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# pyYeti

pyYeti has tools mostly related to structural dynamics:

* Solve matrix equations of motion in the time and frequency domains
* Shock response spectrum (SRS)
* Fatigue damage equivalent power spectral densities (PSD)
* Hurty-Craig-Bampton model checks
* Coupled loads analysis tools
* Statistics tools for computing k-factors (for tolerance bounds and intervals) and for order statistics
* A data-cursor for interacting with 2D/3D matplotlib plots
* Eigensystem Realization Algorithm
* Force limiting analysis tools
* Read/write Nastran output4 (.op4) files
* Limited capability to read Nastran output2 (.op2) files
* Rainflow cycle counting
* Resample data with the Lanczos method
* A "vectorized" writing module
* Eigensolution with the subspace iteration method
* Tools for working with the "nas2cam" Nastran DMAP
* Other miscellaneous tools

## Installation

pyYeti runs on Python 3.10 or later. The dependencies are NumPy, SciPy,
Matplotlib, pandas and setuptools. These are all conveniently provided
by the Anaconda Python distribution:

You can install pyYeti via `pip`:

    python -m pip install pyyeti

    python -m pip install --user --upgrade pyyeti

You can also install from source, doing something like this:

    git clone https://github.com/twmacro/pyyeti.git
    cd pyyeti
    python -m build -n
    cd dist
    python -m pip install <filename>.whl

Note that for the C version of the rainflow cycle counter, you also
need a C compiler installed. However, the speed of the pure Python
version is on par with the C version if you have Numba installed. In
fact, the C version may be removed in the future after making Numba a
required dependency.

## Documentation

pyYeti documentation is here:


## Tutorials

The documentation contains several tutorials in the documentation.
These are also available (in their original form) as Jupyter


## License


## Contributing to pyYeti

Contributions are much appreciated. Bug reports, documentation
updates, feature requests, and code enhancements are all great
ways to contribute.