Ask[F, E]
allows us to read a value of type E
from a shared environment into a context F[_]
In practical terms, this means, that if we have an instance of Ask[F, E]
we can now request a value of F[E]
by using the ask
Simplified, it is defined like this:
trait Ask[F[_], E] {
def ask: F[E]
This typeclass comes in handy whenever we want to be able to request a value from the environment, e.g. read from some external configuration.
A trivial instance for Ask
can be just a plain function:
def functionAsk[E]: Ask[E => *, E] = new Ask[E => *, E] {
def ask: E => E = identity
Other instances include Reader
and ReaderT
In fact the implementation for ask
is just ReaderT.ask
, so it's a perfect fit.
Cats-mtl is able to lift Ask
instances through a monad transformer stack, so for example,
StateT[Reader[E, *], S, A]
and EitherT[ReaderT[List, E, *], Error, A]
will both have Ask
instances whenever you import from cats.mtl.instances._
In general every monad transformer stack where Reader
appears once, will have an instance of Ask