You can get this info by running ./bin/console config:dump-reference enqueue
# Default configuration for extension with alias: "enqueue"
transport: # Required
alias: ~
dsn: ~
dsn: ~
host: localhost
port: 61613
login: guest
password: guest
vhost: /
sync: true
connection_timeout: 1
buffer_size: 1000
lazy: true
ssl_on: false
host: localhost
port: 61613
login: guest
password: guest
vhost: /
sync: true
connection_timeout: 1
buffer_size: 1000
lazy: true
ssl_on: false
# The option tells whether RabbitMQ broker has management plugin installed or not
management_plugin_installed: false
management_plugin_port: 15672
# The option tells whether RabbitMQ broker has delay plugin installed or not
delay_plugin_installed: false
driver: ~
# The connection to AMQP broker set as a string. Other parameters could be used as defaults
dsn: ~
# The host to connect too. Note: Max 1024 characters
host: ~
# Port on the host.
port: ~
# The user name to use. Note: Max 128 characters.
user: ~
# Password. Note: Max 128 characters.
pass: ~
# The virtual host on the host. Note: Max 128 characters.
vhost: ~
# Connection timeout. Note: 0 or greater seconds. May be fractional.
connection_timeout: ~
# Timeout in for income activity. Note: 0 or greater seconds. May be fractional.
read_timeout: ~
# Timeout in for outcome activity. Note: 0 or greater seconds. May be fractional.
write_timeout: ~
# How often to send heartbeat. 0 means off.
heartbeat: ~
persisted: ~
lazy: ~
# The receive strategy to be used. We suggest to use basic_consume as it is more performant. Though you need AMQP extension 1.9.1 or higher
receive_method: ~ # One of "basic_get"; "basic_consume"
# The server will send a message in advance if it is equal to or smaller in size than the available prefetch size. May be set to zero, meaning "no specific limit"
qos_prefetch_size: ~
# Specifies a prefetch window in terms of whole messages
qos_prefetch_count: ~
# If "false" the QoS settings apply to the current channel only. If this field is "true", they are applied to the entire connection.
qos_global: ~
# The options that are specific to the amqp transport you chose. For example amqp+lib have insist, keepalive, stream options. amqp+bunny has tcp_nodelay extra option.
driver_options: ~
# Should be true if you want to use secure connections. False by default
ssl_on: ~
# This option determines whether ssl client verifies that the server cert is for the server it is known as. True by default.
ssl_verify: ~
# Location of Certificate Authority file on local filesystem which should be used with the verify_peer context option to authenticate the identity of the remote peer. A string.
ssl_cacert: ~
# Path to local certificate file on filesystem. It must be a PEM encoded file which contains your certificate and private key. A string
ssl_cert: ~
# Path to local private key file on filesystem in case of separate files for certificate (local_cert) and private key. A string.
ssl_key: ~
driver: ~
# The connection to AMQP broker set as a string. Other parameters could be used as defaults
dsn: ~
# The host to connect too. Note: Max 1024 characters
host: ~
# Port on the host.
port: ~
# The user name to use. Note: Max 128 characters.
user: ~
# Password. Note: Max 128 characters.
pass: ~
# The virtual host on the host. Note: Max 128 characters.
vhost: ~
# Connection timeout. Note: 0 or greater seconds. May be fractional.
connection_timeout: ~
# Timeout in for income activity. Note: 0 or greater seconds. May be fractional.
read_timeout: ~
# Timeout in for outcome activity. Note: 0 or greater seconds. May be fractional.
write_timeout: ~
# How often to send heartbeat. 0 means off.
heartbeat: ~
persisted: ~
lazy: ~
# The receive strategy to be used. We suggest to use basic_consume as it is more performant. Though you need AMQP extension 1.9.1 or higher
receive_method: ~ # One of "basic_get"; "basic_consume"
# The server will send a message in advance if it is equal to or smaller in size than the available prefetch size. May be set to zero, meaning "no specific limit"
qos_prefetch_size: ~
# Specifies a prefetch window in terms of whole messages
qos_prefetch_count: ~
# If "false" the QoS settings apply to the current channel only. If this field is "true", they are applied to the entire connection.
qos_global: ~
# The options that are specific to the amqp transport you chose. For example amqp+lib have insist, keepalive, stream options. amqp+bunny has tcp_nodelay extra option.
driver_options: ~
# Should be true if you want to use secure connections. False by default
ssl_on: ~
# This option determines whether ssl client verifies that the server cert is for the server it is known as. True by default.
ssl_verify: ~
# Location of Certificate Authority file on local filesystem which should be used with the verify_peer context option to authenticate the identity of the remote peer. A string.
ssl_cacert: ~
# Path to local certificate file on filesystem. It must be a PEM encoded file which contains your certificate and private key. A string
ssl_cert: ~
# Path to local private key file on filesystem in case of separate files for certificate (local_cert) and private key. A string.
ssl_key: ~
# The delay strategy to be used. Possible values are "dlx", "delayed_message_plugin" or service id
delay_strategy: dlx
# The path to a directory where to store messages given as DSN. For example file://tmp/foo
dsn: ~
# The store directory where all queue\topics files will be created and messages are stored
path: ~
# The option tells how many messages should be read from file at once. The feature save resources but could lead to bigger messages lose.
pre_fetch_count: 1
# The queue files are created with this given permissions if not exist.
chmod: 384
# How often query for new messages.
polling_interval: 100
# The redis connection given as DSN. For example redis://host:port?vendor=predis
dsn: ~
# can be a host, or the path to a unix domain socket
host: ~
port: ~
# The library used internally to interact with Redis server
vendor: ~ # One of "phpredis"; "predis"; "custom"
# A custom redis service id, used with vendor true only
redis: ~
# bool, Whether it use single persisted connection or open a new one for every context
persisted: false
# the connection will be performed as later as possible, if the option set to true
lazy: true
# Database index to select when connected.
database: 0
# The Doctrine DBAL DSN. Other parameters are ignored if set
dsn: ~
# Doctrine DBAL connection options. See
connection: ~
# Doctrine dbal connection name.
dbal_connection_name: null
# Database table name.
table_name: enqueue
# How often query for new messages.
polling_interval: 1000
lazy: true
client: null
key: null
secret: null
token: null
region: ~ # Required
retries: 3
version: '2012-11-05'
# the connection will be performed as later as possible, if the option set to true
lazy: true
endpoint: null
# The connection to Google Pub/Sub broker set as a string. Other parameters are ignored if set
dsn: ~
# The project ID from the Google Developer's Console.
projectId: ~
# The full path to your service account credentials.json file retrieved from the Google Developers Console.
keyFilePath: ~
# Number of retries for a failed request.
retries: 3
# Scopes to be used for the request.
scopes: []
# The connection will be performed as later as possible, if the option set to true
lazy: true
# The kafka DSN. Other parameters are ignored if set
dsn: ~
# The kafka global configuration properties
global: []
# The kafka topic configuration properties
topic: []
# Delivery report callback
dr_msg_cb: ~
# Error callback
error_cb: ~
# Called after consumer group has been rebalanced
rebalance_cb: ~
# Which partitioner to use
# Logging level (syslog(3) levels)
log_level: ~
# Commit asynchronous
commit_async: false
traceable_producer: true
prefix: enqueue
app_name: app
router_topic: default
router_queue: default
router_processor: Enqueue\Client\RouterProcessor
default_processor_queue: default
redelivered_delay_time: 0
# the time in milliseconds queue consumer waits if no message received
idle_timeout: 0
# the time in milliseconds queue consumer waits for a message (100 ms by default)
receive_timeout: 100
job: false
enabled: false
doctrine_ping_connection_extension: false
doctrine_clear_identity_map_extension: false
signal_extension: true
reply_extension: true