ODataPy is an open-source Python library that implements the Open Data Protocol (OData). It supports the OData protocol version 4.0. It is built on top of ODataCpp using language binding. It is under development and currently serves only parts of client and client side proxy generation (code gen) aspects of OData.
git clone https://github.com/OData/odatapy-client.git
1.Download the source code of ODataCpp and save it at 'odatacpp' under the ODataPy folder.
2.Build the Win32 Release version of ODataCpp.
3.Set the following environment variables to your Python install location, such as:
SET PYTHON_INCLUDE=C:\python27\include
SET PYTHON_LIB=C:\python27\libs\python27.lib
4.Run buildall.bat in VS2012 Command Prompt to build the library for ODataPy
After building the library, you can run the end-to-end tests to check the basic functionality.
1.Test the raw client:
python raw_client_e2e_test.py
2.Test the generated client:
python codegen_e2e_test.py
Navigate to the folder of ODataPy and run the code generation tool to generate the proxy.
python codegen_tools.py <ServiceURL> <ProxyFileName> [<Username> <Password>]
is the URL of the service document of the target OData service. is the name you want for the .py file of the proxy code. and are the credential for accessing the service in case it requires authentication.
In this tutorial, we want to build a client application for the TripPin service published on www.odata.org and it doesn't require authentication, so the command is:
python codegen_tools.py http://services.odata.org/v4/TripPinServiceRW TripPin
and we get TripPin.py.
Type in the following code:
import TripPin
path = r"http://services.odata.org/V4/(S(b4zxbbluog0mjnooyavzfcim))/TripPinServiceRW/"
context = TripPin.DefaultContainer(path)
airports = context.query_airports()
for airport in airports:
print airport.get_name()
Save it as "sample.py", and run it!