3.8.2 (2018-09-24)
- auth0: extend responseType check (2d3434b), closes #403
- auth0: fix access and id token assignments (9e2c383), closes #397
3.8.1 (2018-06-13)
- fetchClientConfig: do not break promises chain (c1cd0f2)
3.8.0 (2018-05-28)
- authService: detect logout events in different tabs when using autoupdate of tokens. (75029b2), closes #379
- authService: limit setTimeout to it's maximum value of about ca 24.85d (3c51df6), closes #375
- authService: use proper update method (0283882)
- baseConfig: logoutOnInvalidtoken -> logoutOnInvalidToken (16bb54b)
- index: use PLATFORM.moduleName for globalResources (ec84731)
- authentication: add option to always store all received properties (be7c530)
- authService: added getIdTokenPayload method (0651f00)
- baseConfig: added azure ad configuration (554da43)
3.7.0 (2017-06-29)
- authentication: prevent logout if there is no identity (aea4ac8)
- authService: redirect on refresh token failure when configured to do so (f23fd60)
- authentication: authentication failures on 401 now return the response in the rejection.
3.6.0 (2017-05-05)
- fetchClientConfig: logout when token is invalidated by server (ad9b66a)
3.5.0 (2017-04-25)
- authService: add default headers and clientSecret in config (863e4a4)
3.4.1 (2017-03-23)
- authService: storageEventHandler change (01d3662)
3.4.0 (2017-03-20)
- authService: support empty login request (0d8f258)
3.3.0 (2017-03-06)
- authService: handle logout also if server logoutUrl fails (403a498)
- authentication: include response object in 'Token not found in response' errors (d5131ca)
3.2.0 (2017-01-13)
- authService: allow object passed as second arg to authService.login() (da294c4)
- interceptor: fix automatic refresh token usage (62d61de)
3.1.0 (2016-11-02)
- auth0: Close popup after an unrecoverable error (36aa441)
- auth0: Fix auth rejection for non severe errors (9a91ef2)
- authService: Add focus handler to check token expiration (38381c3)
- authService: changed redirection overwrite to empty string (cc8b79e)
- authService: optional callback for isAuthenticated (fdbe4b5)
3.0.3 (2016-10-14)
- baseConfig: explain getExpirationDateFromResponse and ensure format (ee30ce4)
- isAuthenticated: always check access_token existence (72fb377)
3.0.2 (2016-10-14)
- authService: storageChangedReload optional (default: false) (8c5b1cb)
3.0.1 (2016-10-13)
- authServive: fix ie11 storage event loop (b9ce956)
- authService: ensure page reload after storage events (7125cc5)
3.0.0 (2016-10-05)
- authService: storage events do not work properly in IE11 (944a716)
- auth0lock: Upgrade code to work with Auth0 Lock 10.x (no backwards compat) (fe3adc7)
- authService: add logout handling for openid connect (91e9217)
3.0.0-rc11 (2016-09-22)
- authService: storage events do not work properly in IE11 (944a716)
- authService: add logout handling for openid connect (91e9217)
3.0.0-rc10 (2016-08-25)
- bundle: re-add imports for bundling (4b6208c)
3.0.0-rc9 (2016-08-23)
- authService: let authService.isAuthenticated analyse token from storage each time (as was intended) (e2ef686)
- authService: listen to storage events. fixes login/logout in other tabs (52c2f67)
- oauth implicit: removed encoding of space character between response types when returning token from popup. (e444e0b)
- authService: add getIdToken method to authenticaton and authService (00a7368)
- config: optional functions getExpirationDateFromResponse, getAccessTokenFromResponse and getRefreshTokenFromResponse (352e5a4)
- authService: hasDataAnalyzed renamed to responseAnalyzed
3.0.0-rc8 (2016-08-03)
3.0.0-rc7 (2016-07-22)
3.0.0-rc6 (2016-07-04)
<a name"3.0.0-rc5">
- baseConfig:
<a name"3.0.0-rc4">
- ValueConverter: fix ValueConverter build (c0b71009)
- ValueConverters: bring back old authFilter version since new one can't be auto bundled (a66394dc)
- authService:
- authentication: consistent throw if token not found (41454e39)
- popup:
- use PLATFOTM.global.document.location (fa0e8a30)
- project:
- use auth:true for authenticationStep and isAuth (caf4a3be)
- authService:
- authenticateStep: use authService.authenticate (5b9306fe)
- project: (234e1024)
- value-converters: move/rename/add valueConverters (4d2ee936)
<a name"3.0.0-rc3">
- aurelia-authentication: add ie9 window.origin polyfill (a06e66b0)
- auth0Lock: add missing aurelia-pal dependency for webpack (a8056dc3)
- authentication: consistent throw if token not found (41454e39)
- popup: encodeURIComponent all query parameters (82e023c2)
- project: restore missing props in package.json for jspm 0.17+ (17f9e81d)
- BaseConfig: copied over current sahat/satellizer settings (70dfb814)
- authService:
- authentication:
- project:
- refresh-token: optional refreshTokenUrl (234e1024)
<a name"3.0.0-rc2">
- authentication: let the storageKey be the storageKey (a302352b)
- typings: mark optional parameters (f56df76a)
<a name"3.0.0-rc1">
- BaseConfig: encode redirect url for all providers (adc90827)
- authUtils: quote string (ab4756f2)
- d.ts: include only necessary imports (2c292ac4)
- AuthService:
- authService: add request options to signup and login as well as optional redirecUri overwrite (e8072e54)
- baseConfig:
- project:
- revert isAuthenticated to just boolean again. use aurelia-logger and @deprecated (49fe1e0f)
- store the complete response in storage. AuthService.getTimeLeft() added (b98d839e)
- bundle into single file (6984c590)
- Rename project to remove spoonx prefix. enable npm installation (637aac41)
- name auth appropriatly and refactor (95259767)
- for AuthService(provider, redirectUri, userData) redirectUri===false means "Do not redirect" now. Set redirectUrl to undefined or null to use the defaultRedirectUrl.(which is in this case BaseConfig.loginRedirect) DEPRECATED: for AuthService(provider, redirectUri, userData) redirectUri === true to actually not redirect is deprecated. Set redirectUrl===false instead.
- authUtils got removed. Extend and aurelia-path are used instead for some functions
- This aligns access token option names with the refresh token option names. The option changes are as follows:
tokenStorage => accessTokenStorage
responseTokenProp => accessTokenProp
tokenName => accessTokenName
tokenRoot => accessTokenRoot
option value has been changed from 'refresh_token' to 'token'. The newrefreshTokenProp
option is set to 'refresh_token' by default (a non-breaking change).
- Token prefixes were using another 'unrelated' option to make up the full storage keys. This was unnecessary, confusing and could have resulted in the same storage location being shared between both the refresh and access tokens. README updated to reflect current design.
- all imports need to use 'aurelia-authenticaton'
prefix dropped from install name for authentication and api. Updatepackage.json
- AuthService instance renamed to authService and Authentication instance renamed to authentication
<a name"2.1.0">
- configure: fail if specified endpoints are not registered (4a444253)
- interceptor: set authorization header instead of appending (4e53457d)
- project: add refresh token (77bdbe49)
<a name"2.0.2">
- authFilter: Import authfilter for bundling (d5461fd6)
<a name"2.0.1">
<a name"2.0.0">
<a name"1.1.2">
- project: fix wrong dependency introduced in 1.1.1 (1b288214)
<a name"1.1.1">
<a name"1.1.0">
- authUtils: make authUtils a named export, export authUtils from index -- breaking change! (7de0aa23)
<a name"1.0.1">
- FetchConfig: keep client settings when adding interceptor (18c052c1)
<a name"1.0.0">
- The project now must be imported with aurelia-authentication
<a name"0.13.9">
- authorizeStep: fix redirect if isLoggedIn and on login route (65986f7c)
- baseConfig: SPA redirects should be hashed (a24ce935)
- project: import authFilter for inclusion when bundling (d70a5c6f, closes #44)
<a name"0.13.8">
<a name"0.13.7">
<a name"0.13.6">
- oauth: use current provider settings (9c860c23)
<a name"0.13.4">
- oAuth: reset defaults properly (968abfcf)
<a name"0.13.3">
- typescript: Add proper build support (9ebfd763)
- authentication: use current tokenName (bd58f00b)
<a name"0.13.2">
- index: fetchConfig needs configured baseConfig (e62c9eb9)
<a name"0.13.1">
- popup: Referrence popupWindow on this; popupWindow is undefined. (212117e9)
<a name"0.13.0">
- test: Added tests (846d1bf9)
- typescript: Update d.ts (edbd7304)
- build:
- Create typescript definitions file on build (09f63b1b)
- Added typescript ds file generating (e5d4726a)
- fetch-config: Added endpoint configuring, and configurable client. (c1e30f61)
- project: Added typescript definition file (28804352)
- snyk: Added snyk (562ba14e)
- typescript: Update d.ts (edbd7304)
- project: Added typescript definition file (28804352)
- authentication: Catch corrupt json (b971cfc1)
- authService: getMe with optional criteria (99b8ed62)
- authService: getMe with optional criteria (99b8ed62)
- project: Version bump to higher than all previous ones (c4ceae9b)
- authentication: Made response token configurable (8281d906)
- fetch-client: Recover baseUrl from singleton (8281d906)
- lint: Added linting (5cf127b2)