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225 lines (190 loc) · 8.26 KB

File metadata and controls

225 lines (190 loc) · 8.26 KB


To use a common methods function:

  • In the pipeline-specific methods.config, include the common_methods.config file before the methods namespace
  • Use any of the available functions as needed

WARNING: If the pipeline-specific methods namespace contains a function of the same name as one found in common_methods.config, one will override the other based on order of inclusion:

  • If common_methods.config is included before the pipeline-specific methods namespace, the pipeline-specific function will override the common function
  • If common_methods.config is included after the pipeline-specific methods namespace, the common function will override the pipeline-specific function

Available functions

  • set_resources_allocation - Function to load base allocations, detect node type, and node-specific allocations; generally should be called in the pipeline's methods.set_up() function
  • generate_uuid - Function to generate a UUID
  • generate_registered_output_directory - Function to generate properly formatted output paths for registered output; requires the following variables to be defined in the params namespace: dataset_id, patient_id, sample_id, ucla_cds_analyte, ucla_cds_technology, ucla_cds_reference_genome_version.
    • Positional args:
      position name type required default description
      1 data_dir String No "/hot/data" Path to registered data directory
  • get_genome_version - Function to extract the reference genome version from a UCLA CDS reference path
    • Positional args:
      position name type required default description
      1 genome_path String No - Path from which to extract the reference genome version
  • load_publish_dirs - Function to load a config file containing publishDir rules for processes
    • Positional args:
      position name type required default description
      1 file_path String No ${projectDir}/config/module.config Path to config file containing publishDir rules
  • merge_publish_dirs - Function to merge the publishDir rules between process-level and process-specific rules

    For the publishDir rules, use the disable_common_rules option within each process where the common process-level rules should not be used. Ex. use this option to disable the common log file rule and use a custom one when needed by a process.

  • update_base_resource_allocation - Function to update the base resource allocation for any number of processes
    • Positional args:
      position name type required default description
      1 resource String Yes - Resource (cpus, memory) to update
      2 multiplier Float Yes - Float to multiply existing allocation value by for update
      3 processes List No [] Optional list of processes to apply update to. With default or empty list, all processes will be update
  • set_env - Function to set the workDir depending on parameters and on Slurm job ID
  • setup_docker_cpus - Function to use allocated CPUs for a process to specify number of CPUs rather than CPU shares with Docker
  • get_absolute_path - Function to resolve a path relative to the currently-loading configuration file into an absolute path
  • sanitize_uclahs_cds_id - Pass input string to sanitize, i.e. keeping only alphanumeric, -, /, and . characters and replacing _ with -


Resource allocation

includeConfig "/path/to/common_methods.config"
methods {
    set_up = {


methods {
    params.bwa_mem2_uuid = methods.generate_uuid()

Registered output

includeConfig "/path/to/common_methods.config"
methods {
    set_output_dir = {
        params.output_dir_base = methods.generate_registered_output_directory()

Get genome version

includeConfig "/path/to/common_methods.config"
methods {
    genome_version = methods.get_genome_version("/hot/resource/reference-genome/GRCh38-BI-20160721/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta")

Load and merge publishDir rules

includeConfig "/path/to/common_methods.config"
methods {

Update base resource allocation

includeConfig "/path/to/common_methods.config"
methods {
    methods.update_base_resource_allocation('memory', params.memory_multiplier) // Updates memory for all processes
    methods.update_base_resource_allocation('memory', params.memory_multiplier, ['process_1', 'process_3']) // Updates memory for the given list of processes

Set env

includeConfig "/path/to/common_methods.config"
methods {

Set Docker to use CPU number instead of CPU share

includeConfig "/path/to/common_methods.config"
methods {

Resolve a path relative to the currently-loading configuration file into an absolute path

This is not just a replacement for ${projectDir}, which is set to the directory containing the entrypoint NextFlow script. This function allows you to use paths relative to the config file, which could be located in an entirely different area.

includeConfig "/path/to/common_methods.config"
methods {
    output_dir = methods.get_absolute_path('../local_outputs')

Sanitize uclahs-cds ID

includeConfig "/path/to/common_methods.config"
methods {
    new_sm_tag = methods.sanitize_uclahs_cds_id(sm_tags[0])

Capture process outputs, even after failures

methods.setup_process_afterscript is a drop-in replacement for this method of capturing process log files:

// Old technique
process xxx {
    publishDir path: "${params.log_output_dir}/process-log",
        pattern: ".command.*",
        mode: "copy",
        saveAs: { "${task.process.replace(':', '/')}-${sample_id}/log${file(it).getName()}" }


The above method does not produce any output files if the process fails. In order to always capture the log files, use the following:

includeConfig "/path/to/common_methods.config"
methods {


methods.setup_process_afterscript() duplicates the effect of defining publishDir and output: path(".command.*") for every process. Although there is no harm in using both techniques simultaneously, for clarity it is recommended to only use one.

The output path is controlled by the following two custom process directives:

Name Default Value
process.ext.log_dir task.process.replace(':', '/')
process.ext.log_dir_suffix ''

Each of the above can be overridden by individual processes.

The final directory path is ${params.log_output_dir}/process-log/${task.ext.log_dir}${task.ext.log_dir_suffix}.

Disabling for individual processes

process xxx {

    ext capture_logs: false

Combining with afterScript


This method sets process.afterScript. If you define another afterScript (either globally or for a specific process), you must use this technique to combine both scripts.

The afterScript closure established by methods.setup_process_afterscript() is also stored as process.ext.commonAfterScript. If a process requires another afterScript, it should be combined with the one defined here like so:

process xxx {
    afterScript {
            "echo 'Before the common script'",
            task.ext.commonAfterScript ?: "",
            "echo 'After the common script'"

Due to the Elvis operator, the above snippet is safe to use even if methods.setup_process_afterscript() is not used.


  1. nf-core -
  2. nf-code modules -