;; This file is a part of ECFPAW,
;; configuration was generated by Emacs Org-Mode on `<<time-notice()>>`
;; This file is a part of ECFPAW,
;; configuration was generated by Emacs Org-Mode on `<<time-notice()>>`
;; The GPLv3 License (GPLv3)
;; Copyright © 2023-2025 tusharhero
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Add shortcut to bold, italicize, etc. in ORG-MODE.
;; Run this script to 'bootstrap' ECFPAW from `config.org', of course
;; the only requirement it has is Emacs itself.
(message "Loading Org...")
(require 'org)
(setopt org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
(message "Tangling config.org...")
(org-babel-tangle-file "config.org")
(message "ECFPAW has been bootstrapped!")
It took 2.7-3 seconds before these optimizations, and now it is 1 seconds.
Minimize garbage collection before startup and then go back to the default value (8 MiB) after startup.
(setq gc-cons-threshold-default gc-cons-threshold)
(setq gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)
(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook
(lambda ()
(setq gc-cons-threshold gc-cons-threshold-default)))
I used to use Elpaca
package manager. Although, it gave excellent
startup times, it didn’t install the info manuals when available. And
I didn’t really use any of its advanced features other than what was
already available built in anyway.
(require 'package)
Make sure use-package
is installed. Got this snippet from Prot’s basic emacs configuration.
(when (< emacs-major-version 29)
(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
(unless package-archive-contents
(package-install 'use-package)))
This makes sure that Emacs installs any package that is not available.
(require 'use-package-ensure)
(setopt use-package-always-ensure t)
This informs you if any use-package declaration took longer than 0.1 seconds.
(setopt use-package-verbose t)
Of course, melpha
is a community driven package archive. It has more
packages than elpa
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/"))
This stops Emacs from just loading all the packages at startup. (We use use-package to load the packages as we wish, so we don’t need this.)
(setopt package-enable-at-startup nil)
Enables M-x use-package-report RET
which is helpful in determining which
packages take the longest to load.
(setopt use-package-compute-statistics t)
I was missing the feature from Elpaca which allows you try out a package without installing it.
(use-package try :defer t)
Put all custom configuration into custom.el
, else it will put
everything in init.el which gets removed every time we tangle.
(setq custom-file (expand-file-name "custom.el" user-emacs-directory))
(if (file-exists-p custom-file)
(load custom-file))
This is for CVE-2024-53920.
(setq auto-mode-alist (rassq-delete-all 'emacs-lisp-mode auto-mode-alist))
(setq auto-mode-alist (rassq-delete-all 'elisp-byte-code-mode auto-mode-alist))
There functions are generally useful.
(defun ECFPAW/make-cyclic-list (list)
"Create a cyclic list."
(when list
(setf (cdr (last list)) list)))
(defun ECFPAW/get-region-string ()
"Get buffer substring from current region."
It’s very annoying to have that bell ringing all the time.
(setq visible-bell t)
(setq ring-bell-function 'ignore)
basically shows all the keybindings.
(use-package which-key
:init (which-key-mode)
:bind ("C-c l" . which-key-show-major-mode))
I will try to keep these to a minimum. Setting up custom keybindings and maintaining them is a headache.
(keymap-global-set "C-c a" 'org-agenda)
(keymap-global-set "C-c c" 'org-capture)
I need to get some keybinding statistics to improve my keybindings situation.
(use-package keyfreq
:config (keyfreq-mode 1)
(keyfreq-autosave-mode 1))
This uses nerd icons for various things inside Emacs. Since I already
use Iosevka nerd font
for this configuration it makes sense to use this.
This also has the advantage of working flawlessly in the terminal!
Although it shouldn’t be needed, if you see that the icons do not
display, it you might have to install these icons using M-x
nerd-icons-install-fonts yes RET
I used to use all-the-icons
before this, but that was inferior to nerd
icons because it behaved weirdly inside the terminal.
(use-package nerd-icons)
(use-package nerd-icons-dired
(dired-mode . nerd-icons-dired-mode))
This package needs to load after marginalia-mode
, otherwise the icons
won’t show up in fido
completion menu.
(use-package nerd-icons-completion
:after marginalia
:hook (marginalia-mode . nerd-icons-completion-marginalia-setup)
Defining the various fonts Emacs will use. For now, I don’t set a variable pitch font and let Emacs select one.
(let ((mono-spaced-font "Iosevka Nerd Font"))
(set-face-attribute 'default nil :family mono-spaced-font :height 140)
(set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family mono-spaced-font :height 1.0))
Let’s make GNU Emacs look a little better.
Mostly just disabling some Emacs features which are for beginners(mostly).
Just too distracting.
(menu-bar-mode -1)
(tool-bar-mode -1)
Because they are totally unnecessary and I don’t use them. Even if I ever wanted to use my mouse, I would just use my mouse wheel instead of this.
(scroll-bar-mode -1)
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(fullscreen . maximized))
(custom-set-variables '(warning-suppress-types '((comp))))
Oh, man this single-handedly makes ECFPAW look so much better. Thanks Prot!
(use-package spacious-padding
:config (spacious-padding-mode t))
provides the sweet pulsing of light you see when you switch
you buffers, or go to a place in the buffer. It’s super nice for
knowing where you are.
is a new feature which pulses the region
you just acted on, super nice.
(use-package pulsar
:defer nil
:hook ((next-error . pulsar-pulse-line)
(minibuffer-setup . pulsar-pulse-line)
(imenu-after-jump . pulsar-recenter-top)
(imenu-after-jump . pulsar-reveal-entry))
:custom (pulsar-pulse-region-functions
(append pulsar-pulse-region-common-functions
I use Modus themes.
(use-package ef-themes
:defer t
:custom (ef-themes-mixed-fonts t))
(setq modus-themes-mixed-fonts t)
- [ ] Figure out a way to automatically wait for the correct package to
load before running
, I tried doing it using this code, but that does not really work.(with-eval-after-load (car ECFPAW/themes) (ECFPAW/cycle-my-theme))
(defvar ECFPAW/themes (ECFPAW/make-cyclic-list
(list 'modus-vivendi 'modus-operandi))
"A list of the themes I like and use.")
(setq custom-safe-themes t)
(advice-add 'load-theme
:before (lambda (theme &optional no-confirm no-enable)
(disable-theme (car custom-enabled-themes))
(spacious-padding-mode t)))
(defun ECFPAW/cycle-my-theme ()
"Cycle through a list of themes, `ECFPAW/themes'."
(load-theme (pop ECFPAW/themes) t))
I used to use circadian for this, but that was just too bloated (according to use-package-report it would take a long time to load). So I just roll my own now.
(setq ECFPAW/day-theme 'modus-operandi
ECFPAW/night-theme 'modus-vivendi)
(setq ECFPAW/day-start "6:00"
ECFPAW/day-end "18:00")
(let* ((start (decoded-time-hour
(parse-time-string ECFPAW/day-start)))
(end (decoded-time-hour
(parse-time-string ECFPAW/day-end)))
(current (decoded-time-hour (decode-time)))
(day-p (< start current end)))
(if day-p
(load-theme ECFPAW/day-theme t)
(load-theme ECFPAW/night-theme t)))
(let ((day (* 24 60 60)))
(run-at-time ECFPAW/day-start day 'load-theme ECFPAW/day-theme)
(run-at-time ECFPAW/day-end day 'load-theme ECFPAW/night-theme))
With Emacs version 29, true transparency has been added.
(add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(alpha-background . 100)) ; For all new frames henceforth
This works only on Wayland, So disable it and enable the block above.
(defun ECFPAW/change-current-transparency-to (alpha-val)
"Change the transparency to the given value"
(interactive "nChange transparency: ")
(set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'alpha-background alpha-val))
I am going to make my own mode-line, I followed Prot’s tutorial.
(defmacro ECFPAW/def-mode-line-constr (constr-name val docstring)
"Define CONSTR-NAME as a mode-line construct with value VAL.
DOCSTRING is used a docstring."
`(progn (defvar-local ,constr-name ,val ,docstring)
(put ',constr-name 'risky-local-variable t)))
I used to copy this format manually.
(defvar ECFPAW/mode-line/default-format
(default-value 'mode-line-format)
"The vanilla default Emacs mode line format.")
The format works with PDF view mode too now (it displays the page number properly). Also removed some cosmetic noise from here.
(defvar ECFPAW/mode-line/format
" "
" "
" "
" "
"ECFPAW's mode line format."
(propertize (symbol-name major-mode) 'face 'modus-line))
"Mode line construct to display the major mode.")
(format-time-string "%R %a %d-%b-%y")))
"Mode line construct to display the time")
(setq-default mode-line-format ECFPAW/mode-line/format)
(defvar ECFPAW/mode-line/formats
"A list of all the modelines available.")
(defun ECFPAW/mode-line/switch-to-format (format)
"Switch to mode-line `FORMAT'."
(list (eval
(intern (completing-read
"Switch to mode-line format: "
(setq mode-line-format format)
Hide some minor modes.
(use-package diminish
:defer t
(diminish 'which-key-mode))
I am using this function because sometimes absolute
line number is
better than relative
. And I have decided to NOT enable these by
default because they are super distracting.
(defvar ECFPAW/line-number-list
(ECFPAW/make-cyclic-list (list 'relative 'absolute))
"list of line numbers")
(defun ECFPAW/cycle-line-number-type ()
"Cycle through line number types"
(setq display-line-numbers (pop ECFPAW/line-number-list)))
Things that have no practical utility but are fun anyway.
This does fun things where you stop using Emacs for a while.
(setq zone-programs [
So here are some Emacs related jokes, which are strategically used wherever possible in Emacs.
(defvar ECFPAW/jokes (list
"What is like the org-mode? What can make war against it?"
"I teach Quantum Mechanics to toddlers."
"Why did the Emacs user switch to Vim? Because they wanted to be able to exit the editor."
"Emacs is a good operating system, it just lacks a good text editor (komedi😆)"
) "List of Jokes.")
Adapted from Sacha Chua’s config. I just get the symbol, don’t open the documentation.
(defun ECFPAW/get-random-command ()
"Get the symbol of a random command.
Consider only documented, non-obsolete commands."
(let (result)
(lambda (symbol)
(when (and (commandp symbol)
(documentation symbol t)
(null (get symbol 'byte-obsolete-info)))
(setq result (cons symbol result)))))
(elt result (random (length result)))))
I like to use Ollama on my local(and remote) computers 😄.
I find myself needing to manage my ollama instances.
I need a requests library because url is too much of a pain to use.
(use-package plz :defer t)
(defun ECFPAW/ollama-get-model-names (ollama-host)
"Gets the names of models available in OLLAMA-HOST as a list."
(require 'plz)
(mapcar (lambda (model) (alist-get 'name model))
(alist-get 'models
(plz 'get
(format "http://%s/api/tags" ollama-host)
:as #'json-read))))
- [ ] Fix this function as currently, it just calls the API waits for the first response and then immediately.
(defun ECFPAW/ollama-pull-model (ollama-host model-name)
"Pull model named MODEL-NAME in OLLAMA-HOST."
(interactive "MOllama host: \nMModel name: ")
(require 'plz)
(plz 'post (format "http://%s/api/pull" ollama-host)
:headers '(("Content-Type" . "application/json"))
:body (json-encode '(("name" . model-name)))
:as #'json-read))
I currently just use Ollama, I have 2 backends defined one of them is
the local Ollama backend which uses the port 11434
, the other one is
the remote backend, which uses the port 11435
. You are supposed use
ssh redirection to redirect your remote ollama server to the port 11435
To redirect any port from a remote machine, use the following command:
ssh -L local_port:remote_address:remote_port username@server.com
(use-package gptel
:defer t
:bind (:map gptel-mode-map ("C-c l" . gptel-menu))
:custom (gptel-backend nil)
:hook (gptel-mode . ECFPAW/load-models)
:hook (gptel-post-response . gptel-end-of-response)
:hook (gptel-mode . olivetti-mode)
:hook (gptel-mode . (lambda nil (auto-fill-mode -1)))
(defun ECFPAW/load-models ()
(let* ((host "localhost:11434")
(models (condition-case nil
(ECFPAW/ollama-get-model-names host)
(plz-error nil))))
(setq-default gptel-model (car models)
gptel-backend (gptel-make-ollama "Ollama"
:host host
:stream t
:models models)))
(let ((host "localhost:11435"))
(gptel-make-ollama "Ollama(remote)"
:host host
:stream t
:models (condition-case nil
(ECFPAW/ollama-get-model-names host)
(plz-error nil)))))
- [X] Perhaps write elisp code extract this info from an org-tree instead.
`(setq gptel-directives
(lambda (prompt)
`(,(intern (car prompt)) . ,(cadr prompt)))
(cdr (org-map-entries
(lambda ()
,(format "\"%s\"" (substring-no-properties
(org-agenda-get-some-entry-text (point-marker) most-positive-fixnum)))))
This org-tree contains the actual prompts.
You are a large language model living in Emacs and a helpful assistant Respond concisely.
To assist: Be terse Do not offer unprompted advice or clarifications. Speak in specific, topic relevant terminology Do NOT hedge or qualify. Do not waffle. Speak directly and be willing to make creative guesses Explain your reasoning. if you don’t know, say you don’t know
Remain neutral on all topics Be willing to reference less reputable sources for ideas
Never apologize Ask questions when unsure.
You are a large language model and a writing assistant Respond concisely.
You are a large language model and a conversation partner Respond concisely.
You are a careful programmer Provide code and only code as output without any additional text, prompt or note
You are a command line helper Generate command line commands that do what is requested, without any additional description or explanation Generate ONLY the command, I will edit it myself before running
You are an Emacs maven Reply only with the most appropriate built-in Emacs command for the task I specify Do NOT generate any additional description or explanation
Explain what this code does to a novice programmer
You are rationalAI, an extremely rational chatbot You will always take the side of evidence and reason You will reject any ideas which are irrational You only care about being rational and nothing else. You will not give any explanations or clarifications for your position, you will talk to the point You will not claim to hold no position, You will hold a position in accordance with reason and evidence ONLY You will NOT write word salads, you will only talk sense
Read the prompt calmly and read each addition, deletion and no-changed line carefully. Focus on changes, not only last or first, figure out the main idea of the input. If complex, break it down into smaller parts to organize your thoughts. Then, craft a good commit message based on the input context. Write a commit message based on the git diff. Read the diff below and write a commit message that describes the changes made.
Overlays are like text properties but for the buffer instead of the string.
Just some helper functions to use them easily.
(defun ECFPAW/get-starting-ending-points (string)
"Get starting and ending point of `STRING'."
(search-forward string)
`(,(match-beginning 0) ,(match-end 0))))
(defun ECFPAW/make-put-overlay (beg end face)
"Create overlay with range `BEG' to `END', and put `FACE' property on it."
(overlay-put (make-overlay beg end) 'face face))
(defun ECFPAW/overlay-on-next-string (string face)
"Add overlay with property `FACE' on next occurence of `STRING' in buffer."
(let* ((beg-end (ECFPAW/get-starting-ending-points string))
(beg (car beg-end))
(end (cadr beg-end)))
(ECFPAW/make-put-overlay beg end face)))
(defun ECFPAW/overlay-on-line (line face)
"Add overlay with property `FACE' on `LINE'."
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- line))
(ECFPAW/make-put-overlay (pos-bol) (pos-eol) face)))
I am using the scratch buffer to emulate what I used the dashboard mostly for anyway (think cool startup screen).
(setq initial-buffer-choice t)
Disable the initial scratch buffer message and instead insert custom
manually instead. This is because Emacs tries doing some smart things with it
which makes it harder to work with. Also the default text properties
will get overshadowed by font-lock-mode
, so we are using overlays
(setq initial-scratch-message nil)
(defun ECFPAW/scratch-message ()
"Setup initial scratch message, with fancy formatting."
";; ECFPAW: Emacs Configuration For Programming And Writing."
" -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-"
,(emacs-init-time ";; Initialized in %f seconds.")
,(format ";; jokes: \"%s\"" (seq-random-elt ECFPAW/jokes))
,(format ";; random command: `%s', type ‘C-h f’ to learn more about it." (ECFPAW/get-random-command))
"\n;; This is the Scratch buffer."
(goto-char (point-min))
(ECFPAW/overlay-on-next-string "ECFPAW" 'ECFPAW/scratch-buffer-title)
(ECFPAW/overlay-on-line 2 'ECFPAW/scratch-buffer-subtitle)
(ECFPAW/overlay-on-line 3 'ECFPAW/scratch-buffer-subtitle)
(ECFPAW/overlay-on-line 4 'ECFPAW/scratch-buffer-subtitle)
(add-hook 'lisp-interaction-mode-hook 'ECFPAW/scratch-message)
Just for a little fanciness.
(defface ECFPAW/scratch-buffer-title '((t :height 2.0 :slant italic :weight heavy))
"Face used for fancy title in scratch buffer.")
(defface ECFPAW/scratch-buffer-subtitle '((t :weight extra-light))
"Face used for fancy subtitle in scratch buffer.")
I was using projectile before but then I realized that I don’t use
most of its functionality(Basically it was bloated for me). That is
why I have decided to switch to project.el
, the builtin project
management functionality of Emacs.
(setq project-switch-commands 'project-find-dir)
Dired is a file manager within Emacs. It comes builtin.
I am disabling the display additional info by default because I get overwhelmed.
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'dired-hide-details-mode)
Add human readable directory sizes in the directory listing, because, well, I AM A HUMAN!
(setopt dired-listing-switches (concat dired-listing-switches "h"))
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'hl-line-mode)
- [ ] Add support for spell checking with Fido and ispell.
Friendship ended with Helm, Fido is my new friend.
To just ignore the completion suggestion and just enter what you
typed use M-j
This package provides useful annotations(information on the side) for Fido completions.
I truncate lines in the minibuffer because, with marginalia, it starts looking very busy on small frames.
(use-package marginalia
:hook (minibuffer-setup . (lambda () (setq truncate-lines t)))
:init (marginalia-mode))
This was the only thing I ever used when even when I had Corfu
before that Company
), basically “preview” of the first completion
candidate in-buffer.
Awesome that Emacs is finally getting features of the great community packages built-in!
Also do spell checking using this.
(push 'ispell-completion-at-point completion-at-point-functions)
Some stuff which are for text editing in general.
Sentences mostly end with a single space nowadays, but Emacs text
editing commands (like M-a
and M-e
) only treat sentences ending with
two spaces as sentences by default, this is annoying.
(setq sentence-end-double-space nil)
Adds the next pair for (
(electric-pair-mode 1)
I love auto-fill mode, it basically wraps the line at 80 characters for you. So that the line is not too big and readable.
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'auto-fill-mode)
(setq prettify-symbols-unprettify-at-point t)
This macro will create a function which can then be hooked to the mode you want to hook them to 💀. My mind is struggling to comprehend that.
(defmacro ECFPAW/def-pretty-sym-pack (name symbols-alist)
"A macro to create a function NAME to apply symbols in SYMBOLS-ALIST.
The generated function can be hooked to any mode."
(defun ,name ()
(setq prettify-symbols-alist (append prettify-symbols-alist
(defun ECFPAW/add-pretty-sym-pack (mode-hook pack-list)
"Add all the packs present in PACK-LIST to MODE-HOOK."
(dolist (pack pack-list)
(add-hook mode-hook pack)))
(("in" . #x2208)
("not in" . #x2209)))
(("<=" . "≤" )
(">=" . "≥" )
("==" . "≟" )
("!=" . "≠" )))
(("*" . "×")))
(("lambda" . 955 )))
(("def" . "𝒻")))
(("->" . "→ ")
("=>" . "⇒ ")
("<-" . "← ")))
(("<<" . "≪")
(">>" . "≫")
("<<" . "≪")
(">>" . "≫")))
(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)
(use-package olivetti
:defer t
:custom (olivetti-body-width 80))
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
This will solve any issues I have with documentation.
Add info manual from a custom location.
I use Doc-View to view documents within Emacs.
'(doc-view-continuous t))
WARNING: I have hack here, which just changes the definition of the key map directly. I should do it more properly. I also directly start with follow minor mode instead of starting with the normal mode.
(use-package pdf-tools :init (pdf-loader-install)
:demand t
:mode ("\\.vpdf\\'" . pdf-virtual-edit-mode)
:bind (:map pdf-view-mode-map ("C-c p" . ECFPAW/pdf-page-number-to-scratch))
:hook (pdf-annot-list-mode . pdf-annot-list-follow-minor-mode)
:hook (pdf-virtual-view-mode . (lambda () (breadcrumb-local-mode -1)))
:hook (pdf-virtual-view-mode . pdf-outline-minor-mode)
(setq pdf-annot-list-mode-map
(let ((km (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key km (kbd "C-c C-f") #'pdf-annot-list-follow-minor-mode)
(define-key km (kbd "C-<return>") #'pdf-annot-list-display-annotation-from-id)
I use this to quickly create virtual PDFs. I might refine it further in the future. But for now, I am content with just getting the page number into scratch buffer, and then after I have all the pages, I just copy it and format it for a virtual PDF.
(defun ECFPAW/pdf-page-number-to-scratch ()
"Insert current PDF page number into the scratch buffer."
(let ((page (number-to-string (pdf-view-current-page))))
(insert page)))
From (info "calc")
“Calc” is an advanced desk calculator and mathematical tool written by Dave Gillespie that runs as part of the GNU Emacs environment.
Big language mode is nice, it changes sin(x)^2
2 sin(x)
(use-package calc
:ensure nil
:defer t
(calc-language 'big)
(calc-symbolic-mode t)
(calc-prefer-frac t)
(calc-angle-mode 'rad))
Casual is like magit but for other things as well.
It excellent for discoverability, the only reason I am able to use:
I am sure I will slowly discover more Emacs functionality, and casual interfaces from them.
(use-package casual
:after calc
(keymap-set calc-mode-map "C-c l" #'casual-calc-tmenu)
(keymap-set calendar-mode-map "C-c l" #'casual-calendar))
… What is like the org-mode? What can make war against it? …
Here I will make a custom function which will help me insert time and date.
(defun ECFPAW/insert-now-timestamp()
"Insert org mode timestamp at point with current date and time."
(org-insert-time-stamp (current-time) t))
I decided that I don’t like to see emphasis markers in org-mode.
(setq org-hide-emphasis-markers t)
This packages allows shortcuts for source blocks etc.
(require 'org-tempo)
Fix electric-mode
inhibiting tempo.
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda ()
(setq-local electric-pair-inhibit-predicate
`(lambda (c)
(if (char-equal c ?<) t (,electric-pair-inhibit-predicate c))))))
I recently got rid of org-modern because I realized I don’t need it. Org indent is plenty eye candy.
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'org-indent-mode)
(setq org-capture-templates
`(("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline
,(concat goals-directory "tasks.org") "Tasks")
"* TODO %?\n %i\n %a")
("j" "Journal" entry (file+datetree
,(concat goals-directory "journal.org"))
"* %?\nEntered on %U\n %i\n %a")))
(setq org-agenda-files `(,(concat goals-directory "tasks.org")
,(concat goals-directory "journal.org")))
Add breadcrumbs because I get confused about which task I am looking at.
(setq org-agenda-prefix-format
'((agenda . " %i %-12:b%?-12t% s") (todo . " %i %-12:c")
(tags . " %i %-12:c") (search . " %i %-12:c")))
(setq org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist '(:link t :maxlevel 5))
Its just annoying to look at this point.
(setq org-agenda-show-future-repeats nil)
And enable habit module!
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'habit t)
allows you execute programming languages from within org-mode.
Enable babel execution for Python too.
'((emacs-lisp . t)
(python . t)))
This extension allows drag and drop of images.
(use-package org-download
:hook (dired-mode . org-download-enable))
Cookies basically give you information about the list.
- [-] Things that need to implemented [4/5]
- [X] C-c C-c support for custom cookies
- [X] Stop other org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c functions from running if our function has already run.
- [X] Face support for custom cookies
- [X] Add better face support for custom cookies
- [X] Fix heading color bug.
- [ ] A custom percentage
statistic cookie- Here is a regex for that,
It will use the
symbol to avoid conflicts with[%]
- Here is a regex for that,
- [X] C-c C-c support for custom cookies
(use-package org-custom-cookies
:after org
:custom (org-custom-cookies-enable-cookie-face t)
(advice-add 'org-update-statistics-cookies :after
(push '("\\[[.0-9]+\\]"
. ECFPAW/org-custom-cookies--direct-descendant-subentries)
(add-hook 'org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook
It will help me get the number of direct sub-entries in the
list. Through a cookie, to use it, [D:]
needs to be put at the
(defun ECFPAW/org-number-of-subentries (&optional pos match scope level)
"Return number of subentries for entry at POS. MATCH and SCOPE are
the same as for `org-map-entries', but SCOPE defaults to 'tree. By
default, all subentries are counted; restrict with LEVEL."
(goto-char (or pos (point)))
;; If we are in the middle ot an entry, use the current heading.
(org-back-to-heading t)
(let ((maxlevel (when (and level (org-current-level))
(+ level (org-current-level)))))
(1- (length
(delq nil
(lambda ()
;; Return true, unless below maxlevel.
(or (not maxlevel)
(<= (org-current-level) maxlevel)))
match (or scope 'tree))))))))
(defun ECFPAW/org-number-of-direct-descendant-subentries (&optional pos match scope)
"Return number of subentries for entry at POS. MATCH and SCOPE are
the same as for `org-map-entries', but SCOPE defaults to 'tree. By
default, only the direct descendant subentries are counted."
(ECFPAW/org-number-of-subentries pos match scope 1))
(defun ECFPAW/org-custom-cookies--direct-descendant-subentries ()
"Return the total number of direct discendants."
(format "[%s]" (ECFPAW/org-number-of-direct-descendant-subentries)))
- [ ] Retrieve it from some online source using a source block.
The default user-agent is too unique.
(setopt url-user-agent
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.3")
Use wget, if available, else just use the defaults. Set up some redirection.
(use-package eww
:defer t
:ensure nil
(eww-retrieve-command (if (executable-find "wget")
(list "wget" "--quiet" "--output-document=-")))
(defun ECFPAW/redirections (uri &optional index)
"Redirect URI to different uri.
INDEX is used internally for recursion."
(let* ((redirections '((".*[w]*\.reddit\.com" "https://old.reddit.com")
(".*[w]*\.programming\.dev" "https://old.programming.dev")))
(index (if (null index) 0 index))
(redirection (nth index redirections))
(regexp (car redirection))
(replacement (cadr redirection)))
(if (not (null redirection))
(replace-regexp-in-string regexp replacement uri)
(+ 1 index))
(add-to-list 'eww-url-transformers 'ECFPAW/redirections))
- [ ] add support for customize to add feeds.
is a feed reader for Emacs.
To keep the feeds private, I have the feeds listed in a file called
(let ((feeds (expand-file-name
(if (file-exists-p feeds)
(load-file feeds)))
Convenient alias.
(defalias 'newsticker 'newsticker-show-news)
Making eww the default.
(setq browse-url-browser-function 'eww-browse-url)
Git is the best version control system(The only one I have ever used). You can use it for anything BTW, not just programming. For instance when writing stories, its convenient to have Git manage the versions for you.
Magit (Maggot , magic IDK) is a git client for Emacs.
(use-package transient :defer t)
(use-package magit :defer t)
For getting support for GPG(GNU Privacy Guard).
(use-package pinentry :config (pinentry-start))
To use, add allow-emacs-pinentry
to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
reload the configuration with gpgconf --reload gpg-agent
To enable gpgsigning
for a repository, run this.
git config --local commit.gpgsign true
I never realized how useful ediff was. And I think its because the defaults suck. I got this from Prot’s config.
(use-package ediff
:ensure nil
:commands (ediff-buffers ediff-files ediff-buffers3 ediff-files3)
(setq ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally)
(setq ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain)
(setq ediff-keep-variants nil)
(setq ediff-make-buffers-readonly-at-startup t)
(setq ediff-merge-revisions-with-ancestor t)
(setq ediff-show-clashes-only t))
Flycheck can do a lot of stuff including,
- Showing errors in programs,
- Showing spelling errors.
(use-package flycheck
:defer t
:init (global-flycheck-mode))
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'flyspell-prog-mode)
I used to use Direnv and then I decided to switch to Guix shell, I was literally starting an Emacs instance per project by launching Emacs from inside a Guix shell. But after reading this post it seems that I need envrc so that I can automatically switch to the Guix shell when I open a project.
(use-package envrc
:config (envrc-global-mode))
You of course need direnv
and if you want to use Guix shell. You need
to make file similar to this. You need this in your .envrc
in project root.
eval $(guix shell --search-paths)
And this at the end of your .bashrc
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
For Emacs to automatically setup a Guix shell environment for your
project you need to have a manifest.scm
in the project root. To
generate this you may use the following command.
guix shell --export-manifest package1 package2 package3 ... > manifest.scm
Its helpful to keep track indentation. Since I am trying to reduce the amount of indentation I do.
(use-package highlight-indentation
:defer t
(setq highlight-indentation-set-offset 4))
Breadcrumbs are the little thingies at the top which show in which part of the document you are in and in which directory.
(use-package breadcrumb
:config (breadcrumb-mode t))
(add-hook 'compilation-filter-hook #'ansi-color-compilation-filter)
This color codes ()
so that you never miss them.
(use-package rainbow-delimiters
:hook (prog-mode . rainbow-delimiters-mode))
(defun ECFPAW/start-python-web-server (port directory)
"Start a Webserver using Python's http.server module.
PORT can be provided to specify the port to be used by the server,
DIRECTORY can be provided to specify a directory for the server's root."
(interactive "Mport: \nMdirectory: ")
(format "python -m http.server -d %s" directory)))
Show the colors!
(use-package rainbow-mode :hook (prog-mode . rainbow-mode))
I still use markdown files for README
and stuff, (sorry *ORG-MODE).
(use-package markdown-mode :defer t)
- [ ] The required packages to emacs-pkgbuild.
(setq-default eglot-workspace-configuration
'((:pylsp . (:configurationSources ["flake8"]
:plugins (
:flake8 (:enabled :json-false
:maxLineLength 88)
:black (:enabled t
:line_length 80
:cache_config t))))))
(ECFPAW/add-pretty-sym-pack 'python-mode-hook '(ECFPAW/prettify-symbols-pack/in-equalities
(ECFPAW/add-pretty-sym-pack 'python-ts-mode-hook '(ECFPAW/prettify-symbols-pack/in-equalities
(ECFPAW/add-pretty-sym-pack 'c-mode-hook
(ECFPAW/add-pretty-sym-pack 'c++-mode-hook
(use-package go-mode :defer t)
(use-package zig-mode :defer t)
(lambda nil
(and (* " ")
(or "_"
"pub" "const"
"var" "fn"
"if" "else"
"while" "for"
"inline" "switch")))
(rx (or ";" "}" "\n")))))
(ECFPAW/add-pretty-sym-pack 'zig-mode-hook '(ECFPAW/prettify-symbols-pack/in-equalities
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'outline-minor-mode)
use this SRC block to install support for more languages (You can also just call it using M-x)
(treesit-install-language-grammar "python")
sudo-edit gives us the ability to open files with sudo privileges or switch over to editing with sudo privileges if we initially opened the file without such privileges.
(use-package sudo-edit :defer t)
allows you to remote into other machines from within Emacs.
'(tramp-default-method "ssh")
'(tramp-default-user "tusharhero"))
I use Eshell most of the I need a shell inside Emacs.
I made a small but tasteful change to my Eshell prompt.
(setq eshell-prompt-function
(lambda ()
(require 'magit)
(abbreviate-file-name (eshell/pwd))
" "
(let ((branch (magit-get-current-branch)))
(if branch
(propertize (format "ᛋ %s" branch)
'face 'magit-branch)
" ")))
(unless (eshell-exit-success-p)
(format " [%d]" eshell-last-command-status))
(if (= (file-user-uid) 0) "#" "☸") " ")))
The clear
command doesn’t work like you would expect it to. It turns
out I need to alias it to clear-scrollback
alias clear clear-scrollback
alias ff 'find-file $1'
I love text to speech. I am experimenting with various free software.
is pretty straight forward even though the voice is not really
pleasant, it gets the job done, and the software is actually properly
designed… (at the least).
We don’t restart espeak
every time we want to use it. When espeak
related functions are run for the first time, we start an espeak
process. Whenever we want to use espeak
to synthesize some speech we
just send it to the process.
(defun ECFPAW/espeak-ensure-process ()
"Start espeak process if it doesn't already exist."
(unless (get-process "espeak")
(start-process "espeak" nil "espeak" "-p" "65" "-s" "150" "-g" "2")))
(defun ECFPAW/espeak-string (string)
"Use espeak to synthesize STRING."
(process-send-string "espeak" string)
(process-send-string "espeak" "\n"))
(defun ECFPAW/espeak-region ()
"Use espeak to synthesize text in region."
(ECFPAW/espeak-string (ECFPAW/get-region-string)))
To pause and play espeak.
(defun ECFPAW/espeak-continue ()
"Continue the current espeak process."
(signal-process (get-process "espeak") 'SIGCONT))
(defun ECFPAW/espeak-stop ()
"Stop the current espeak process."
(signal-process (get-process "espeak") 'SIGSTOP))
This is the inverse case of espeak
, the voices are pleasant to listen
to but the software is horrible. Anyway, I have got it to work after
some hair pulling.
These are some configuration variables.
(defcustom ECFPAW/pipertts-binary
"Path to the piper tts binary."
:type '(file :must-match t))
(defcustom ECFPAW/pipertts-model
"Path to the piper model."
:type '(file :must-match t))
And get information about the model from its configuration file.
(defun ECFPAW/get-pipertts-model-alist (model)
"Get MODEL alist from its configuration file.
The configuration file is supposed to be model filename with a '.json'
extension attached."
(if-let* ((model-config-file (concat model ".json")))
(json-read-file model-config-file)))
(defun ECFPAW/get-pipertts-model-sample-rate (model)
"Get MODEL sample rate from its configuration file.
See `ECFPAW/get-pipertts-model-alist'."
(let* ((mode-alist
(ECFPAW/get-pipertts-model-alist model))
(audio-alist (alist-get 'audio mode-alist)))
(alist-get 'sample_rate audio-alist)))
(defun ECFPAW/get-pipertts-model-no-speakers (model)
"Get number of speakers available in MODEL form its configuration file.
See `ECFPAW/get-pipertts-model-alist'."
(let ((mode-alist
(ECFPAW/get-pipertts-model-alist model)))
(alist-get 'num_speakers mode-alist)))
This will be by default at 0. We need to make sure that it doesn’t exceed the maximum number of speakers available for the current model.
(defvar ECFPAW/pipertts-speaker 0 "The speaker used by pipertts.")
This is similar to what we do for espeak
but it is a bit more
complicated. We have a pipertts
process for every “speaker” (basically
a voice) and model. This process is actually a shell command which
sends what we send using process-send-string
to pipertts
using a pipe,
and then another pipe to ffplay
to play the synthesized audio.
(defun ECFPAW/get-pipertts-process-name (model speaker)
"Get name of the pipertts process with MODEL and SPEAKER."
(format "pipertts %s %d" model speaker))
(defun ECFPAW/ensure-pipertts (speaker)
"Ensure pipertts process with SPEAKER is running."
(let ((process-name (ECFPAW/get-pipertts-process-name
ECFPAW/pipertts-model speaker))
(sample-rate (ECFPAW/get-pipertts-model-sample-rate
(unless (get-process process-name)
(make-process :name process-name
:connection-type 'pipe
:buffer "*pipertts*"
:stderr "*pipertts*"
:command (list "sh" "-c"
(list "cat" "/dev/stdin"
"--model" ECFPAW/pipertts-model
"-s" (number-to-string speaker)
"-i" "-"
;; make it start immediately.
"-probesize" "32"
"-max_ts_probe" "0"
;; setting the format.
"-f" "s16le"
"-loglevel" "16"
;; setting the samplerate.
"-ar" (number-to-string sample-rate))
" "))))))
(defun ECFPAW/pipertts-string (string speaker)
"Use pipertts to synthesize STRING as SPEAKER voice."
(ECFPAW/ensure-pipertts speaker)
(process-send-string (ECFPAW/get-pipertts-process-name ECFPAW/pipertts-model speaker)
(concat string "\n")))
(defun ECFPAW/pipertts-pdf-region ()
"Speak the region selected by mouse in a `pdf-view-mode' or `pdf-virtual-view-mode'."
(mapc (lambda (string)
(ECFPAW/pipertts-string string ECFPAW/pipertts-speaker))
(defun ECFPAW/pipertts (&optional arg)
"Use pipertts to synthesize text in region using a preferred speaker.
The value of `ECFPAW/pipertts-speaker' determines the speaker. If
provided with a prefix argument ARG, choose a random speaker, and if
provied with a double prefix argument, prompt for the speaker. Both
prefix arguments change the value of `ECFPAW/pipertts-speaker'."
(interactive "P")
(setq ECFPAW/pipertts-speaker
(let ((max-speaker
(1- (ECFPAW/get-pipertts-model-no-speakers
(pcase (car arg)
(4 (random max-speaker))
(16 (read-number "Enter speaker number: "))
(_ (min ECFPAW/pipertts-speaker max-speaker)))))
(message "Voice model: %s \nSpeaker: %d"
(car (last (string-split ECFPAW/pipertts-model "/")))
(pcase major-mode
((or 'pdf-view-mode 'pdf-virtual-view-mode) (ECFPAW/pipertts-pdf-region))
(_ (ECFPAW/pipertts-string (ECFPAW/get-region-string)
For pausing and play…
Easy to way to find the children of a process.
(defun ECFPAW/process-find-children (pid)
"List of all child pids of PID."
(lambda (process)
(let* ((ppid (alist-get
(process-attributes process)))
(nil? (null ppid)))
(if (and (not nil?)
(= pid ppid))
(defun ECFPAW/get-pipertts-ffplay-process-id ()
"Get pid of currently running ffplay process."
(car (seq-keep (lambda (process)
(if (string= "ffplay"
(alist-get 'comm (process-attributes process)))
(process-id (get-process (ECFPAW/get-pipertts-process-name
(defun ECFPAW/pipertts-signal (signal)
"Send SIGNAL to the current pipertts process."
(signal-process (ECFPAW/get-pipertts-ffplay-process-id) signal))
(defun ECFPAW/pipertts-continue ()
"Continue the current pipertts process."
(ECFPAW/pipertts-signal 'SIGCONT))
(defun ECFPAW/pipertts-stop ()
"Stop the current pipertts process."
(ECFPAW/pipertts-signal 'SIGSTOP))
(defun ECFPAW/pipertts-pause-resume ()
"Resume the current pipertts process if it is stopped.
Stop it in another case."
(pcase (alist-get 'state
("T" (ECFPAW/pipertts-continue)
(message "Resumed..."))
(_ (ECFPAW/pipertts-stop)
(message "Paused..."))))
And keybindings.
(bind-keys :prefix-map ECFPAW/tts
:prefix "C-c b"
:prefix-docstring "Control TTS."
:map ECFPAW/tts
("b" . ECFPAW/pipertts)
("SPC" . ECFPAW/pipertts-pause-resume))
Every other YouTube client just sucks. I have no choice but to use Emacs for this.
(use-package yeetube
:vc (:url "https://codeberg.org/ThanosApollo/emacs-yeetube"
:rev :newest)
:defer t
:init (define-prefix-command 'ECFPAW/yeetube-map)
:bind (("C-c y" . ECFPAW/yeetube-map)
:map ECFPAW/yeetube-map
("s" . yeetube-search)
("_" . yeetube-mpv-toggle-video)
("SPC" . yeetube-mpv-toggle-pause)
:map yeetube-mode-map
("RET" . yeetube-play)
("q" . quit-window)
("C-q" . yeetube-mpv-change-video-quality)
("_" . yeetube-mpv-toggle-video)
("SPC" . yeetube-mpv-toggle-pause)
("v" . nil)
("V" . nil)
("M-RET" . nil))
(yeetube-display-thumbnails nil)
(yeetube-mpv-additional-flags " --title='${filename} - mpv -float-'"))
It allows you to use Emacs everywhere. Kdotools and Ydotool are needed for KDE.
(use-package emacs-everywhere)