- minject - A dependency injection library by Massive Interactive.
- tink_core - A library with support for Futures, Outcomes, Pairs, Eithers, and other useful tools for the Haxe type system.
- tink_macro - A toolkit for making writing macros much easier. We use it for our routing and remoting macros.
- compiletime - A toolkit for doing some simple tasks at CompileTime, such as finding all models in your project.
- random - A ridiculously simple tool for generating random Strings, Numbers or Arrays.
- tink_core
- tink_macro
- ufront-mvc
- ufront-orm
- PBKDF2 - A hashing algorithm designed to be slow, so that if your database is hacked, it's hard to figure out the passwords.
- random
- mcli - A tool for building simple command line interfaces automatically.
- ufront-mvc
- compiletime
- ufront-mvc
- ufront-easyauth
- ufront-orm
- hscript - Interpret Haxe code at runtime. Used in the DBAdmin module to display and modify serialized data.