Stateful[F, S]
describes the capability to read and write state values of type S
inside the F[_]
This materializes in two functions get: F[S]
and set: S => F[Unit]
that are needed for Stateful
trait Stateful[F[_], S] {
def get: F[S]
def set(s: S): F[Unit]
Simply spoken Stateful
gives us the ability to thread state through computations in F[_]
It provides access to controlled mutable state, which can be very useful, but must also be used with care.
There are dozens of use cases where it might make sense to use Stateful
one of them is to use it to maintain a cache when repeatedly accessing external services.
If we've already accessed a service with a given identifier, we can then access the cache instead, of course we also want the ability to invalidate the cache to receive fresh values as well.
Let's say we have the following function to access a service:
import cats._
import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.mtl.Stateful
case class ServiceResult(id: Int, companies: List[String])
def serviceCall[F[_]: Monad](id: String): F[ServiceResult] = {
// a fake call to some external service, impure, so don't do this at home!
println(show"Called service with $id")
ServiceResult(0, List("Raven Enterprises")).pure[F]
Now, we want a new function that looks inside of a cache for the desired value and if it's not there, access the service and put the result inside the cache.
To do so, we'll make use of Stateful
with a simple Map[String, ServiceResult]
as our cache:
type Cache = Map[String, ServiceResult]
def cachedServiceCall[F[_]: Monad](id: String)(implicit F: Stateful[F, Cache]): F[ServiceResult] = for {
cache <- F.get
result <- cache.get(id) match {
case Some(result) => result.pure[F]
case None => serviceCall[F](id)
} yield result
So far, so good, we're successfully reading from the cache if it has the value we need, but it also doesn't actually write anything into the cache when we call our service. Let's try again to write to the cache after making the service call.
def serviceCallAndWriteToCache[F[_]: Monad](id: String)(implicit F: Stateful[F, Cache]): F[ServiceResult] = for {
result <- serviceCall[F](id)
cache <- F.get
_ <- F.set(cache.updated(id, result))
} yield result
Lastly, we want to be able to invalidate our cache. This is fairly simple, as all we need to do is to use set
with an empty cache:
def invalidate[F[_]](implicit F: Stateful[F, Cache]): F[Unit] = F.set(Map.empty)
Now that we have our building blocks, we can now build a program that makes a few requests then invalidates the cache and makes another request:
def program[F[_]: Monad](implicit F: Stateful[F, Cache]): F[ServiceResult] = for {
result1 <- cachedServiceCall[F]("ab94d2")
result2 <- cachedServiceCall[F]("ab94d2") // This should use the cached value
_ <- invalidate[F]
freshResult <- cachedServiceCall[F]("ab94d2") // This should access the service again
} yield freshResult
And we're done, now, to be able to run this, we need to materialize our program
into an actual value.
As the name suggests, State
and StateT
both allow us to use Stateful
val initialCache: Cache = Map.empty
val (result, cache) = program[State[Cache, *]].run(initialCache).value
As per usual, Cats-mtl provides Stateful
instances for all monad transformer stacks where StateT