Releases: usnistgov/fipy
Releases · usnistgov/fipy
- [closed] GMSH version >= 2.10 incorrectly read by #462
- [closed] gist warning #455
- [bug][viewers] DendriteViewer puts contours over color bar #445
- [bug][viewers] MatplotlibViewer still has problems in IPython notebook #443
- [closed] Use github API to get nicely formatted list of issues #440
- [closed] Failed tests on Mac OS X #438
- [examples] Figure misleading in examples.cahnHilliard.mesh2DCoupled #437
- [bug][documentation][installation] Links to prerequisites are broken #433
- [closed] Make devlop the default branch on Github #430
- [bug][viewers] MatplotlibViewer don't display #427
- [bug][documentation] Links for Warren and Guyer are broken on the web page #425
- [bug][viewers] The "limits" argument for Matplotlib2DGridViewer does not function #421
- [enhancement] Updates to reflect move to Github #416
- [bug][viewers] MatplotlibGrid2DViewer error with Matplotlib version 1.4.0 #415
- [enhancement][meshes] Implement PeriodicGrid3D #408
- [boundaryConditions][bug][invalid] FiPy self-test fails #405
- [bug][installation] package never gets uploaded to PyPI #404
- [boundaryConditions][bug] both insight and internal #403
- [boundaryConditions][bug] do n't have to take a look overly far #402
- [boundaryConditions][bug] Vector equations are broken when
is used instead ofsolve
. #401 - [documentation][task] Home page needs out-of-NIST redirects #398
- [documentation][duplicate][enhancement] Switch to sphinxcontrib-bibtex #397
- [documentation][enhancement] enable google analytics #396
- [bug][documentation] Documentation change for Ubuntu install #395
- [bug][meshes] CylindricalNonUniformGrid2D doesn't make a FaceVariable for exteriorFaces #393
- [bug][documentation] exit_nist.cgi deprecated #392
- [bug][documentation] Peclet inequalities have the wrong sign #391
- [bug][invalid] test ticket #389
- [bug][numerix] Windows 64 and numpy's dtype=int #388
- [enhancement][viewers] Add support for Matplotlib streamplot #384
- [boundaryConditions][bug] Neumann boundary conditions not clearly documented #382
- [boundaryConditions][bug] numpy 1.7.1 test failures with #381
- [bug][terms] VanLeerConvectionTerm MinMod slope limiter is broken #377
- [bug] testing CommitTicketUpdater #376
- [bug][numerix] NumPy 1.7.0 doesn't have _formatInteger #375
- [bug][numerix] Bug with numpy 1.7.0 #373
- [bug][meshes] convection problem with cylindrical grid #372
- [bug][examples] examples/phase/ has problems #371
- [bug][terms] FIPY_DISPLAY_MATRIX is broken #370
- [bug][viewers] Viewers don't inline well in IPython notebook #368
- [documentation][enhancement] Change documentation to promote use of stackoverflow #367
- [bug][variables] unOps can't be pickled #366
- [enhancement][parallel] Rename communicator instances #365
- [bug][meshes] Parallel bug in non-uniform grids and conflicting mesh class and factory function names #364
- [bug][invalid][meshes] Using
Popen('gmsh ...', shell=True)
rather thanshell=False
security danger #362 - [bug][documentation] NIST CSS changed #360
- [enhancement][variables][wontfix] constrain should return a handle to the constraint for later deletion #357
- [bug][documentation] link to mailing list is wrong #356
- [documentation][task] Update Ohloh to point at git repo #353
- [bug] getVersion() fails on Py3k #352
- [bug][meshes] Gmsh importer can't read mesh elements with no tags #350
- [documentation][enhancement] Include mailing list activity frame on front page #347
- [bug][examples] text in trunk/examples/convection/ is out of date #346
- [bug][terms][wontfix] segfault on loki #344
- [bug][terms][wontfix] multiplying equation by "x" changes the solution #343
- [bug][terms] sign issues for equation with transient, convection and implicit terms #342
- [bug] Fix for test failures on loki #339
- [bug][documentation] SvnToGit clean up #338
- [enhancement][installation] Clean up interaction between dependencies and installation process #337
- [documentation][enhancement] Make the citation links go to the DOI links #334
- [bug][documentation] Web page links seem to be broken #333
- [bug][tests] Inline failure on Ubuntu x86_64 #332
- [bug] Assorted errors #331
- [--inline][bug] faceValue as FaceCenters gives inline failures #330
- [bug][meshes] Gmsh background mesh doesn't work in parallel #329
- [bug][io] Gmsh2D does not respect background mesh #326
- [documentation][enhancement] constraining values with ImplictSourceTerm not documented? #324
- [bug][meshes] getFaceCenters() should return a FaceVariable #323
- [bug][terms] Explicit convetion terms should fail when the equation has no TransientTerm (dt=None) #319
- [bug][solvers] FiPy will not importy #318
- [bug][meshes] gmshImport tests fail on Windows due to shared file #317
- [--inline][bug] changes to caused --inline problems #316
- [bug][io] Gmsh I/O #313
- [enhancement] LSMLIB refactor #311
- [bug][tests] Failures on sandbox under buildbot #307
- [task][tests] Add in parallel buildbot testing on more than 2 processors #306
- [bug][parallel] cellVariable.min() broken in parallel #302
- [bug][installation] Epetra.PyComm() broken on Debian #301
- [bug][examples] examples/cahnHilliard/ broken with -- trilinos #300
- [bug] Viewers not working when plotting meshes with zero cells in parallel #299
- [bug][meshes] Memory consumption growth with repeated meshing, especially with Gmsh [#298](
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No changelog for this release.
No changelog for this release.
No changelog for this release.
No changelog for this release.
No changelog for this release.
No changelog for this release.
No changelog for this release.