At a glance... |
Syllabus |
Models |
Code |
This page is about the non-parametric statistical tests. It is also a chance for us to discuss a little statistical theory.
Imagine the following example contain objective scores gained from different optimizers x1,x2,x3,x4,...etc. Which results are ranked one, two, three etc...
Some differences are obvious
def rdiv0():
["x1",0.34, 0.49, 0.51, 0.6],
["x2",6, 7, 8, 9] ])
rank , name , med , iqr
1 , x1 , 51 , 11 (* | ), 0.34, 0.49, 0.51, 0.51, 0.60
2 , x2 , 800 , 200 ( | ---- *-- ), 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 8.00, 9.00
Some similarities are obvious...
def rdiv1():
["x1",0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4],
["x2",0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4],
["x3",6, 7, 8, 9] ])
rank , name , med , iqr
1 , x1 , 30 , 20 (* | ), 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.30, 0.40
1 , x2 , 30 , 20 (* | ), 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.30, 0.40
2 , x3 , 800 , 200 ( | ---- *-- ), 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 8.00, 9.00
Many results often clump into less-than-many ranks.
def rdiv2():
["x1",0.34, 0.49, 0.51, 0.6],
["x2",0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9],
["x3",0.15, 0.25, 0.4, 0.35],
["x4",0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9],
["x5",0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4] ])
rank , name , med , iqr
1 , x5 , 30 , 20 (--- *--- | ), 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.30, 0.40
1 , x3 , 35 , 15 ( ---- *- | ), 0.15, 0.25, 0.35, 0.35, 0.40
2 , x1 , 51 , 11 ( ------ *-- ), 0.34, 0.49, 0.51, 0.51, 0.60
3 , x2 , 80 , 20 ( | ---- *-- ), 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.80, 0.90
3 , x4 , 80 , 20 ( | ---- *-- ), 0.60, 0.70, 0.80, 0.80, 0.90
Some results even clump into one rank (the great null result).
def rdiv3():
["x1",101, 100, 99, 101, 99.5],
["x2",101, 100, 99, 101, 100],
["x3",101, 100, 99.5, 101, 99],
["x4",101, 100, 99, 101, 100] ])
rank , name , med , iqr
1 , x1 , 10000 , 150 (------- *| ),99.00, 99.50, 100.00, 101.00, 101.00
1 , x2 , 10000 , 100 (--------------*| ),99.00, 100.00, 100.00, 101.00, 101.00
1 , x3 , 10000 , 150 (------- *| ),99.00, 99.50, 100.00, 101.00, 101.00
1 , x4 , 10000 , 100 (--------------*| ),99.00, 100.00, 100.00, 101.00, 101.00
Heh? Where's lesson four?
Some things had better clump to one thing (sanity check for the ranker).
def rdiv5():
rank , name , med , iqr
1 , x1 , 1100 , 0 (* | ),11.00, 11.00, 11.00, 11.00, 11.00
1 , x2 , 1100 , 0 (* | ),11.00, 11.00, 11.00, 11.00, 11.00
1 , x3 , 1100 , 0 (* | ),11.00, 11.00, 11.00, 11.00, 11.00
Some things had better clump to one thing (sanity check for the ranker).
def rdiv6():
rank , name , med , iqr
1 , x1 , 1100 , 0 (* | ),11.00, 11.00, 11.00, 11.00, 11.00
1 , x2 , 1100 , 0 (* | ),11.00, 11.00, 11.00, 11.00, 11.00
2 , x4 , 3400 , 200 ( | - * ),32.00, 33.00, 34.00, 34.00, 35.00
All the above scales to succinct summaries of hundreds, thousands, millions of numbers
def rdiv7():
["x1"] + [rand()**0.5 for _ in range(256)],
["x2"] + [rand()**2 for _ in range(256)],
["x3"] + [rand() for _ in range(256)]
rank , name , med , iqr
1 , x2 , 25 , 50 (-- * -|--------- ), 0.01, 0.09, 0.25, 0.47, 0.86
2 , x3 , 49 , 47 ( ------ *| ------- ), 0.08, 0.29, 0.49, 0.66, 0.89
3 , x1 , 73 , 37 ( ------|- * --- ), 0.32, 0.57, 0.73, 0.86, 0.95
from __future__ import division
import sys
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True
from base import *
For the most part, we are concerned with very high-level issues that strike to the heart of the human condition:
- What does it mean to find controlling principles in the world?
- How can we find those principles better, faster, cheaper?
But sometimes we have to leave those lofty heights to discuss more pragmatic issues. Specifically, how to present the results of an optimizer and, sometimes, how to compare and rank the results from different optimizers.
Note that there is no best way, and often the way we present results depends on our goals, the data we are procesing, and the audience we are trying to reach. So the statistical methods discussed below are more like first-pass approximations to something you may have to change extensively, depending on the task at hand.
In any case, in order to have at least one report that that you quickly generate, then....
The test that one optimizer is better than another can be recast as four checks on the distribution of performance scores.
- Visualize the data, somehow.
- Check if the central tendency of one distribution is better than the other; e.g. compare their median values.
- Check the different between the central tendencies is not some small effect.
- Check if the distributions are significantly different;
The first step is very important. Stats should always be used as sanity checks on intuitions gained by other means. So look at the data before making, possibly bogus, inferences from it. For example, here are some charts showing the effects on a population as we apply more and more of some treatment. Note that the mean of the populations remains unchanged, yet we might still endorse the treatment since it reduces the uncertainty associated with each population.
Note that 2 and 3 and 4 must be all be true to assert that one thing generates better numbers than another. For example, one bogus conclusion would be to just check median values (step2) and ignore steps3 and steps4. BAD IDEA. Medians can be very misleading unless you consider the overall distributions (as done in step3 and step4).
(As an aside, note that the above requests a check for median, not mean. This is required since, all things considered, means do not mean much, especially for highly skewed distributions. For example, Bill Gates and 35 homeless people are in the same room. Their mean annual income is over a billion dollars each- which is a number that characterized neither Mr. Gates or the homeless people. On the other hand, the median income of that population is close to zero- which is a number that characterizes most of that population. )
In practice, step2,step3,step4 are listed in increasing order of effort (e.g. the bootstrap sample method discussed later in this subject is an example of step4, and this can take a while to compute). So pragmatically, it is useful to explore the above in the order step1 then step2 then step3 then step4 (and stopping along the way if any part fails). For example, one possible bogus inference would be to apply step4 without the step3 since if the small effect test fails, then the third significance test is misleading. For example, returning to the above distributions, note the large overlap in the top two curves in those plots. When distributions exhibit a very large overlap, it is very hard to determine if one is really different to the other. So large variances can mean that even if the means are better, we cannot really say that the values in one distribution are usually better than the other.
Suppose we had two optimizers which in a 10 repeated runs generated performance from two models:
1: def _tile2():
2: def show(lst):
3: return xtile(lst,lo=0, hi=1,width=25,
4: show= lambda s:" %3.2f" % s)
5: print "one", show([0.21, 0.29, 0.28, 0.32, 0.32,
6: 0.28, 0.29, 0.41, 0.42, 0.48])
7: print "two", show([0.71, 0.92, 0.80, 0.79, 0.78,
8: 0.9, 0.71, 0.82, 0.79, 0.98])
When faced with new data, always chant the following mantra:
- First visualize it to get some intuitions;
- Then apply some statistics to double check those intuitions.
That is, it is strong recommended that, prior doing any statistical work, an analyst generates a visualization of the data. Percentile charts a simple way to display very large populations in very little space. For example, here are our results from one, displayed on a range from 0.00 to 1.00.
one * --| , 0.28, 0.29, 0.32, 0.41, 0.48
two | -- * -- , 0.71, 0.79, 0.80, 0.90, 0.98
In this percentile chart, the 2nd and 3rd percentiles as little dashes left and right of the median value, shown with a "*", (learner two's 3rd percentile is so small that it actually disappears in this display). The vertical bar "|" shows half way between the display's min and max (in this case, that would be (0.0+1.00)/2= 0.50)
The advantage of percentile charts is that we can show a lot of data in very little space.
For example, here's an example where the xtile Python function shows 2000 numbers on two lines:
- Quintiles divide the data into the 10th, 30th, 50th, 70th, 90th percentile.
- Dashes ("-") mark the range (10,30)th and (70,90)th percentiles;
- White space marks the ranges (30,50)th and (50,70)th percentiles.
Consider two distributions, of 1000 samples each: one shows square root of a rand() and the other shows the square of a rand().
10: def _tile() :
11: import random
12: r = random.random
13: def show(lst):
14: return xtile(lst,lo=0, hi=1,width=25,
15: show= lambda s:" %3.2f" % s)
16: print "one", show([r()*0.5 for x in range(1000)])
17: print "two", show([r()2 for x in range(1000)])
In the following quintile charts, we show these distributions:
- The range is 0 to 1.
- One line shows the square of 1000 random numbers;
- The other line shows the square root of 1000 random numbers;
Note the brevity of the display:
one -----| * --- , 0.32, 0.55, 0.70, 0.84, 0.95
two -- * |-------- , 0.01, 0.10, 0.27, 0.51, 0.85
As before, the median value, shown with a "*"; and the point half-way between min and max (in this case, 0.5) is shown as a vertical bar "|".
The median of a list is the middle item of the sorted values, if the list is of an odd size. If the list size is even, the median is the two values either side of the middle:
def median(lst,ordered=False):
lst = lst if ordered else sorted(lst)
n = len(lst)
p = n // 2
if (n % 2): return lst[p]
p,q = p-1,p
q = max(0,(min(q,n)))
return (lst[p] + lst[q]) * 0.5
An effect size test is a sanity check that can be summarizes as follows:
- Don't sweat the small stuff;
I.e. ignore small differences between items in the samples.
My preferred test for small effect has:
- a simple intuition;
- which makes no assumptions about (say) Gaussian assumptions;
- and which has a solid lineage in the literature.
Such a test is Vargha and Delaney's A12 statistic. The statistic was proposed in Vargha and Delaney's 2000 paper was endorsed in many places including in Acruci and Briad's ICSE 2011 paper. After I describe it to you, you will wonder why anyone would ever want to use anything else.
Given a performance measure seen in m measures of X and n measures of Y, the A12 statistics measures the probability that running algorithm X yields higher values than running another algorithm Y. Specifically, it counts how often we seen larger numbers in X than Y (and if the same numbers are found in both, we add a half mark):
a12= #(X.i > Y.j) / (n*m) + .5#(X.i == Y.j) / (n*m)
According to Vargha and Delaney, a small, medium, large difference between two populations is:
- large if
is over 71%; - medium if
is over 64%; - small if
is 56%, or less.
A naive version of this code is shown here in the ab12slow function. While simple to code, this ab12slow function runs in polynomial time (since for each item in lst1, it runs over all of lst2):
def _ab12():
def a12slow(lst1,lst2):
more = same = 0.0
for x in sorted(lst1):
for y in sorted(lst2):
if x==y :
same += 1
elif x > y :
more += 1
return (more + 0.5*same) / (len(lst1)*len(lst2))
l1 = [random.random() for x in range(5000)]
more = [random.random()*2 for x in range(5000)]
l2 = [random.random() for x in range(5000)]
less = [random.random()/2.0 for x in range(5000)]
for tag, one,two in [("1less",l1,more),
t1 = msecs(lambda : a12(l1,less))
t2 = msecs(lambda : a12slow(l1,less))
print "\n",tag,"\n",t1,a12(one,two)
print t2, a12slow(one,two)
A faster way is to first sort the two lists in descending order. Then, if it is found that an item is bigger that one item, it is by definition bigger than the rest of the items in that list (so we can stop there):
def a12(lst1,lst2):
"""how often is lst1 often more than y in lst2?
assumes lst1 nums are meant to be greater than lst2"""
def loop(t,t1,t2):
while t1.m < t1.n and t2.m < t2.n:
h1 = t1.l[t1.m]
h2 = t2.l[t2.m]
h3 = t2.l[t2.m+1] if t2.m+1 < t2.n else None
if h1 > h2:
t1.m += 1; += t2.n - t2.m
elif h1 == h2:
if h3 and gt(h1,h3) < 0: += t2.n - t2.m - 1
t1.m += 1; t1.eq += 1; t2.eq += 1
t2,t1 = t1,t2
return*1.0, t.eq*1.0
lst1 = sorted(lst1,reverse=True)
lst2 = sorted(lst2,reverse=True)
n1 = len(lst1)
n2 = len(lst2)
t1 = o(l=lst1,m=0,eq=0,gt=0,n=n1)
t2 = o(l=lst2,m=0,eq=0,gt=0,n=n2)
gt,eq= loop(t1, t1, t2)
return gt/(n1*n2) + eq/2/(n1*n2)
Note that the test code _ab12 shows that our fast and slow method generate the same A12 score, but the fast way does so thousands of times faster. The following tests show runtimes for lists of 5000 numbers:
experimemt msecs(fast) a12(fast) msecs(slow) a12(slow)
1less 13 0.257 9382 0.257
1more 20 0.868 9869 0.868
same 11 0,502 9937 0.502
Didn't we do this before?
class o():
"Anonymous container"
def __init__(i,**fields) :
def override(i,d): i.__dict__.update(d); return i
def __repr__(i):
d = i.__dict__
name = i.__class__.__name__
return name+'{'+' '.join([':%s %s' % (k,pretty(d[k]))
for k in])+ '}'
def show(i):
return [k for k in sorted(i.__dict__.keys())
if not "_" in k]
Misc functions:
rand = random.random
any = random.choice
seed = random.seed
exp = lambda n: math.e**n
ln = lambda n: math.log(n,math.e)
g = lambda n: round(n,2)
def median(lst,ordered=False):
if not ordered: lst= sorted(lst)
n = len(lst)
p = n//2
if n % 2: return lst[p]
q = p - 1
q = max(0,min(q,n))
return (lst[p] + lst[q])/2
def msecs(f):
import time
t1 = time.time()
return (time.time() - t1) * 1000
def pairs(lst):
"Return all pairs of items i,i+1 from a list."
for i in lst[1:]:
yield last,i
last = i
def xtile(lst,lo=0,hi=100,width=50,
chops=[0.1 ,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9],
marks=["-" ," "," ","-"," "],
bar="|",star="*",show=" %3.0f"):
"""The function _xtile_ takes a list of (possibly)
unsorted numbers and presents them as a horizontal
xtile chart (in ascii format). The default is a
contracted _quintile_ that shows the
10,30,50,70,90 breaks in the data (but this can be
changed- see the optional flags of the function).
def pos(p) : return ordered[int(len(lst)*p)]
def place(x) :
return int(width*float((x - lo))/(hi - lo+0.00001))
def pretty(lst) :
return ', '.join([show % x for x in lst])
ordered = sorted(lst)
lo = min(lo,ordered[0])
hi = max(hi,ordered[-1])
what = [pos(p) for p in chops]
where = [place(n) for n in what]
out = [" "] * width
for one,two in pairs(where):
for i in range(one,two):
out[i] = marks[0]
marks = marks[1:]
out[int(width/2)] = bar
out[place(pos(0.5))] = star
return '('+''.join(out) + ")," + pretty(what)
def _tileX() :
import random
nums = [random.random()**2 for _ in range(100)]
print xtile(nums,lo=0,hi=1.0,width=25,show=" %5.2f")
Note the lt method: this accumulator can be sorted by median values.
Warning: this accumulator keeps all numbers. Might be better to use a bounded cache.
class Num:
"An Accumulator for numbers"
def __init__(i,name,inits=[]):
i.n = i.m2 = = 0.0
i._median=None = name
i.rank = 0
for x in inits: i.add(x)
def s(i) : return (i.m2/(i.n - 1))**0.5
def add(i,x):
i.n += 1
i.all += [x]
delta = x - += delta*1.0/i.n
i.m2 += delta*(x -
def __add__(i,j):
return Num( +,i.all + j.all)
def quartiles(i):
def p(x) : return int(100*g(xs[x]))
xs = i.all
n = int(len(xs)*0.25)
return p(n) , p(2*n) , p(3*n)
def median(i):
if not i._median:
i.all = sorted(i.all)
return i._median
def __lt__(i,j):
return i.median() < j.median()
def spread(i):
if len(i.all) <= 1:
return 0
if len(i.all) == 2:
return i.all[1] - i.all[0]
return i.all[int(n2)] - i.all[int(n1)]
As above
def a12slow(lst1,lst2):
"how often is x in lst1 more than y in lst2?"
more = same = 0.0
for x in lst1:
for y in lst2:
if x == y : same += 1
elif x > y : more += 1
x= (more + 0.5*same) / (len(lst1)*len(lst2))
return x
def a12(lst1,lst2):
"how often is x in lst1 more than y in lst2?"
def loop(t,t1,t2):
while t1.j < t1.n and t2.j < t2.n:
h1 = t1.l[t1.j]
h2 = t2.l[t2.j]
h3 = t2.l[t2.j+1] if t2.j+1 < t2.n else None
if h1> h2:
t1.j += 1; += t2.n - t2.j
elif h1 == h2:
if h3 and h1 > h3 : += t2.n - t2.j - 1
t1.j += 1; t1.eq += 1; t2.eq += 1
t2,t1 = t1,t2
return*1.0, t.eq*1.0
lst1 = sorted(lst1, reverse=True)
lst2 = sorted(lst2, reverse=True)
n1 = len(lst1)
n2 = len(lst2)
t1 = o(l=lst1,j=0,eq=0,gt=0,n=n1)
t2 = o(l=lst2,j=0,eq=0,gt=0,n=n2)
gt,eq= loop(t1, t1, t2)
return gt/(n1*n2) + eq/2/(n1*n2)
def _a12():
def f1(): return a12slow(l1,l2)
def f2(): return a12(l1,l2)
for n in [100,200,400,800,1600,3200,6400]:
l1 = [rand() for _ in xrange(n)]
l2 = [rand() for _ in xrange(n)]
t1 = msecs(f1)
t2 = msecs(f2)
print n, g(f1()),g(f2()),int((t1/t2))
n a12(fast) a12(slow) tfast / tslow
--- --------------- -------------- --------------
100 0.53 0.53 4
200 0.48 0.48 6
400 0.49 0.49 28
800 0.5 0.5 26
1600 0.51 0.51 72
3200 0.49 0.49 109
6400 0.5 0.5 244
The following bootstrap method was introduced in 1979 by Bradley Efron at Stanford University. It was inspired by earlier work on the jackknife. Improved estimates of the variance were developed later.
To check if two populations (y0,z0) are different, many times sample with replacement from both to generate (y1,z1), (y2,z2), (y3,z3).. etc.
def sampleWithReplacement(lst):
"returns a list same size as list"
def any(n) : return random.uniform(0,n)
def one(lst): return lst[ int(any(len(lst))) ]
return [one(lst) for _ in lst]
Then, for all those samples, check if some testStatistic in the original pair hold for all the other pairs. If it does more than (say) 99% of the time, then we are 99% confident in that the populations are the same.
In such a bootstrap hypothesis test, the some property is the difference between the two populations, muted by the joint standard deviation of the populations.
def testStatistic(y,z):
"""Checks if two means are different, tempered
by the sample size of 'y' and 'z'"""
tmp1 = tmp2 = 0
for y1 in y.all: tmp1 += (y1 -**2
for z1 in z.all: tmp2 += (z1 -**2
s1 = (float(tmp1)/(y.n - 1))**0.5
s2 = (float(tmp2)/(z.n - 1))**0.5
delta = -
if s1+s2:
delta = delta/((s1/y.n + s2/z.n)**0.5)
return delta
The rest is just details:
- Efron advises to make the mean of the populations the same (see the yhat,zhat stuff shown below).
- The class total is a just a quick and dirty accumulation class.
- For more details see the Efron text.
def bootstrap(y0,z0,conf=0.01,b=1000):
"""The bootstrap hypothesis test from
p220 to 223 of Efron's book 'An
introduction to the boostrap."""
class total():
"quick and dirty data collector"
def __init__(i,some=[]):
i.sum = i.n = = 0 ; i.all=[]
for one in some: i.put(one)
def put(i,x):
i.sum +=x; i.n += 1; = float(i.sum)/i.n
def __add__(i1,i2): return total(i1.all + i2.all)
y, z = total(y0), total(z0)
x = y + z
tobs = testStatistic(y,z)
yhat = [y1 - + for y1 in y.all]
zhat = [z1 - + for z1 in z.all]
bigger = 0.0
for i in range(b):
if testStatistic(total(sampleWithReplacement(yhat)),
total(sampleWithReplacement(zhat))) > tobs:
bigger += 1
return bigger / b < conf
def _bootstraped():
def worker(n=1000,
mu1=10, sigma1=1,
mu2=10.2, sigma2=1):
def g(mu,sigma) : return random.gauss(mu,sigma)
x = [g(mu1,sigma1) for i in range(n)]
y = [g(mu2,sigma2) for i in range(n)]
return n,mu1,sigma1,mu2,sigma2,\
'different' if bootstrap(x,y) else 'same'
# very different means, same std
print worker(mu1=10, sigma1=10,
mu2=100, sigma2=10)
# similar means and std
print worker(mu1= 10.1, sigma1=1,
mu2= 10.2, sigma2=1)
# slightly different means, same std
print worker(mu1= 10.1, sigma1= 1,
mu2= 10.8, sigma2= 1)
# different in mu eater by large std
print worker(mu1= 10.1, sigma1= 10,
mu2= 10.8, sigma2= 1)
(1000, 10, 10, 100, 10, 'different')
(1000, 10.1, 1, 10.2, 1, 'same')
(1000, 10.1, 1, 10.8, 1, 'different')
(1000, 10.1, 10, 10.8, 1, 'same')
Warning- the above took 8 seconds to generate since we used 1000 bootstraps. As to how many bootstraps are enough, that depends on the data. There are results saying 200 to 400 are enough but, since I am suspicious man, I run it for 1000.
Which means the runtimes associated with bootstrapping is a significant issue. To reduce that runtime, I avoid things like an all-pairs comparison of all treatments (see below: Scott-knott). Also, BEFORE I do the boostrap, I first run the effect size test (and only go to bootstrapping in effect size passes:
def different(l1,l2):
#return bootstrap(l1,l2) and a12(l2,l1)
return a12(l2,l1) and bootstrap(l1,l2)
The following code, which you should use verbatim does the following:
- All treatments are clustered into ranks. In practice, dozens of treatments end up generating just a handful of ranks.
- The numbers of calls to the hypothesis tests are minimized:
- Treatments are sorted by their median value.
- Treatments are divided into two groups such that the expected value of the mean values after the split is minimized;
- Hypothesis tests are called to test if the two groups are truly difference. + All hypothesis tests are non-parametric and include (1) effect size tests and (2) tests for statistically significant numbers; + Slow bootstraps are executed if the faster A12 tests are passed;
In practice, this means that the hypothesis tests (with confidence of say, 95%) are called on only a logarithmic number of times. So...
- With this method, 16 treatments can be studied using less than ∑1,2,4,8,16log2i =15 hypothesis tests and confidence 0.9915=0.86.
- But if did this with the 120 all-pairs comparisons of the 16 treatments, we would have total confidence _0.99120=0.30.
For examples on using this code, see rdivDemo (below).
def scottknott(data,cohen=0.3,small=3, useA12=False,epsilon=0.01):
"""Recursively split data, maximizing delta of
the expected value of the mean before and
after the splits.
Reject splits with under 3 items"""
all = reduce(lambda x,y:x+y,data)
same = lambda l,r: abs(l.median() - r.median()) <= all.s()*cohen
if useA12:
same = lambda l, r: not different(l.all,r.all)
big = lambda n: n > small
return rdiv(data,all,minMu,big,same,epsilon)
def rdiv(data, # a list of class Nums
all, # all the data combined into one num
div, # function: find the best split
big, # function: rejects small splits
same, # function: rejects similar splits
epsilon): # small enough to split two parts
"""Looks for ways to split sorted data,
Recurses into each split. Assigns a 'rank' number
to all the leaf splits found in this way.
def recurse(parts,all,rank=0):
"Split, then recurse on each part."
cut,left,right = maybeIgnore(div(parts,all,big,epsilon),
if cut:
# if cut, rank "right" higher than "left"
rank = recurse(parts[:cut],left,rank) + 1
rank = recurse(parts[cut:],right,rank)
# if no cut, then all get same rank
for part in parts:
part.rank = rank
return rank
return data
def maybeIgnore((cut,left,right), same,parts):
if cut:
if same(sum(parts[:cut],Num('upto')),
cut = left = right = None
return cut,left,right
def minMu(parts,all,big,epsilon):
"""Find a cut in the parts that maximizes
the expected value of the difference in
the mean before and after the cut.
Reject splits that are insignificantly
different or that generate very small subsets.
cut,left,right = None,None,None
before, mu = 0,
for i,l,r in leftRight(parts,epsilon):
if big(l.n) and big(r.n):
n = all.n * 1.0
now = l.n/n*(mu-**2 + r.n/n*(mu-**2
if now > before:
before,cut,left,right = now,i,l,r
return cut,left,right
def leftRight(parts,epsilon=0.01):
"""Iterator. For all items in 'parts',
return everything to the left and everything
from here to the end. For reasons of
efficiency, take a first pass over the data
to pre-compute and cache right-hand-sides
rights = {}
n = j = len(parts) - 1
while j > 0:
rights[j] = parts[j]
if j < n: rights[j] += rights[j+1]
j -=1
left = parts[0]
for i,one in enumerate(parts):
if i> 0:
if parts[i]._median - parts[i-1]._median > epsilon:
yield i,left,rights[i]
left += one
Driver for the demos:
def rdivDemo(data):
def z(x):
return int(100 * (x - lo) / (hi - lo + 0.00001))
data = map(lambda lst:Num(lst[0],lst[1:]),
print ""
for x in scottknott(data,useA12=True):
ranks += [(x.rank,x.median(),x)]
for _,__,x in sorted(ranks): all += x.all
all = sorted(all)
lo, hi = all[0], all[-1]
line = "----------------------------------------------------"
last = None
print ('%4s , %12s , %s , %4s ' % \
('rank', 'name', 'med', 'iqr'))+ "\n"+ line
for _,__,x in sorted(ranks):
q1,q2,q3 = x.quartiles()
print ('%4s , %12s , %4s , %4s ' % \
(x.rank+1,, q2, q3 - q1)) + \
last = x.rank
def _rdivs():
rdiv0(); rdiv1(); rdiv2(); rdiv3();
rdiv5(); rdiv6(); rdiv7()
Copyright © 2015 Tim Menzies.
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more details, see the license.