import glob import os import os.path as osp import cv2 import numpy as np import shutil from tqdm import tqdm import json import argparse import shutil from camera_utils import (read_colmap_cam_param, read_prosphesee_ecam_param, poses_to_w2cs_hwf, w2cs_hwf_to_poses, apply_rel_cam, CameraSpline) from utils import (parallel_map, load_colmap_data, save_poses, EventBuffer, ev_to_eimg, read_rel_cam) from scene_managers import ColmapSceneManager def load_txt(scale_f): with open(scale_f, "r") as f: return float( def undistort_and_save_img(colmap_dir, save_dir, cond, ret_k_only=False): """ cond (bools) returns: new_K (np.array[3,3]): rectified intrinsic matrix new_img_size (tuple[2,]): rectified image size in (h, w) """ img_fs = sorted(glob.glob(osp.join(colmap_dir, "images", "*.png"))) img_fs = [img_f for (b, img_f) in zip(cond, img_fs) if b] cam_bin_f = osp.join(colmap_dir, "sparse/0/cameras.bin") K, D = read_colmap_cam_param(cam_bin_f) im_h, im_w = cv2.imread(img_fs[0]).shape[:2] new_K, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(K, D, (im_w, im_h), 1, (im_w, im_h)) mapx, mapy = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(K, D, None, new_K, (im_w, im_h), cv2.CV_32FC1) x, y, w, h = roi new_K[0, 2] -= x new_K[1, 2] -= y if ret_k_only: return new_K, (h, w) def undist_save_fn(inp): idx, img_f = inp img = cv2.imread(img_f) undist_img = cv2.remap(img, mapx, mapy, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) undist_img = undist_img[y:y+h, x:x+w] save_f = osp.join(save_dir, str(idx).zfill(5) + ".png") cv2.imwrite(save_f, undist_img) parallel_map(undist_save_fn, list(zip(list(range(len(img_fs))), img_fs)), show_pbar=True, desc="undistorting and saving") return new_K, (h, w) def load_st_end_trigs(work_dir): st_trig_f = osp.join(work_dir, "st_triggers.txt") end_trig_f = osp.join(work_dir, "end_triggers.txt") st_trigs, end_trigs = np.loadtxt(st_trig_f), np.loadtxt(end_trig_f) # trig_f = osp.join(work_dir, "triggers.txt") # trigs = np.loadtxt(trig_f) # assert np.abs(trigs[0] - st_trigs[0]) < 1e-8, "trigs need to be same as st_trig because camera trigger noise fix" exposure_t = end_trigs[0] - st_trigs[0] # st_trigs = trigs end_trigs = st_trigs + exposure_t return st_trigs, end_trigs def update_poses_with_K(poses, K, img_hw): poses = poses.transpose(2,0,1) poses = poses[:,:,:4] # (n, 3, 4) fx = K[0,0] h, w = img_hw hwfs = np.stack([np.array([h, w, fx])]*len(poses))[..., None] new_poses_bounds = np.concatenate([poses, hwfs], axis = -1).transpose(1,2,0) return new_poses_bounds def make_new_poses_bounds(poses, new_K, work_dir, img_hw, cond, n_bins = 4): """ inputs: poses (np.ndarray[n, 4,4]): camera matrices new_K (np.array(3,3)): camera intrisinc matrix img_hw (tuple): size of image (h, 2) n_bins (int): number of bins to split rgb exposure time into returns: new_poses_bounds (n_frame*(n_bins - 1), 17): llff camera format cam_ts (list): camera times at bin timesteps mid_cam_ts (list): camera times at center of exposure of frame """ st_trigs, end_trigs = load_st_end_trigs(work_dir) st_trigs, end_trigs = st_trigs[cond], end_trigs[cond] mean_ts = (st_trigs + end_trigs) * 0.5 delta_t = (end_trigs[0] - st_trigs[0])/(n_bins - 1) t_steps = delta_t*np.array(list(range(n_bins))) cam_ts = st_trigs[..., None] + t_steps[None] cam_ts = cam_ts.reshape(-1) poses = poses.transpose(2,0,1) Rs, Ts = poses[:,:3,:3], poses[:, :3, 3] spline = CameraSpline(mean_ts, Rs, Ts) interp_T, interp_R = spline.interpolate(cam_ts) interp_E = np.concatenate([interp_R, interp_T[..., None]], axis=-1) fx = new_K[0,0] h, w = img_hw hwfs = np.stack([np.array([h, w, fx])]*len(interp_E))[..., None] new_poses_bounds = np.concatenate([interp_E, hwfs], axis = -1).transpose(1,2,0) return new_poses_bounds, cam_ts, mean_ts def make_eimgs(K, D, n_bins:int, cam_ts=None, ev_f:str=None, img_size=(720, 1280)): """ cam_ts (list: [t_i ...]) of shape (n_frames * n_bins) for eimgs; will be reshaped to (n_frames, n_bins) K (np.array (3,3)) ev_f: if None, calculate new_K and return """ print("starting to make eimg") im_h, im_w = img_size cam_ts = cam_ts.reshape(-1, n_bins) eimgs = np.zeros((len(cam_ts), n_bins - 1, im_h, im_w), dtype=np.int8) new_K, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(K, D, (im_w, im_h), 1, (im_w, im_h)) mapx, mapy = cv2.initUndistortRectifyMap(K, D, None, new_K, (im_w, im_h), 5) x, y, w, h = roi new_K[0, 2] -= x new_K[1, 2] -= y if ev_f is None: return None, new_K, (h, w) assert cam_ts is not None, "cam_ts required!" buffer = EventBuffer(ev_f) undist_fn = lambda x : cv2.remap(x, mapx, mapy, cv2.INTER_NEAREST, borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT) n_frames = 0 for i in tqdm(range(len(eimgs)), desc="making eimgs"): n_frames += 1 prev_t = 0 for bi in range(n_bins - 1): st_t, end_t = cam_ts[i, bi], cam_ts[i, bi+1] is_valid = buffer.valid_time(st_t) if not is_valid: break ts, xs, ys, ps = buffer.retrieve_data(st_t, end_t) eimg = ev_to_eimg(xs, ys, ps) pos_eimg, neg_eimg = np.copy(eimg), np.copy(eimg) pos_cond = eimg > 0 pos_eimg[~pos_cond] = 0 neg_eimg[pos_cond] = 0 pos_eimg, neg_eimg = pos_eimg.astype(np.uint8), np.abs(neg_eimg).astype(np.uint8) pos_re, neg_re = undist_fn(pos_eimg), undist_fn(neg_eimg) eimgs[i, bi] = pos_re.astype(np.int8) + neg_re.astype(np.int8) * -1 buffer.drop_cache_by_t(prev_t) prev_t = st_t if not is_valid: break eimgs = eimgs[:n_frames, :, y:y+h, x:x+w] return eimgs.reshape(*eimgs.shape[:2], -1), new_K, (h, w) def write_metadata(save_f, **kwargs): with open(save_f, "w") as f: json.dump(kwargs, f, indent=2) def sample_points(pts3d:dict, n_pnts = 20000): if n_pnts > len(pts3d): return pts3d # Convert dictionary keys to a list and sample n keys using NumPy keys = list(pts3d.keys()) sampled_keys = np.random.choice(keys, n_pnts, replace=False) # Create a new dictionary with the sampled keys sampled_dict = {key: pts3d[key] for key in sampled_keys} return sampled_dict def main(work_dir, targ_dir, n_bins = 4, cam_only=False, prophesee_cam_f=None, rel_cam_f=None): ######################## format rgb ##################### ev_f = osp.join(work_dir, "events.h5") colmap_dir = osp.join(work_dir, osp.basename(work_dir) + "_recon") ## XXX_recons save_img_dir = osp.join(targ_dir, "images") os.makedirs(save_img_dir, exist_ok=True) colmap_manager = ColmapSceneManager(colmap_dir) _, trig_end = load_st_end_trigs(work_dir) cond = trig_end <= EventBuffer(ev_f).t_f[-1] col_cond = colmap_manager.get_found_cond(len(cond)) cond = col_cond & cond cond[np.where(cond)[0][-1]] = False new_rgb_K, rec_rgb_size = undistort_and_save_img(colmap_dir, save_img_dir, cond, ret_k_only=cam_only) rgb_poses, pts3d, perm = load_colmap_data(colmap_dir) pts3d = sample_points(pts3d) new_rgb_poses, cam_ts, mid_cam_ts = make_new_poses_bounds(rgb_poses, new_rgb_K, work_dir, rec_rgb_size, cond=cond, n_bins=n_bins) mid_rgb_poses = update_poses_with_K(rgb_poses, new_rgb_K, rec_rgb_size) save_poses(osp.join(targ_dir, "mid_rgb_poses_bounds.npy"), mid_rgb_poses, pts3d, perm) save_f = osp.join(targ_dir, "rgb_poses_bounds.npy") save_poses(save_f, new_rgb_poses, pts3d, perm) # this'll calculate near far plane # TODO: copy dataset.json src_dataset_f = osp.join(work_dir, "dataset.json") dst_dataset_f = osp.join(targ_dir, "dataset.json") if not osp.exists(dst_dataset_f): shutil.copy(src_dataset_f, dst_dataset_f) ############### format events ############## ev_f = osp.join(work_dir, "events.h5") if not cam_only else None ev_K, ev_D = read_prosphesee_ecam_param(prophesee_cam_f) eimgs, new_ecam_K, eimg_size = make_eimgs(ev_K, ev_D, n_bins, cam_ts, ev_f) if eimgs is not None: #, osp.join(targ_dir, "")), "events.npy"), eimgs) ## shift the rgb camera to event camera scale = load_txt(osp.join(colmap_dir, "colmap_scale.txt")) rel_cam = read_rel_cam(rel_cam_f) new_rgb_w2cs, hwfs = poses_to_w2cs_hwf(new_rgb_poses) ecam_w2cs = apply_rel_cam(rel_cam, new_rgb_w2cs, scale) ecam_poses = w2cs_hwf_to_poses(ecam_w2cs, hwfs) ecam_poses = update_poses_with_K(ecam_poses, new_ecam_K, eimg_size) save_f = osp.join(targ_dir, "evs_poses_bounds.npy") save_poses(save_f, ecam_poses, pts3d, perm) ## meta data, write evs img size, write num bins used K_to_list = lambda x : [x[0,0], x[1,1], x[0,2], x[1,2]] write_metadata(osp.join(targ_dir, "metadata.json"), evs_hw=eimg_size, n_bins=n_bins, evs_K=K_to_list(new_ecam_K), rgb_K=K_to_list(new_rgb_K), K=["fx", "fy", "cx", "cy"], n_valid_img=int(cond.sum()), mid_cam_ts=mid_cam_ts.tolist(), colmap_scale=scale, ev_cam_ts=cam_ts.tolist()) dst_f = osp.join(targ_dir, "rel_cam.json") if not osp.exists(dst_f): shutil.copy(rel_cam_f, dst_f) def none_or_int(value): if value is None or value.lower() == 'none': return None try: return int(value) except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(f"Invalid value: {value}. It should be 'None' or an integer.") if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--work_dir", type=str, help="path to raw_data/<scene>") parser.add_argument("--targ_dir", type=str, help="path to temporary directory to save formatted data", default="tmp") parser.add_argument("--delta_t", type=none_or_int, default=5000, help="overwrites n_bins if provided, time to split within rgb exposure time") parser.add_argument("--cam_only", type=bool, default=False, help="if true, will process camera only. no events or images will be copied/processed") parser.add_argument("--rel_cam_f", type=str, help="path to rel_cam.json") parser.add_argument("--prophesee_cam_f", type=str, help="path to prosphesee intrinsics file") args = parser.parse_args() assert args.delta_t is not None and args.delta_t > 0, "delta_t should be positive" prev_ts, next_ts = load_st_end_trigs(args.work_dir) n_bins = int(np.ceil((next_ts[0] - prev_ts[0])/args.delta_t)) + 1 print("new time", (next_ts[0] - prev_ts[0])/(n_bins - 1)) main(args.work_dir, args.targ_dir, n_bins, prophesee_cam_f=args.prophesee_cam_f, cam_only=args.cam_only, rel_cam_f=args.rel_cam_f)