- upgraded to Leaflet.Storage 0.8.0, which bumps to Leaflet 1.0.x
- added am_ET, pl and sk_SK locales
- fixed default licence being created in every available languages
- switch to pytest for unit tests
- Django 1.10 compatibility
- add DataLayer.rank
- Expose DataLayer versions
- python3 support
- add nofollow meta when map is not public
- fix anonymous not able to edit map anymore
## 0.7.0
- update Leaflet.Storage to 0.7.0
- added Vietnamese
- by default, allow_edit is now false
- added Chinese (Taiwan) locale
- upgrade to django 1.6
- sesql replaced by django-pgindex
- support for gzip for datalayer geojson
- support for X-Senfile/Accel-Redirect
- more translations
- fix anonymous map owner not able to delete their map
- fix missing vendors assets
- reset South migrations (some were bugged); to be back again with django 1.7
- added russian locale
- http optimistic concurrency control
- longer anonymous cookie max_age (one month instead of session only)
- add possibility to override default zoom with LEAFLET_ZOOM setting
- fix bug where anonymous map wasn't editable by logged in users even if edit status was ANONYMOUS
- internal storage structure totally reviewed: datalayers are stored as geojson files, instead of being split in features stored in PostGIS
- upload and download moved to client side (see Leaflet.Storage)
- cloned map name is now prefixed by "Clone of "
- added Transifex config
- workaround for non asciiable map names
- add a share_status fielf in Map model
## 0.4.0
- renamed internally category in datalayer
- add a rank column to tilelayer to control their order in the tilelayer edit box
- fix description that was not exported in the GeoJSON export
- return proper 403 if bad signature on anonymous_edit_url access
- refactored tilelayer management
- smarter encoding management at import
- smarter errors management at import
- handle other delimiters than just comma for CSV import
- Spanish translation, thanks to @ikks
- map clone possibility
- handle anonymous map creation
- Fix color no more displayed in map info box (cf #70)
- portuguese translation (thanks @FranciscoDS)
- fix bug when the map title was too long (making the slug too long, and so over the database limit for this field)
- add a setting to display map caption on map load (cf Leaflet.Storage#50)
- update to django 1.5
- first version of a CSV import
- add a Textarea in import form
- first version of data export (GeoJSON only for now)
- handle map settings management from front-end
- handle path styling options (https://github.com/yohanboniface/Leaflet.Storage/issues/26)
- remove Category.rank (https://github.com/yohanboniface/django-leaflet-storage/issues/46)
- Marker has now icon_class and pictogram fields (https://github.com/yohanboniface/django-leaflet-storage/issues/21)
- handle scale control
- basic short URL management
- fixed a bug where imports were failing if the category had a custom marker image
## 0.1.0
- first packaged version