Ray tracer for CS 419
Code written using VSCode and in C++
Image processing library CImg used
In Makefile, use raytracer3.cpp for reflected spheres lit by area light and raytracer4.cpp for cow instancing attempt
Folder mp1pics contains the 5 pictures that were on the assignment mp1.
Folder mp2pics contains the 2 pictures that were on the assignment mp2. cow.png contains a rendering of a cow on a plane lit using a directional light with shadows. spheres.png contains a rendering of many spheres in front of the camera using a point light with specular and diffuse reflections as well as shadows.
Folder mp3pics contains 3 pictures mp3-1.png contains one perspective of a scene containing two spheres lit by an area light and reflected in a mirror mp3-2.png is another perspective of the same scene mp3-3.png is an image of a cow lit by an area light and reflected in a mirror The image is very buggy. The cow is an instance but I only managed to get one instance to appear before I ran out of time.
The cow image used 64 rays per shadow and used a total of 16411308 rays and ran in about 6 minutes
The spheres image used 256 rays per shadow and used a total of 64635588 rays and ran in about 1 minute
Code runs on Ubuntu 14.4 but I havent tried it elsewhere
Code can also be found at www.github.com/tylersplitt/raytracer