of the icon component have been removed and replaced by the--anglify-icon-color
property. - The type system has been completely revised. As a result, existing custom font properties of components have been either removed or unnamed. Now you can override the fonts either globally or on component level and style them as you wish.
- Button: The
properties of the button were renamed to--anglify-button-hover-state-color
- Icon: The
css property was removed, because the icon size can be overwritten by the different size properties (for example:--anglify-icon-size-regular: 2rem)
- composables can now also be used outside the library (337cb60)
- internal animations are now exported for own usage (6cd8790)
- List: add line clamp css props for list item title & description (80ac6fc)
- ListItem: add hover and focus state colors (87b3b0e)
- ListItem: add possibility to either match exact URL or partial (94fca33)
- ListItem: text has now primary color when item active (43c95e3)
- ProgressLinear: provide SettingsToken (ecddf33)
- Toolbar: add elevation property (e8c61ca)
- adjust changelog generation (7d9381d)
- extend stylelint config so that style properties get sorted (d611a28)
- Badge: short badges are now completely round (a3f855f)
- Button: make transparent default background of outlined buttons (e76eda4)
- FormField: outlined label properties are now displayed correctly (543f986)
- internalIcons change automatically according to set default iconSet (0ace0c5)
- Ripple: the origin is now calculated correctly (8146344)
- SettingsFactory: settings of components are now deep merged (25608e3)
- Stepper: fix hover and active state of stepper header (3d61e22)
- Stepper: make active step indicator color configurable (9e04965)
- Button: change hover and focus css custom property names (4751fe2)
- Checkbox: remove internal input element (07c2637)
- ColorSystem: remove & add some global colors (9ef4fbe)
- Icon: remove --anglify-icon-size css property (0431179)
- Icon: replace active and inactive color through simple color (85474a2)
- introduce "Entire*" types for every component (7f02ab7)
- ProgressLinear: remove unused ProgressLinearMode interface (6af324a)
- the typography system was completely revised (1e0a043)
- Toolbar: remove unused navigation input property (6228d1f)
0.19.0 (2022-05-19)
- By default, the bars now use the global
CSS custom property for the background color. This also changed the background color of the bars in dark mode to a grey tone. - In order to set an error manually on untouched FormFields, the FormField must now
be marked as dirty beforehand with the FormControl method
. Otherwise the error will not be displayed.
- dark theme colors across all components (b8a30b5)
- form field error state checking (99def9e)
- position service window resize position bug (fc7ebcd)
- add item group component (7ada336)
- badge component (d35b256)
- chip (e26cd53)
- list group collapsing (b3fe51c)
- set color of Anglify icons in tooltips the same as the text color (ce1a99d)
- snackbar (53413d0)
- Tooltip: possibility to activate/deactivate shift & flip (a4708a4)
- add references to and other pages to every component (6030d3f)
- improve examples and code quality (a0419b8)
- remove active group in navigation drawer (b3fbcf3)
- remove button sizing example (45d3f52)
0.18.1 (2022-05-19)
- replace absolute paths inside bottom navigation component (d7101e1)
0.18.0 (2022-05-13)
Themes are now mixins and do not manipulate the root element directly. At the point where you want to add the theme variables, you must now call the mixin with
@include light-theme;
@use 'node_modules/@anglify/components/styles/themes/light' as *; :root { @include light-theme; }
- Removal of
button style.- There is no reason for us to do this, we can already use the elevation utility for this.
- Rename of
button style tocontained
as per material spec. - Removal of
button style.- We can already handle changing the button color and text color within just a certain button really easily, no need to do this.
- Removal of
property on buttons.- We can handle changing the button size with CSS rather easily too, no need to do all out here and change it weirdly with props to have 5 fixed sizes.
- Removal of
property on fab buttons.- See above.
- cleanup return types, add missing spacing (0d48b9b)
- bottom navigation (3515ce9)
- dark theme (5e6c87d)
- Stepper: use anglify icon internally by default (77409c1), closes #119
- toolbar (65e9d28)
0.17.2 (2022-05-06)
- export missing util functions (9f02644)
- change absolute import paths to relative ones in some places (f733ed3)
0.17.1 (2022-05-06)
- export missing util functions (c3d6046)
0.17.0 (2022-05-06)
- There were many identical directives which exported only the TemplateRef. There
were also places where no TemplateRefs were used at all (instad only normal selectors). This has
now been standardized. At the respective places one must now use
<ng-template slot="...">...</ng-template>
. The slot name is passed via the slot attribute
- improve pull request and issue templates (af08084)
- test anglify library when running npm run test (b0fd37a)
- improve filterEmpty function typing (0d44ab7)
- ListItemGroup: store only active element count (633e4dd)
- move pipe module into module folder & rename it (1d56c0f)
- unify content projection (fab3c18)
0.16.0 (2022-05-03)
- Checkbox: The internally unused checkbox CSS custom properties
were removed. - NavigationDrawer: The drawer padding custom CSS property was removed. Users can easily add this with their own containers if needed. Therefore this was removed.
- SettingTokens: Other settings use boolean but in some places BooleanLike was used. This has now been unified. BooleanLike only makes sense in templates.
- add observable HostBinding helper methods (7ec1793), closes #108
- Checkbox: readonly input property (357ff92)
- ListItem: add active state which can be toggled (8b7fa08)
- ListItem: make text non-selectable (2e71ef2)
- Lists: add ListItemGroup component (81a754d)
- possibility to disable component states (0d9b2b8)
- ListItem: add padding & adjust normal and dense size (2270d74)
- List: make list a block element (491b203)
- List: add list item group examples (125b289)
- change release notes structure (82f40cc)
- Checkbox: hovering over label does not change interaction state (65dfd19), closes #115
- NavigationDrawer: sticky drawer property works now as expected (93edef3)
- Checkbox: remove unused CSS custom properties (a426b72)
- NavigationDrawer: remove custom drawer padding css property (3f7616c)
- rewrite position service to use floating-ui lib (fea8e81)
- SettingTokens: change BooleanLike setting types to boolean (327f08a)