Issues, discussions, and pull requests are always welcome.
Found a problem? Want a new feature?
- Check GH issues and PR requests on this repot to see if it's already documented or in development
- If your idea doesn't feel like it fits in an issue, start a new GH Discussion for it
- Provide a reduced test case and/or a live example
# Clone your fork of the repo into the current directory
git clone
# Navigate to the newly cloned directory
cd css-typed-om
# Assign the source repo to a remote called "upstream" to allow you to sync changes and open pull requests
git remote add upstream
# Install dependencies
npm i
Most code changes need new or updated tests
# Run all tests once
npm test
# Run all tests and re-run when files change
npm run test:watch
To run the demo locally, you'll need to build a bundle.
# Run the Rollup build once
npm run build
# Start nodemon and invoke npm run build when files change
npm start
We use Git hooks via husky and lint-staged to format any changed files with Prettier. We follow the recommended setup.
If you ever need to manually format all code with prettier, run:
npm run prettier
Pull requests are always welcome. Small, focused PRs are the best.
Create a branch for your feature or fix:
# Move into a new branch for your feature
git checkout -b your-branch-name
Make sure all tests are passing then push your feature branch:
# Test current code
npm test
# Push the branch for your new feature
git push origin your-branch-name
When you're ready, open a pull request with a descriptive title and description. Descriptions should tell a full story with a what, why, and how. Link to any related issues, discussions, or PRs.