Markus Kraus @vMarkus_K
Read the Docs - StoreOnce PowerShell Module
This module leverages the HPE StoreOnce REST API with PowerShell. This first cmdlets will be for reporting purposes and after that some basic administrative cmdlets should be added.
- Create Stores
- Change Permissions
- Delete Stores
- etc.
- Request access to the project Slack Channel (
Request form to Slack Channel:
Or contact me via any other channel...
Connect to a StoreOnce Appliance and generate a connection object with Servername, Token etc.
Lists all connected StoreOnce Appliannce(s).
Lists all ServiceSets from your StoreOnce system(s).
Lists all Catalyst Stores from your StoreOnce system(s).
Lists all NAS Stores from your StoreOnce system(s).
Lists all Catalyst Clients from your StoreOnce system(s).
Lists Clients with Access Permissions of a Catalyst Store.
Creates a single StoreOnce Catalyst store with default options on a given Service Set on your StoreOnce system.
Creates a StoreOnce Catalyst Client on all Service Sets on your StoreOnce system.
Permit or deny Client access to a StoreOnce Catalyst Store.
Remove a single StoreOnce Catalyst store on a given Service Set on your StoreOnce system.
Remove a single StoreOnce Catalyst store on a given Service Set on your StoreOnce system.
# Enhancements [*Back to top*](#Title)Version 2.1
- Enhanced: force TLS 1.2 Connection
Version 2.0
- New: New Connection process
- New: Remove-SOCatClient
- New: Remove-SOCatStore
Version 1.1
- New: IP Connection Test before REST Calls
Version 1.0
- Enhanced: Module restructuring. Each Function has now its own psm1
Version 0.9
- New: Permit or deny Client access to a StoreOnce Catalyst Store
- Fix: Parameter Positions
Version 0.8
- New: Creates a StoreOnce Catalyst client
Version 0.7
- New: Creates a StoreOnce Catalyst store
- Enhanced: More details for Get-SOCatStores
Version 0.6
- Enhanced: Parameter Position declaration
- Enhanced: Output Reorganization
Version 0.5.2
- Enhanced: New Cert Handling
- Enhanced: Cmdlet Set-SOCredentials rewritten
Version 0.5.1
- Enhanced: Optional Credential verification for Set-SOCredentials Commandlet
Version 0.5
- New: Get Clients (Users) with Access Permissions of a Catalyst Store
Version 0.4.1
- Enhanced: Added ID not NAS and Catalyst
Version 0.4
- New: Get StoreOnce Catalyst Clients (User)
Version 0.3
- New: Get StoreOnce NAS Shares
- Renamed StoreOnce Catalyst Stores Commandlet
- Enhanced: Added Synopsis to Functions
Version 0.2.1
- Fixed: Issue #4 - Secure Password Input
Version 0.2
- New: Get StoreOnce Catalyst Stores
Version 0.1
- New: Credential Handling for REST Calls
- New: Get StoreOnce SIDs