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Does tracing work well without IOLocal? Should it? #88
The tracing scope is managed by TraceScope. Specifically, only one method needs to be implemented: AFAIK we cannot manipulate Kleisli's value within Resource, aren't we? def createScope(scope: String): Resource[Kleisli[F, String, *], Unit] =
Resource.make(Kleisli.ask <* Kleisli.pure(scope))(p => Kleisli.pure(scope))
scope("32").use(current => Kleisli.liftF(IO.println(current))).run("42") // prints "42" Since Natchez does not offer a Since |
I like the concept of For some users, this behavior may be a deal breaker. Therefore, supporting |
It would be interesting to see a trait Resource[F[_], A] {
def intercept(f: F ~> F): Resource[F, A] = ???
val res = Resource
.unit[Kleisli[IO, String, *]]
.intercept(new (Kleisli[IO, String, *] ~> Kleisli[IO, String, *]) {
def apply[A](f: Kleisli[IO, String, A]): Kleisli[IO, String, A] =
res.use(current => IO.println(current)).use("external") // prints "intercept" It sounds fun, but it may be dangerous and break a few laws. |
Sorry, can you clarify this point? What is a situation where Kleisli works, but |
@armanbilge unless I'm missing something, I do not understand how to implement the following service in terms of Kleisli: case class State(value: String)
trait LocalState[F[_]] {
def current: F[State]
def scope(next: State): Resource[F, Unit]
} The snippet//> using scala "2.13.10"
//> using lib "org.typelevel::cats-effect::3.4.5"
import cats.data.Kleisli
import cats.effect.{IO, IOApp, IOLocal, Resource, Sync}
import cats.effect.std.Console
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
object Main extends IOApp.Simple {
case class State(value: String)
trait LocalState[F[_]] {
def current: F[State]
def scope(next: State): Resource[F, Unit]
def ioLocal(initial: State): IO[LocalState[IO]] =
IOLocal(initial).map { local =>
new LocalState[IO] {
def current: IO[State] =
def scope(next: State): Resource[IO, Unit] =
Resource.make(local.getAndSet(next))(previous => local.set(previous)).void
type K[A] = Kleisli[IO, State, A]
def kleisli: LocalState[K] =
new LocalState[K] {
def current: Kleisli[IO, State, State] =
def scope(next: State): Resource[K, Unit] =
??? // how to implement the scope?
def test[F[_]: Sync: Console](state: LocalState[F]): F[Unit] =
for {
current <- state.current
_ <- Console[F].println(current)
_ <- state.scope(State("scope-specific")).surround {
state.current.flatMap(state => Console[F].println(state))
} yield ()
def run: IO[Unit] = {
val initial = State("initial")
ioLocal(initial).flatMap(state => test(state))
// output:
// State(initial)
// State(scope-specific)
} Nvm, I misread your question. In some scenarios, IOLocal behaves differently than Kleisli: |
I'm familiar with those issues, but they rely on APIs that are not available for |
What on earth, I missed a whole conversation. Anyway, #102 and #103 offer competing views of the world, via cats-mtl. As discussed in the Natchez Resource Debates of 2022, there is a fundamental difference between Stateful and Local (what I called "stateless" in that repo).
I think it's clear that -- I wanted |
What is the signature of |
From @iRevive above:
WIP: I have a gist that shows:
Challenge: write a program where |
I haven't made anything bad like typelevel/cats-effect#3100 happen yet, but typelevel/fs2#2842 is a real problem for def fs2_2842(T: Trace[IO]) = {
val s =
Stream.eval(T.current.flatMap(IO.println)) >>
Stream.resource(T.spanR(1)) >>
Stream.eval(T.current.flatMap(IO.println)) >>
Stream.resource(T.spanR(2)) >>
IO.println("interrupt") >> s.interruptScope.compile.drain >>
IO.println("scope") >> s.scope.compile.drain >>
IO.println("plain") >> s.compile.drain
Limiting def localIO[E](e: E): IO[Local[IO, E]] =
IOLocal(e).map { ioLocal =>
new Local[IO, E] {
def ask[E2 >: E] = ioLocal.get
val applicative = Applicative[IO]
def local[A](fa: IO[A])(f: E => E) =
ioLocal.modify(p => (f(p), p))
} That impacts trait Trace[F[_]] {
def span[A](id: Int): Trace.SpanOps[F, A]
def current: F[Int]
object Trace {
class SpanOps[F[_], A](id: Int)(implicit L: Local[F, Int]) {
// use this one to add events, links, etc.
def use(k: Span => F[A]): F[A] =
// use this just to span an effect
def surround(k: F[A]): F[A] =
// more resource-like methods?
// maybe these go on SpanBuilder?
// ways to lift to Stream, Resource
} Use looks like what we have. The big bummer is that Trace.ioLocal.flatMap { implicit T =>
T.span(1).use { span =>
IO.println("Current span is "+span) >>
T.current.flatMap(id => IO.println("Span context ID is "+id)) >>
T.span(2).surround {
T.current.flatMap(id => IO.println("Span context ID is "+id))
} |
I was thinking about something similar to What are the benefits of expressing span as a
Can we do the following with val res: Resource[IO, Connection] =
for {
_ <- T.span("first-step").start
c <- makeConnection
_ <- T.span("second-step").start
} yield c
val r: IO[Unit] = res.use(_ => T.current.flatTap(IO.println)) // should be 'second-step' span I guess the closest point we can get is: val r: IO[Unit] =
Resource(T.span("first-step").surround(makeConnection.allocated)).use { c =>
T.span("second-step").surround {
} By the way, do |
Yeah, in the resource example, I expect |
We now support any |
Natchez has
implementations forIOLocal
, and various transformer stacks.IOLocal
is different in that it's "stateful". It's probably the most ergonomic, but it also has some limitations discussed on #37.Should we be supporting the
instances as well? If we do, what, if anything, needs to change?The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: