This is a collection of config snippets to decrease the closure size of a NixOS configuration (that is, its installation size).
This currently produces an installation whose root FS takes ~150MB on ext4 (-O inline_data
saves about 5%).
The by far biggest pain to remove was perl
(see all the references below), but its almost 60MB large.
#*/# end of MarkDown, beginning of NixOS module:
dirname: inputs: specialArgs@{ config, pkgs, lib, utils, ... }: let lib = inputs.self.lib.__internal__; in let
cfg = config.th.minify;
specialArgs' = specialArgs // { inherit inputs; }; # Apparently this module gets called and evaluated twice. Once with all »specialArgs« passed into the build, and once only with those that this module lists as names arguments.
desiredSystemPackages = [ # (can check this against »lib.naturalSort (lib.unique (map (p: p.pname or p.name) nixosConfigurations.x64.config.environment.systemPackages))«)
"bash-5.1-p16" # inevitable
"coreutils" # really no fun without
"dbus" # dow we need this?
"kmod" # unless we disable module support (which would run contraire to configurability) we'll have this anyway
"iptables" # will probs have this anyway
"linux-pam" # will have this anyway
"shadow" # will have this anyway (and every user with a nologin shell adds this)
"systemd" # clearly
optionalModules = [
"config/console.nix" # don't need a pretty console
"config/locale.nix" # includes tzdata
"system/boot/kexec.nix" # we don't plan to change the kernel at runtime
"tasks/bcache.nix" # also don't need block dev caching
"tasks/filesystems/ext.nix" # copies itself to initramfs (we do need some kernel modules)
"tasks/filesystems/vfat.nix" # copies itself to initramfs (we do need some kernel modules)
"tasks/lvm.nix" # don't need lvm or (currently) and dm layers
"tasks/swraid.nix" # don't need software raid (defines some »availableKernelModules« and adds »pkgs.mdadm«)
in {
options.th = { minify = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "various approaches to shrink NixOS' closure size";
topLevel = lib.mkOption { default = null; type = lib.types.anything; }; # See »ditchKernelCopy«.
}; };
imports = (
map (path: lib.fun.makeNixpkgsModuleConfigOptional path { }) optionalModules
) ++ [
# (None of these should have any effect by default!)
(lib.fun.overrideNixpkgsModule "virtualisation/nixos-containers.nix" { } (module: {
options.boot.interactiveContainers = (lib.mkEnableOption "interactive nixos-containers") // { default = true; };
config.content.environment.systemPackages = lib.mkIf config.boot.interactiveContainers module.config.content.environment.systemPackages;
(lib.fun.overrideNixpkgsModule "tasks/filesystems.nix" { } (module: {
options.includeFSpackages = (lib.mkEnableOption "inclusion of filesystem maintenance tools") // { default = true; };
config.environment.systemPackages = lib.mkIf config.includeFSpackages module.config.environment.systemPackages; # adds fuse
config.system.fsPackages = lib.mkIf config.includeFSpackages module.config.system.fsPackages; # adds dosfstools
(lib.fun.overrideNixpkgsModule "tasks/network-interfaces.nix" { } (module: {
options.includeNetTools = (lib.mkEnableOption "inclusion of basic networking utilities") // { default = true; };
config.environment.systemPackages = lib.mkIf config.includeNetTools module.config.environment.systemPackages; # adds [ host iproute2 iputils nettools ]
config.systemd.services.network-local-commands = lib.mkIf config.includeNetTools module.config.systemd.services.network-local-commands; # implements »config.networking.localCommands« using with iproute2
#config.security.wrappers.ping = lib.mkIf config.includeNetTools module.config.security.wrappers.ping; # adds »ping« based on »iputils«
] ++ (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: config: let
enable = lib.mkOption { description = config.description or ""; type = lib.types.bool; default = (config.enableByDefault or true) && cfg.enable; };
in {
options.th.minify.${name} = if config?options then { inherit enable; } // config.options else enable;
config = lib.mkIf (if config?options then cfg.${name}.enable else cfg.${name}) (builtins.removeAttrs config [ "description" "enableByDefault" "options" ]);
}) {
reduceDefaults = ({
description = ''Set defaults to disable some general things'';
environment.includeRequiredPackages = lib.mkDefault false; # see nixpkgs/nixos/modules/config/system-path.nix
environment.defaultPackages = lib.mkDefault [ ]; # default: nano perl rsync strace
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.coreutils ]; # really no fun without
documentation.enable = lib.mkDefault false; # this has an impact across the board
documentation.man.enable = lib.mkDefault config.documentation.enable;
hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware = lib.mkDefault false;
# The system's "toplevel" tends to sometimes have a build dependency on »bootStage1« which nix thinks depends on »extra-utils«, the latter being quite big.
# That wouldn't matter much, but the system builder adds a runtime reference to the script, while usually explicitly avoiding to make it a build dependency.
# Only if there is a build dependency on and runtime reference to something (and the latter can normally only exist if the former does) nix will make the thing a runtime dependency.
# These two lines avoid that by removing the reference and adds it to /etc, which is less likely to have a build dependency on the init script.
# TODO: look into »disallowedRequisites« for this
system.extraSystemBuilderCmds = ''rm -f $out/boot-stage-1.sh'';
#system.build.initialRamdiskSecretAppender = lib.mkForce "";
environment.etc."boot-stage-1.sh" = lib.mkIf config.boot.initrd.enable { source = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext config.system.build.bootStage1; };
# TODO: put these somewhere:
networking.dhcpcd.enable = lib.mkDefault false;
xdg.sounds.enable = lib.mkDefault false;
xdg.mime.enable = lib.mkDefault false;
fonts.fontconfig.enable = lib.mkDefault false;
removeNix = ({
description = ''Disable/exclude Nix: The system won't be able to update/change itself.'';
nix.enable = false;
#system.extraSystemBuilderCmds = lib.mkAfter ''rm -f $out/config'';
#system.extraSystemBuilderCmds = lib.mkForce ""; # For output path stability (the path not changing unless something actually changed) it is important to not just remove this from the build output but also to not even include it in the input. Without this, changes in the input sources do not immediately cause the toplevel derivation to change.
system.disableInstallerTools = true;
systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ # »nixos-containers«/»config.containers« expect these to exist and fail to start without
''d /nix/var/nix/db 0755 root root - -''
''d /nix/var/nix/daemon-socket 0755 root root - -''
wip.base.includeInputs = lib.mkForce { };
system.activationScripts.diff-systems = lib.mkForce "";
disableLiveSwitching = ({
description = ''
Remove »switch-to-configuration«:
The config can't be switched to at runtime, and the bootloader needs to be installed explicitly.
This depends on the »../patches/nixpkgs-make-bootable-optional.patch« patch.
system = if (lib.strings.fileContents "${inputs.nixpkgs}/.version") <= "23.11" then { build.makeSwitchable = false; } else { system.switch.enable = false; }; # depends on perl and the bootloader installer
systemd.shutdownRamfs.enable = lib.mkDefault false;
removeNano = ({
description = ''Remove »nano«'';
environment.defaultPackages = lib.mkDefault [ ]; # contains nano
programs.nano.syntaxHighlight = lib.mkDefault false; # depends on nano
#environment.variables.EDITOR = ?? (we don't have one)
removeTzdata = ({
description = ''Remove »tzdata«'';
systemd.managerEnvironment.TZDIR = lib.mkForce "";
staticDNS = ({
description = ''Apply DNS settings statically: This implicitly disables the »resolvconf« service(s).'';
environment.etc."resolv.conf" = lib.mkDefault { text = "${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (ip: "nameserver ${ip}") config.networking.nameservers}\n"; };
removeAdminTools = ({
description = ''Remove various sysadmin tools'';
includeFSpackages = false; # all's good as long as it boots
includeNetTools = false; # »ping db.de« still works (also removing ping would save another MB, but makes this baseline test harder)
security.polkit.enable = false; # depends on spidermonkey (~32MB), which depends on icu4c (~32MB)
services.udisks2.enable = false; # depends on boost (~15MB), and on (a different version of) icu4c (~32MB)
security.sudo.enable = false; # »sudo«: ~5MB. May or may not need this.
disableModule."config/console.nix" = true; # don't need a pretty console
disableModule."tasks/bcache.nix" = true; # also don't need block dev caching
disableModule."tasks/lvm.nix" = true; # don't need lvm or (currently) and dm layers
disableModule."tasks/swraid.nix" = true; # don't need software raid (defines some »availableKernelModules« and adds »pkgs.mdadm«)
# This probably shouldn't be here:
disableModule."system/boot/kexec.nix" = true; # we don't plan to change the kernel at runtime
removeFsTools = ({
description = ''Remove file system tooling'';
# Mentioning a filesystem in »config.fileSystems« makes NixOS include the maintenance tools for that FS. »e2fsprogs« has ~5MB.
disableModule."tasks/filesystems/vfat.nix" = true;
boot.initrd.kernelModules = lib.mkIf (lib.any (fs: fs == "vfat") config.boot.initrd.supportedFilesystems) [ "vfat" "nls_cp437" "nls_iso8859-1" ]; # do need these
disableModule."tasks/filesystems/ext.nix" = true;
boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = lib.mkIf (lib.any (fs: fs == "ext4") config.boot.initrd.supportedFilesystems) [ "ext4" ];
boot.initrd.checkJournalingFS = false; # allow ditching »tasks/filesystems/ext.nix«
# The default setup of »/var/empty« requires »e2fsprogs« for a »chattr +i« on it. TODO: instead mount a read-only tmpfs here?
system.activationScripts.var = lib.mkForce ''
# Various log/runtime directories.
mkdir -m 1777 -p /var/tmp
# Empty, immutable home directory of many system accounts.
mkdir -p /var/empty
# Make sure it's really empty
#/bin/chattr -f -i /var/empty || true
find /var/empty -mindepth 1 -delete
chmod 0555 /var/empty
chown root:root /var/empty
#/bin/chattr -f +i /var/empty || true
disableLocalization = ({
description = ''Disable localization'';
disableModule."config/locale.nix" = true;
# the default »pkgs.glibc-locales« has ~215MB
#i18n.supportedLocales = [ "C.UTF-8/UTF-8" ]; i18n.defaultLocale = "C.UTF-8/UTF-8";
i18n.supportedLocales = [ "C.UTF-8/UTF-8" ]; i18n.defaultLocale = "C";
# ... there is quite a bit more to be done here, often within packages ...
nixpkgs.overlays = lib.mkIf (!config.system.build?isVmExec) [ (final: prev: {
util-linux = prev.util-linux.override { nlsSupport = false; };
# (This causes everything to be built from sources. Could use »config.system.replaceRuntimeDependencies« to use a normal build, then copy the outputs with the glibc runtime dependency replaced. That, though, might behave strangely if any other overlay affects glibc.)
glibc = prev.glibc.overrideAttrs (final: prev: {
#postInstall = let
# all = (lib.fun.extractLineAnchored ''make -j[$][{]NIX_BUILD_CORES:-1[}] localedata/install-locales'' true true prev.postInstall);
# minimal = ''
# # don't create $out/lib/locale/locale-archive
# '';
#in lib.concatStrings [ all.before minimal all.after ];
postInstall = prev.postInstall + ''
# keep files for »C.UTF-8/UTF-8« (which should be the only local built in »$out/lib/locale/locale-archive«):
set -x ; ls -al $out/lib/locale
( cd $out/share/i18n/locales ; find . ! -name POSIX -type f -exec rm -rf {} + )
( cd $out/share/i18n/charmaps ; find . ! -name UTF-8.gz -type f -exec rm -rf {} + )
rm -rf $out/share/locale
# keep only the string conversion modules referenced from »gconv-modules« (not those from »gconv-modules-extra.conf« or any other):
( cd $out/lib/gconv ; find . ${lib.concatMapStringsSep " " (name: "! -name ${name}") [ "gconv-modules" "ANSI_X3.110.so" "CP1252.so" "ISO8859-1.so" "ISO8859-15.so" "UNICODE.so" "UTF-32.so" "UTF-16.so" "UTF-7.so" ]} -type f -exec rm -rf {} + )
dosfstools = prev.dosfstools.overrideAttrs (prev: {
checkInputs = [ ]; doCheck = true; # depends on vim (xxd), which is broken without the locale stuff
gnupg = prev.gnupg.overrideAttrs (prev: {
enableMinimal = true;
# vim fails to build without some locale stuff, so make xxd not depend of a full vim build:
xxd = if ((lib.fileContents "${pkgs.path}/.version") < "23.05") then prev.xxd else pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "xxd"; inherit (pkgs.vim) meta version;
src = "${pkgs.vim.src}/src/xxd";
unpackPhase = ''
runHook preUnpack
cp -rT $src .
runHook postUnpack
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp xxd $out/bin
runHook postInstall
# TODO: manpage and such
}) ];
useSimpleBash = ({
description = ''
Downgrade »bashInteractive« to simple »bash«:
Use »bash« (needed anyway) instead of »bash-interactive«, which drops some dependencies (e.g. »ncurses«). Also, get rid of »ncurses« in general.
nixpkgs.overlays = lib.mkIf (!config.system.build?isVmExec) [ (final: prev: {
bashInteractive = final.bash; # (this does cause many packages (systemd, nix, git, cargo, ...) to rebuild, which may be counter-productive in the longer run ...)
git = prev.git.overrideAttrs (prev: { doInstallCheck = false ; }); # takes forever and then fails (it's going to be fine ^^)
util-linux = prev.util-linux.override { ncursesSupport = false; ncurses = null; };
}) ];
programs.bash.enableCompletion = false;
programs.less.enable = lib.mkForce false; environment.variables.PAGER = lib.mkForce "cat"; # default depends on less and ncurses
programs.command-not-found.enable = false; # depends on perl (and more)
wip.base.bashInit = false;
programs.bash.promptInit = ''
# Provide a less nice prompt that the dumb shell can deal with:
if [ "''${TERM:-}" != "dumb" ] ; then
PS1='$(printf "%-+ 4d" $?)[\D{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}] \u@\h:\w'"''${TERM_RECURSION_DEPTH:+["$TERM_RECURSION_DEPTH"]}"'\$ '
etcAsOverlay = ({
description = ''
Rewrite »activationScripts.etc« to remove its dependency on »perl«:
Note that this is somewhat incomplete as it makes everything in etc a symlink to a root owned, world-readable file (or dir of those).
While logically there is no way of avoiding that, since everything in the nix store must be non-writable and is readable by everyone, some programs don't like it (e.g. OpenSSH).
»nixos/modules/system/etc/setup-etc.pl« allows for (snake-oil) exceptions based on ».{mode,uid,gid}« suffixed files, but none of them are relevant for this minimal config (just yet).
This version mounts a writable tmpfs overlay over the static etc, allowing the creation on not-world-readable files by activation scripts.
#enableByDefault = false;
# TODO: both of these could use »config.fileSystems« (see »./target/containers.nix.md« for mount sources)!
# The new etc script must run before any write to »/etc«.
system.activationScripts.etc = lib.mkForce "";
system.activationScripts."AA-etc" = { deps = [ "specialfs" ]; text = ''
mkdir -pm 000 /run/etc-overlay ; mkdir -p -m 755 /run/etc-overlay/{workdir,upperdir}
mount -t overlay overlay -o lowerdir=${config.system.build.etc}/etc,workdir=/run/etc-overlay/workdir,upperdir=/run/etc-overlay/upperdir /etc
${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (file: let esc = lib.escapeShellArg; in ''
rm /etc/${esc file.target}{.mode,.uid,.gid} &>/dev/null || true
cat ${esc file.source} >/etc/${esc file.target}.tmp ; mv -f /etc/${esc file.target}{.tmp,}
chown ${esc file.user}:${esc file.group} /etc/${esc file.target}
chmod ${esc file.mode} /etc/${esc file.target}
'') (lib.filter (f: f.mode != "symlink") (lib.attrValues config.environment.etc))}
''; };
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "overlay" ]; # the activation scripts are run between initrd and systemd, so apparently the module must (have been) loaded in initrd
# This mount can't be done as »config.fileSystems."/etc"«, because it would be »neededForBoot« (to be available in the activation scripts), and that would make the initramfs depend on »config.system.build.etc«, which would cause a new build of the initramfs on any change to etc.
etcAsReadonly = ({
description = ''
Like ».etcAsOverlay«, but this version simply mounts the static etc completely read-only, which may very well not work with many configurations.
enableByDefault = !cfg.etcAsOverlay;
# Do this early to get errors if anything later writes to »/etc«.
system.activationScripts.etc = lib.mkForce "";
system.activationScripts."AA-etc" = { deps = [ "specialfs" ]; text = ''
mkdir -pm 000 /etc ; mount -o bind,ro ${config.system.build.etc}/etc /etc
''; };
# TODO: assert that there is no »config.environment.etc.*.mode != "symlink"«?
environment.etc.mtab.source = "/proc/mounts"; # (»lib.types.path« only allows absolute targets)
environment.etc.NIXOS.text = ""; # some tooling wants this to exist
systemd.services.systemd-tmpfiles-setup.serviceConfig.ExecStart = [ "" "systemd-tmpfiles --create --remove --boot --exclude-prefix=/dev --exclude-prefix=/etc" ];
environment.etc.dropbear = lib.mkIf config.wip.services.dropbear.enable { source = "/run/user/0"; };
staticUsers = ({
description = ''
Remove »activationScripts.users« and replace it by static shadow files (to remove the dependency on »perl«).
Hashed passwords will be world-readable (and may therefore only be set via ».hashedPassword«), and all added users and groups will need fixed IDs.
This seems to be incompatible with systemd services that require certain types of namespacing.
} // (let
getUid = u: toString (lib.fun.ifNull u.uid (config.ids.uids.${u.name} or (throw "User ${u.name} has no UID")));
getGid = g: toString (lib.fun.ifNull g.gid (config.ids.gids.${g.name} or (throw "Group ${g.name} has no GID")));
defaultMode = "symlink"; # "644" # (not sure whether these files should be writable)
in {
system.activationScripts.users = lib.mkForce "";
users.mutableUsers = false; assertions = [ { assertion = config.users.mutableUsers == false; message = "Static user generation is incompatible with »users.mutableUsers = true«."; } ];
# Statically generate user files:
environment.etc.group = { text = "${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (g: (
"${g.name}:x:${getGid g}:${lib.concatStringsSep "," g.members}"
)) (lib.attrValues config.users.groups)}\n"; mode = defaultMode; };
environment.etc.passwd = { text = "${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (u: (
"${u.name}:x:${getUid u}:${if lib.fun.matches ''^[0-9]+$'' u.group then u.group else if config.users.groups?${u.group or u.name} then getGid config.users.groups.${u.group} else throw "User ${u.name}'s group ${u.group} does not exist"}:${u.description}:${u.home}:${utils.toShellPath u.shell}"
)) (lib.attrValues config.users.users)}\n"; mode = defaultMode; };
environment.etc.shadow = { text = "${lib.concatMapStringsSep "\n" (u: (
if u.password != null || u.passwordFile != null then throw "With static user generation, user passwords may only be set as ».hashedPassword« (check user ${u.name})" else
"${u.name}:${lib.fun.ifNull u.hashedPassword "!"}:1::::::"
)) (lib.attrValues config.users.users)}\n"; mode = "640"; gid = config.ids.gids.shadow; }; # A world-readable shadow file kind of defats its own purpose, but systems that use this shouldn't have passwords anyway (and anything written here would already be world-readable in the store anyway).
environment.etc.subuid = { text = ''
''; mode = defaultMode; };
environment.etc.subgid = { text = ''
''; mode = defaultMode; };
# Ensure all users/groups have static IDs. Use »config.ids« as intermediary to make undetected conflicts less likely. (Should scan for duplicates.)
ids = { uids = {
dhcpcd = 133; # (reserved but not actually set)
systemd-oom = 690; # (just whatever number in [400-999])
}; gids = {
systemd-coredump = config.ids.uids.systemd-coredump;
#shadow = 318; # (reserved but not actually set)
dhcpcd = 133; # (reserved but not actually set)
systemd-oom = 690; # (just whatever number in [400-999])
}; };
ditchKernelCopy = ({
description = ''
Allow installation without redundant kernel and initramfs copy in the nix store (assuming it is already on a separate »/boot« partition).
Using »th.minify.topLevel« as copy and install target instead of »config.system.build.toplevel« drops the store dependencies on the kernel and initrd.
The symbolic linking is necessary for the bootloader-installer to pick up the files to be copied (and it is assumed that the full system will be build and made available to the installer).
Nix needs to be called with »--impure« when evaluating this.
enableByDefault = false;
th.minify.topLevel = lib.foldr (args: drv:
pkgs.replaceDependency { oldDependency = args.old; newDependency = args.new or (pkgs.writeText args.old.name (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext "removed ${args.old}")); inherit drv; }
) config.system.build.toplevel [
#{ old = config.system.build.extraUtils; } # (the initrd sporadically pulls this in, but that doesn't matter without initrd (https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/5633#issuecomment-1033001139))
# TODO: look into »disallowedRequisites« for this
rec { old = config.system.build.initialRamdisk; new = pkgs.runCommandLocal old.name {
old = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext old;
} "mkdir $out ; ln -sfT $old/initrd $out/initrd"; }
rec { old = config.boot.kernelPackages.kernel; new = pkgs.runCommandLocal old.name {
old = builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext old;
modules = pkgs.runCommandLocal old.name { } "mkdir $out ; cp -a ${old}/lib $out/lib";
} "mkdir $out ; ln -sfT $old/bzImage $out/bzImage ; cp -a $modules/lib $out/lib"; }
stripInitrd = ({
description = ''
Remove some probably-not-needed things from the initramfs.
enableByDefault = false; # TODO: while an initrd with these modifications is being built, it is not the one actually used ...
# Setting the files in bin/ to true is required for the test to pass, but is otherwise probably a bad idea (could use the »extraUtilsCommandsTest« for deleting ...)
boot.initrd.extraUtilsCommands = lib.mkAfter ''
echo "#!$out/bin/true" > $out/dmsetup
echo "#!$out/bin/true" > $out/lvm
echo "#!$out/bin/true" > $out/mdadm
echo "#!$out/bin/true" > $out/mdmon
''; # TODO: lib/libsystemd* seems unnecessary in initrd(?)
declarativeContainersOnly = ({
description = ''
Remove imperative »nixos-container«s and break reloading of containers. Declarative containers themselves still work.
The interactive »pkgs.nixos-container« CLI does depend on »perl«, static containers do only by calling that CLI from »ExecReload«.
boot.interactiveContainers = false;
systemd.services = lib.fun.mapMerge (name: { "container@${name}".serviceConfig.ExecReload = lib.mkForce ""; }) ([ "" ] ++ (lib.attrNames config.containers));
shrinkSystemd = ({
description = ''Shrink »systemd«: The default NixOS systemd is built with support for pretty much everything. This remove most of that.'';
nixpkgs.overlays = lib.mkIf (!config.system.build?isVmExec) [ (final: prev: {
# nixpkgs/pkgs/os-specific/linux/systemd/default.nix#L608
systemd = (prev.systemd.override (old: {
# keys taken from definition of »systemd-minimal« in »pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix:23048«:
withAnalyze = false; # sufficient to do beforehand?
withApparmor = false;
withCompression = false;
withCoredump = false;
withCryptsetup = false; # nope
withDocumentation = false; # nope
withEfi = true; # needed when booting that way?
withFido2 = false; # nope
withHostnamed = false;
withHwdb = false; # TODO
withImportd = false;
withLibBPF = false;
withLocaled = false;
withLogind = true; # TODO
withMachined = true; # for login to containers
withNetworkd = false;
withNss = false; # nope ("name service switch")
withOomd = false; # we don't want to run out of memory anyway
withPCRE2 = false; # (but what for?)
withPolkit = false;
withRemote = false; # ? -D remote ?
withResolved = false; # TODO: currently, this is expected!
withShellCompletions = false; # nope
withTimedated = false;
withTimesyncd = false;
withTpm2Tss = false;
withUserDb = false;
#glib = null;
libgcrypt = null;
#lvm2 = null; removed around 2022-04-03/9?
libfido2 = null;
p11-kit = null;
} // (lib.optionalAttrs ((lib.strings.fileContents "${inputs.nixpkgs}/.version") >= "23.05") {
withAcl = false;
withAudit = false;
withHomed = false;
withLibidn2 = false;
withPam = false;
withUkify = false;
withUtmp = false;
}) // (lib.optionalAttrs ((lib.strings.fileContents "${inputs.nixpkgs}/.version") >= "23.11") {
withBootloader = old.withEfi or true;
withRepart = false;
withSysupdate = false;
withSysusers = false;
util-linux = prev.util-linux.override { systemdSupport = false; systemd = null; };
}) ];
services.nscd.enable = false; system.nssModules = lib.mkForce [ ];
systemd.coredump.enable = false;
environment.etc."udev/hwdb.bin".source = lib.mkForce (pkgs.runCommandLocal "empty" { } ''touch $out'');
systemd.suppressedSystemUnits = [ # (the test to automatically exclude these does for some reason not work)
"systemd-coredump.socket" "systemd-coredump@.service" # withCoredump
"cryptsetup.target" "cryptsetup-pre.target" "remote-cryptsetup.target" # withCryptsetup
"systemd-hostnamed.service" "dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service" # withHostnamed
"systemd-importd.service" "dbus-org.freedesktop.import1.service" #withImportd
#"systemd-logind.service" "autovt@.service" "systemd-user-sessions.service" "dbus-org.freedesktop.machine1.service" "dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service" "user@.service" "user-runtime-dir@.service" # withLogind
"systemd-user-sessions.service" # missing in 23.05: why?
"systemd-oomd.service" "systemd-oomd.socket" # withOomd
"systemd-timedated.service" "systemd-timesyncd.service" "systemd-localed.service" "dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service" "dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service" # withTimedated/withTimesyncd
shrinkKernel = ({
description = ''
Reduce the kernel size by removing unused modules.
Run »ssh target lsmod | (read -r; printf "%s\n" "$REPLY"; sort) >./lsmod.out« to record the module usage at runtime and pass the resulting file as ».shrinkKernel.usedModules«.
»make localmodconfig« then filters everything that the default kernel config selected as "module" (which are most things) against the »lsmod« output and deselects everything that isn't used.
In case that removes something that is actually needed, at some other time, in a different specialisation, etc, add it to the »explicit« list.
In the minimal VirtualBox example, this reduces the size of the 5.15 kernel from 120MB to 14MB.
enableByDefault = cfg.shrinkKernel.usedModules != null;
options = {
baseKernel = lib.mkOption { description = "Base kernel to shrink."; type = lib.types.package; default = pkgs.linuxPackages.kernel; };
usedModules = lib.mkOption { description = "Output of »lsmod« used in »make LSMOD=\${shrinkKernel.usedModules} localmodconfig« to remove all modules that are unused (at the time »lsmod« is called) from the kernel package."; type = lib.types.nullOr lib.types.path; default = null; };
overrideConfig = lib.mkOption { description = "Config flags to force to a specific value after applying »make localmodconfig«."; type = lib.types.attrsOf lib.types.str; default = { }; };
#virtualisation.vmVariantExec.th.minify.shrinkKernel.enable = lib.mkForce false; # The minified kernel probably does not boot in the VM (missing drivers), but there is also no point using it there.
# further optimizations: lto,
# $ wget -qO- https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-5.15.30.tar.xz | xzcat - | tar -xf- --strip-components=1
th.minify.shrinkKernel.overrideConfig = {
CRYPTO_USER_API_HASH = "m"; AUTOFS_FS = "m"; AUTOFS4_FS = "m"; # else assertion fails
SATA_AHCI = "m"; # »ahci« module
OVERLAY_FS = "m"; # »overlay« module
BLK_DEV_LOOP = "m"; # »loop« module
# required (as modules) to install in VM
# TODO: test whether this has a size impact (on the main system)
HW_RANDOM = "m"; HW_RANDOM_VIRTIO = "m"; VIRTIO_FS = "m"; NET_9P = "m"; "9P_FS" = "m"; NET_9P_VIRTIO = "m";
NET = "y"; INET = "y"; NETWORK_FILESYSTEMS = "y"; SCSI = "m"; SCSI_LOWLEVEL = "y"; # dependencies
boot.kernelPackages = lib.mkOverride 80 (let # (more important than normal, but not yet force)
base = cfg.shrinkKernel.baseKernel;
configfile = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
inherit (base) version src; pname = "linux-localmodconfig";
inherit (if lib.isAttrs base.configfile then base.configfile else base) depsBuildBuild nativeBuildInputs;
baseConfig = base.configfile; usedModules = cfg.shrinkKernel.usedModules;
overrideConfig = lib.concatStringsSep " " (lib.mapAttrsToList (k: v: if v == null then "" else "CONFIG_${k}=${v}") cfg.shrinkKernel.overrideConfig);
buildPhase = ''( set -x
cp $baseConfig .config
make LSMOD=$usedModules localmodconfig
for var in $overrideConfig ; do
perl -p0i -e 's;\n(# )?'"''${var/=*/}"'\b.*|$;\n'"$var"';' .config
installPhase = ''mv .config $out'';
kernel = pkgs.linuxKernel.customPackage {
inherit (base) version src; inherit configfile;
allowImportFromDerivation = true; # This allows parsing the config file (after building it), but to what end?
in pkgs.linuxPackagesFor kernel.kernel);
boot.initrd.includeDefaultModules = false; # we don't need most of them, and thus didn't build them
boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "ahci" "sd_mod" ];
## Notes on removing even more NixOS default dependencies:
# ncdu -x /tmp/nixos-install-target/nix/store/
# nix why-depends --all --precise /tmp/nixos-install-target/run/current-system /nix/store/... | cat
# Things we still have (to keep, reduce, or get rid of):
# »linux«: ~90MB/120MB. The linux kernel plus modules. See efforts on this below.
# »perl«: ~57MB. A number of things depend on perl (activate(.sh) [nixos/modules/config/update-users-groups.pl, nixos/modules/system/etc/setup-etc.pl (solved)], nixos-container(.pl) (though this is only needed for interactive management (and service reload), static containers don't need the "binary")). The bulk of it is (standard) libraries, (TODO) much of that concerned with localization. »nixos/modules/config/update-users-groups.pl« really just writes »/etc/{passwd,groups,shadow}« and would do some (here irrelevant) transitional things.
# »glibc«: ~32MB. Won't get rid of it entirely, but currently (TODO) most of this is locales stuff (i18n + gconv (string encoding)).
# »systemd«: ~28MB; »systemd-minimal«: ~14MB. The »-minimal« is an internal thing to break dependency loops (or something like that, see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/98094). But it proofs that »systemd« itself can be reduced in size quite a bit, which also drops other dependencies (e.g. on »cryptsetup«). EDIT: »systemd« is now down to 14MB, and the reduction in dependencies also removed the »systemd-minimal« redundancy.
# »extra-utils«: ~20MB. These are utilities packed together to be copied into the initramfs. Some are unnecessary (e.g. mdadm), but address that when writing a »stage-1-init.sh« that works without initramfs.
# »initrd-linux«: ~10MB. The packed initrd. Having this in the store is completely redundant. (TODO) This could be deleted (but probably there is no elegant way to do that).
# »util-linux-*-lib«: ~9MB. (TODO) 7.8MB of this is in »share/locale«.
# »hwdb.bin«: ~9MB. Hardware rule definitions for udev. Empty now.
# »util-linux-*-bin«: ~6MB. This exists twice (TODO: get rid of one). Some of the tools are required (e.g. mount), (TODO) others not (e.g. fdisk).
# »gcc-*-lib«: ~6MB. This seem to be runtime libraries (»libstdc++.so.6.0.28« etc), not gcc itself.
# kbd: TODO: remove
# »shadow«: ~4MB. User management tools. TODO: (try to) remove.
# »openssl«: ~4MB. Dependency of: systemd (plus these of its dependencies directly use it: curl, tpm2-tss), and these depend on systemd: util-linux, dbus.
# perl-5.34.0-man -.-
# ... plus about 120 packages from 4MB to 50KB, then it's just about 180 (dirs of) scripts, config files, and empty files/dirs.
# remove stuff that really isn't a _runtime_ dependency at all:
#system.replaceRuntimeDependencies = map (pkg: { original = pkg; replacement = pkgs.writeText pkg.name (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext "removed ${pkg}"); }) [
# #pkgs.gcc # gcc-10.3.0-lib: ~6MB # (this seem to actually be runtime libraries (»libstdc++.so.6.0.28« etc), not gcc itself)