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This walk-through trains a new basecalling model for Oxford Nanopore devices using the Taiyaki software.

A new Guppy-compatible model will be trained, from a set of raw reads, using the Taiyaki remapping workflow.

  1. Basecall reads
  2. Map basecalls to reference
  3. Create input data files for read mapping
    1. Per-read reference sequence
    2. Read scaling and trimming parameters
  4. Create mapped read file
  5. Train model

For the impatient, the following commands will be run. These will be explained, step-by-step, in following sections.

# Download and unpack training data (approx. 10GB)
tar zxvf taiyaki_walkthrough.tar.gz
cd taiyaki_walkthrough

# Obtain and install Taiyaki
git clone
cd taiyaki && make install && cd ..

# Basecall Reads -- replace config file with one appropriate for your data (e.g. dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac_prom.cfg)
guppy_basecaller -i reads -s basecalls -c /opt/ont/guppy/data/dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac.cfg --device cuda:0

# BAM of Mapped Basecalls
minimap2 -I 16G -x map-ont -t 32 -a --secondary=no reference.fasta basecalls/*.fastq | samtools view -bST reference.fasta - > basecalls.bam

# Extract Per-read References reference.fasta basecalls.bam --min_coverage 0.8 > read_references.fasta

# Create Per-read Scaling Parameters --jobs 32 reads > read_params.tsv

# Create Mapped Read File  --jobs 32 reads read_params.tsv mapped_reads.hdf5  pretrained/r941_dna_minion.checkpoint read_references.fasta

# Train a Model --device 0 taiyaki/models/ mapped_reads.hdf5

# Export to Guppy training/model_final.checkpoint > model.json

# Basecall test set of reads with new model -- replace config file with one appropriate for your data
guppy_basecaller -i reads -s basecalls_new -c /opt/ont/guppy/data/dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac.cfg -m `pwd`/model.json --device cuda:0


Taiyaki is developed on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS and assumes a modern Linux environment.

Download and unpack training data

Download the training data, consisting of 50k R9.4.1 reads from a DNA sample of the following organisms:

  • E. coli (SCS110)
  • H. sapiens (NA12878)
  • S. cerevisiae (NCYC1052)

The total download is about 10GB.

# On some platforms, curl may be installed instead of wget
# curl -O
tar zxvf taiyaki_walkthrough.tar.gz
cd taiyaki_walkthrough

Unpacking the taiyaki_walkthrough.tar.gz archive creates a directory taiyaki_walkthrough containing the files needed for this walk through. An additional directory taiyaki_walkthrough/intermediate_files contains examples of the outputs that will be created.


  • intermediate_files (examples of file created during walk-through)
    • basecalls (directory produced by Guppy)
    • basecalls.bam
    • mapped_reads.hdf5
    • read_params.tsv
    • read_references.fasta
  • pretrained (pre-trained models used for mapping reads)
    • r941_dna_minion.checkpoint
    • r941_rna_minion.checkpoint
  • reads
    • 50k single-read fast5 files for training
  • references.fasta

Obtain and install Taiyaki

Download the Taiyaki software and install into a Python virtual environment. For further information, see

git clone
(cd taiyaki && make install)
source taiyaki/venv/activate

The remainder of this walk-through assumes that the working directory is taiyaki_walkthrough, containing the data to train from, and that the taiyaki virtual environment is activated.

Basecall Reads

Here we are going to use the Guppy software, supported by by Oxford Nanopore, but other basecallers could be used instead. The basecalls are used by Taiyaki to associate each read with a fragment of sequence.

Guppy will read the raw reads from the directory reads and write fastq format basecalls into a directory called basecalls.

guppy_basecaller -i reads -s basecalls -c /opt/ont/guppy/data/dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac.cfg --device cuda:0
-i reads Read raw fast5 files from directory reads
-s basecalls Write output into basecalls directory, fastq format. Directory created when guppy_basecaller is run
-c /opt/ont/guppy/data/dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac.cfg Configuration file for model. Here we use the flip-flop basecaller
--device cuda:0 Run the basecalling on CUDA device cuda:0. If you have more than one GPU, you may need to change this value

If you wish to use a different basecaller, the rest of this walk-through assumes that the basecalls are in fastq format and stored in a directory basecalls

BAM of Mapped Basecalls

From the set of basecalls, map to a reference so that a specific reference fragment for each read can be determined.

minimap2 -I 16G -x map-ont -t 32 -a --secondary=no reference.fasta basecalls/*.fastq | samtools view -b -S -T reference.fasta - > basecalls.bam


Requires a working installation for minimap2. See for details.

-I 16G Only split index every 16 gigabases
-x Preset for mapping ONT reads to a reference
-t 32 Use 32 threads to run
-a Output in SAM format
--secondary=no Don't output secondary alignments
reference.fasta fasta format file containing reference sequence to map against
basecalls/*.fastq Constructs a list of all fastq files with the basecalls directory

samtools view

Requires a working installation for samtools. See for details.

-b Output is BAM
-S Input is SAM
-T reference.fasta Location of reference mapped to
- Read input from stdin
> basecalls.bam Redirect output to basecalls.bam (printed to screen by default)

Extract Per-read References

Taiyaki requires a specific reference for each read, in the same orientation as the read. The script extracts a specific reference for each read, which is used as its true sequence for training. A low coverage, proportion to the basecalled mapped, might indicate a mismapped read or issues with the reference, so we filter out these reads. reference.fasta basecalls.bam --min_coverage 0.8 > read_references.fasta
--min_coverage 0.8 Only output a reference for reads where more than 80% of the basecall maps to the reference
> read_references.fasta Redirect output to read_references.fasta (printed to screen by default)

Create Per-read Scaling Parameters

Taiyaki allows a great deal of flexibility is how reads are scaled and trimmed before mapping, parameters for each read being contained in a tab-separated-variable (tsv) file with the following columns:

  • UUID
  • trim_start
  • trim_end
  • shift
  • scale

The script analyses a directory of reads and produces a compatible tsv file using a default scaling method. --jobs 32 reads > read_params.tsv
--jobs 32 Run using 32 threads
reads Directory containing fast5 reads files
> read_params.tsv Redirect output to read_params.tsv file. Default is write to stdout

Create Mapped Read File

Taiyaki's main input format is a file containing mapped reads and necessary data to select chunks of reads for training. The script takes the previously prepared files and processes them into final input file.  --jobs 32 reads read_params.tsv mapped_reads.hdf5 pretrained/r941_dna_minion.checkpoint read_references.fasta
--jobs 32 Run using 32 threads
reads Directory containing fast5 reads files
read_params.tsv Per-read scaling and trimming parameters
mapped_reads.hdf5 Output file. A HDF5 format file, structured according to (docs/
pretrained/r941_dna_minion.checkpoint Model file used for remapping reads to their references
read_references.fasta fasta file containing a reference specific for each read

Train a Model

Having prepared the mapped read file, the script training a flip-flop model. Progress is displayed on the screen and written to a log file in the training directory. Checkpoints are regularly saved and training can be restarted from a checkpoint by replacing the model description file with the checkpoint file on the command line.

  • training/model.log Log file
  • training/ Input model file
  • training/model_checkpoint_xxxxx.checkpoint Checkpoint

Depending the speed of the GPU used, this process can take several days. --device 0 taiyaki/models/ mapped_reads.hdf5
--device 0 Use CUDA device 0
taiyaki/models/ Model definition file
mapped_reads.hdf5 Mapped reads file created by

Export to Guppy

Guppy requires a json format file, which can be easily created from the final model file (training/model_final.checkpoint) training/model_final.checkpoint > model.json

Basecall with New Model

By way of exmaple, use the new model to basecall the training reads. It is not recommended to use these basecalls to assess model, please use an alternative set.

guppy_basecaller -i reads -s basecalls_new -c /opt/ont/guppy/data/dna_r9.4.1_450bps_hac.cfg -m `pwd`/model.json --device cuda:0
`pwd`/model.json Use new model file for training. Guppy requires the absolute path to the model, constructed by calling pwd