All changes to the GCAM-China model undergo a review process before pull request can be accepted. This process is intended to make sure that additions to GCAM code or data are sound, and appropriate for general use. The proposal is reviewed by core committee staff who are most appropriate to consider the proposed changes.
All changes will be accepted through the umd-cgs Github gcam-china repository. To initiate the review process users should open a Pull Request from their fork of GCAM-China and target a new feature branch on the umd-cgs gcam-china repository. Users are free to call the feature branch as they best see fit and should nominally be descriptive of the work. A suggested convention is to use the convention of attaching the following prefixes to branch names: 'bugfix/' for bug fixes or 'feature/' for new features or general improvements although this is not strictly necessary.
In the pull request users are asked to attach a GCAM-China Model Proposal, which is a document that describes the purposes of the change, methods used, and demonstrates verification that the change has the intended impact (or lack of impact if it should have none) including figures generated from the model results. If you are unsure how best to demonstrate your changes makes the impact desired you can initiate the Pull Request and include the draft of your Proposal thus far and we can help assist you in how to complete it.